Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth


I guess I must have not expressed myself very clearly, because you and I usually agree on everything.

I was referring to the leftists, not to you and the other poster.

go back and look at your post 278. then you will understand why I replied as I did. please redo or clarify that post.
your indoctrination is complete, you are a waste of my time.
We have very similar views on some things.
But one last try. your masters told us that acid rain would destroy all plant life on earth--did it happen?
We heard from scientists that acid rain would harm many forms of life it were not stopped. In response, it was stopped. That's why that didn't happen. And they weren't my masters. They were mainstream science.
your masters told us that by 2000 florida and most of the east coast would be under water
No, they did not.
and there would be no ice at either pole--did it happen?
Initial forecasts for the first ice-free Arctic summers missed the mark. But Arctic ice extents are still headed in that direction. When such predictions were being made, Antarctic sea ice and ice sheet were both growing, so it seems unlikely anyone would have predicted that would soon be gone. But now both sea ice and ice sheets are disappearing and glacial flow has accelerated five fold and more.
in the 1970s they told us that all the oil would be gone by 2000---its now 2023, is all the oil gone?
How much of it now comes from fracking and coal tar?
they have been lying for decades and you still buy the lies, what does that say about you?
They have not been lying. What does that say about YOU?
We heard from scientists that acid rain would harm many forms of life it were not stopped. In response, it was stopped. That's why that didn't happen. And they weren't my masters. They were mainstream science.
That's an apples to oranges comparison and not a very good one even if it weren't. CO2 emissions haven't stopped, they are increasing; mostly in the developing countries. So the failed predictions aren't a result of stopping what we are doing. Lastly, the failed predictions will only get worse as they have ramped up their stupid. By their own accounts their models are running too hot and are not supported by the data. The very best indicator is sea level. Sea level versus temperature is a super accurate predictor of temperature over the last 50 million years. So the prediction of sea level rise tripling by the end of this decade will be the next big fail.
By their own accounts their models are running too hot and are not supported by the data
Incorrect. The model predictions have been excellent. If someone told you otherwise, they lied to your face.

Remember, you can't get away with lying to people who know the actual facts. The lies only work on other cultists.

In contrast to the stellar record of mainstream science, your side has been predicting an imminent global ice age for 40 years running now. You side sucks with predictions as badly as it's possible to suck. Yet even given their record of perfect failure, you still trust them. Why?

Deniers all suck hard at predictions. They fail every time. That's why the whole planet correctly classifies them as brainwashed cult clowns.

Mainstream science is excellent with predictions. It has credibility because it has earned it, by getting it right, over and over. Deniers, you can't get that same credibility just by crying about how everyone is laughing at you. To get credibility, you have to stop your faceplanting.
Many tourists are flooding Death Valley for the 131 degree temp expected on Sunday. I hope they bring a big cooler with ice and loaded down with water. Don't leave your car and start hiking, you are really asking for it....I used to live in Vegas 117 degrees in July...
We have very similar views on some things.

We heard from scientists that acid rain would harm many forms of life it were not stopped. In response, it was stopped. That's why that didn't happen. And they weren't my masters. They were mainstream science.

No, they did not.

Initial forecasts for the first ice-free Arctic summers missed the mark. But Arctic ice extents are still headed in that direction. When such predictions were being made, Antarctic sea ice and ice sheet were both growing, so it seems unlikely anyone would have predicted that would soon be gone. But now both sea ice and ice sheets are disappearing and glacial flow has accelerated five fold and more.

How much of it now comes from fracking and coal tar?

They have not been lying. What does that say about YOU?
Al Gore's book was all lies. In it he said florida and much of the east coast would be underwater by now, it isn't. He also said that all the polar ice would be gone by now, it isn't. in fact there was more ice at both poles last winter than in the last 200 years. They are lying in order to control our lives, wake up
No, he didn't. The bogus translation you use is faked. Since you're asking to be humiliated again, I'll oblige you.

A good translation:
Fundamentally, it is a big mistake to discuss climate politics separately from the big issues of globalization. The climate summit in Cancún at end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War. Why? Because we have 11,000 gigatons of carbon in the coal reserves under our feet – and we can only add 400 gigatons more to the atmosphere if we want to stay within the 2 °C target. 11,000 to 400 – we have to face the fact that a large part of the fossil reserves must remain in the ground.

De facto, this is the expropriation of the countries with these natural resources. This leads to an entirely different development than the one that has been initiated with development policy.

First of all, we as industrialized countries have quasi-expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must explicitly say: We de facto redistribute the world’s wealth due to climate politics. That the owners of coal and oil are not enthusiastic about this is obvious. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate politics is environmental politics. This has almost nothing to do any more with environmental politics, [as is was with] with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.

Compare that to Frank's fake translation, which is just wrong.


"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC

Mr. Edenhofer was clearly describing the _current_ economic situation, where poor nations subsidize rich nations by allowing them to pollute the world's atmosphere. Some denier liar twisted the words about and pretended that Mr. Edenhofer was calling for global monetary wealth distribution.

That is, Frank's translation, with Frank's approval, deliberately lies by pretending that a statement of the current situation -- poor nations subsidizing rich nations -- is a recommendation for the future, that rich nations subsidize poor nations.

Now Frank is going to play dumb and pretend that didn't happen. Frank, please proceed.

It's not my translation. Sucks that Ottmar spilled the beans but he said it! Hey I remember when you told us that we made Ottmar up, that he was a nobody. You've made some progress, now you're in "out of context" land
On planet Earth, raising CO2 from 280 to 400PPM has no impact on temperature. If it did thew AGWCult would provide countless experiments. To date, they have provided NO EVIDENCE

Moreover, look at France and Germany where people are now driven into poverty from lack of "fossil fuels" Marcon called it "the end of abundance" for France. And Germany has no more firewood! The AGW Cult is trying to depopulate by committing genocide
Al Gore's book was all lies. In it he said florida and much of the east coast would be underwater by now, it isn't. He also said that all the polar ice would be gone by now, it isn't. in fact there was more ice at both poles last winter than in the last 200 years. They are lying in order to control our lives, wake up
He won't wake up. He's part of the attacks on us all.
Al Gore's book was all lies.
What book was that? And what lies do you believe he told?
In it he said florida and much of the east coast would be underwater by now, it isn't.
I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says Florida might be underwater by July 20th of 2023.
He also said that all the polar ice would be gone by now
I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says the Arctic might have its first ice-free summer by July 20th of 2023.
it isn't.
One fuck of a lot of ice from the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland has melted since he said whatever it was he said.
in fact there was more ice at both poles last winter than in the last 200 years.


They are lying in order to control our lives, wake up
You are the one that just lied to us.
What book was that? And what lies do you believe he told?

I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says Florida might be underwater by July 20th of 2023.

I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says the Arctic might have its first ice-free summer by July 20th of 2023.

One fuck of a lot of ice from the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland has melted since he said whatever it was he said.

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You are the one that just lied to us.
My God you pieces of shit lie non stop.
Incorrect. The model predictions have been excellent. If someone told you otherwise, they lied to your face.

Remember, you can't get away with lying to people who know the actual facts. The lies only work on other cultists.

In contrast to the stellar record of mainstream science, your side has been predicting an imminent global ice age for 40 years running now. You side sucks with predictions as badly as it's possible to suck. Yet even given their record of perfect failure, you still trust them. Why?

Deniers all suck hard at predictions. They fail every time. That's why the whole planet correctly classifies them as brainwashed cult clowns.

Mainstream science is excellent with predictions. It has credibility because it has earned it, by getting it right, over and over. Deniers, you can't get that same credibility just by crying about how everyone is laughing at you. To get credibility, you have to stop your faceplanting.
Even the IPCC recognizes the model predictions are too hot, so no, the model predictions haven't been excellent.
Even the IPCC recognizes the model predictions are too hot, so no, the model predictions haven't been excellent.
Your recipe says to set your stove to 400 degrees. Your stove ends up at 400.1 degree. The performance of your stove is excellent, despite the fact that it is too hot.
Even the IPCC recognizes the model predictions are too hot, so no, the model predictions haven't been excellent.
You can't just make stuff up and then expect not to be called out on it.

You're just making stuff up. Remember, you can't fool anyone outside of your cult.
I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says Florida might be underwater by July 20th of 2023.
I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says the Arctic might have its first ice-free summer by July 20th of 2023.
Like this?
Trump, April 2: If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer, you tell me that one, okay?
What book was that? And what lies do you believe he told?

I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says Florida might be underwater by July 20th of 2023.

I bet he didn't say that. I bet he said Joe Scientist says the Arctic might have its first ice-free summer by July 20th of 2023.

One fuck of a lot of ice from the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland has melted since he said whatever it was he said.

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You are the one that just lied to us.
Algore's book was An inconvenitent truth. In it he made all the predictions I listed. He either lied or was too stupid to know the facts, but he got rich selling lies to idiots like you.. and yes, polar ice melts every year and then refreezes every year. it has been happening for millions of years and humans have never had anything to do with it.

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