Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

Why do people put Trump's head on other bodies? Can you folks not handle his real body?

So we had the hottest June ever. Not surprised. Summer's just starting. A lot of records will fall but I will most enjoy the fall of the broken record that warming has stopped and the new ice age is underway.
Why do people put Trump's head on other bodies? Can you folks not handle his real body?

So we had the hottest June ever. Not surprised. Summer's just starting. A lot of records will fall but I will most enjoy the fall of the broken record that warming has stopped and the new ice age is underway.
You must be incredibly stupid. That's not trumps head. Why do you want to see trumps body?
and they were just as wrong then as now. yes, the planet may be in a warming cycle, it has had temperature cycles for millions of years. BUT we are not causing it, cannot stop or slow it, and cannot reverse it (no matter how much money the government wastes trying)
this is not fake news, idiot. it is fact. We are polluting the planet but pollution does not cause climate change. Why can't you libs attack the real problem of pollution instead of this insane AGW bullshit?
this is not fake news, idiot. it is fact. We are polluting the planet but pollution does not cause climate change. Why can't you libs attack the real problem of pollution instead of this insane AGW bullshit?
Are you disagreeing with yourself?
You seem to think that we cannot address both simultaneously. Why?
because pollution is real and AGW is not. you lefties won't attack pollution because---------------------------------------------------------China would be pissed, you don't know how, your masters don't care about pollution, you need climate change to control people. pick one or all.
because pollution is real and AGW is not. you lefties won't attack pollution because---------------------------------------------------------China would be pissed, you don't know how, your masters don't care about pollution, you need climate change to control people. pick one or all.
A very strong majority of the US environmental movement have always been liberals. The right tends to support business and oppose anything that will costs businesses money. There is also a small segment of the right wing that believe the Earth was a gift from their god to do whatever the fuck they want with. However, a significant number of conservatives are also conservationists, even though many simply want to continue to have something to kill. I think both parties very much want to minimize and eliminate pollution. That would explain the bipartisan support for the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Your comment here, is simple, pointless, ad hominem coming from your ignorant bias.
A very strong majority of the US environmental movement have always been liberals. The right tends to support business and oppose anything that will costs businesses money. There is also a small segment of the right wing that believe the Earth was a gift from their god to do whatever the fuck they want with. However, a significant number of conservatives are also conservationists, even though many simply want to continue to have something to kill. I think both parties very much want to minimize and eliminate pollution. That would explain the bipartisan support for the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Your comment here, is simple, pointless, ad hominem coming from your ignorant bias.
nice word salad, are you related to Kamala?

BTW, everything you said in that post is bullshit or lies or both.
nice word salad
I could try to simplify it if you're having trouble following. The general point was that your contention that liberals are opposed to dealing with pollution is ignorance clearly refuted by the facts.
are you related to Kamala?
No. Why do you ask? Do you have trouble understanding her as well? Perhaps a course in remedial English would be of some help.
BTW, everything you said in that post is bullshit or lies or both.
I disagree but I doubt that you care about that or the facts.
death valley

gotta burn rubber
gotta burn gas
gotta get to death valley

gotta see
the record i broke
for burning the planet
death valley

gotta burn rubber
gotta burn gas
gotta get to death valley

gotta see
the record i broke
for burning the planet
yes, humans are polluting the planet, mostly Chinese humans. The problem is that there is no proven link between pollution and climate and you libs insist that there is even though our planet has had climate fluctuations for millions of years (mostly before humans arrived).
I could try to simplify it if you're having trouble following. The general point was that your contention that liberals are opposed to dealing with pollution is ignorance clearly refuted by the facts.

No. Why do you ask? Do you have trouble understanding her as well? Perhaps a course in remedial English would be of some help.

I disagree but I doubt that you care about that or the facts.
your indoctrination is complete, you are a waste of my time. But one last try. your masters told us that acid rain would destroy all plant life on earth--did it happen? your masters told us that by 2000 florida and most of the east coast would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole--did it happen? in the 1970s they told us that all the oil would be gone by 2000---its now 2023, is all the oil gone?

they have been lying for decades and you still buy the lies, what does that say about you?
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

You have absolutely zero concrete scientific evidence that man is warming the planet with his misicule amounts of co2

Redfish and Deplorable Yankee, they don't care about facts because their TV tells them not to care about facts, but to care about propagandistic lies.

you quite accurately described yourself and the rest of the "sky is falling" climate freaks. the propaganda has been coming from your side for decades and it has always been proven wrong. you idiots made your prophet Algore insanely rich, how does that help the earth?

BTW, I agree with your sig line completely.
you quite accurately described yourself and the rest of the "sky is falling" climate freaks. the propaganda has been coming from your side for decades and it has always been proven wrong. you idiots made your prophet Algore insanely rich, how does that help the earth?

BTW, I agree with your sig line completely.

I guess I must have not expressed myself very clearly, because you and I usually agree on everything.

I was referring to the leftists, not to you and the other poster.


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