Another Responsible Gun Owner: Ted Nugent's Wife

And when a child finds the gun and kills itself or another child, it is just an accident. That is the official view of the NRA and the fruitloops on this board. In my view, and those of sane people, you leave a gun out where a child can get it, you are responsible for the results. And, if that result is the death of a child, you should be charged with negligent homocide.

Leaving a gun in ones luggage when going to an airport is about as criminally careless as one can get.

And how is that relevant to this situation? Did she leave the gun in a place easily accessed by children? Do you know that she allows children to play in her handbag? Was anyone, anywhere threatened in any way by the fact that she forgot to remove her weapon from her bag? It is likely that she forgot because she carries all the time.

There is nothing to the OP. Everything he screams he cares about has zero connection with the story itself. Epic fail.
For every criminal and irresponsible gun owner, there are 10 million more who are law-abiding and responsible.

Folks like me.

1. Permit holders are extremely law abiding. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen

a. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas | Wichita Eagle
( .00086%)

2. He points out that the National Academy of Sciences, 2004, found –“ There is no credible evidence that "right-to-carry" laws, which allow qualified adults to carry concealed handguns, either decrease or increase violent crime. To date, 34 states have enacted these laws.” | Newsroom
And when a child finds the gun and kills itself or another child, it is just an accident. That is the official view of the NRA and the fruitloops on this board. In my view, and those of sane people, you leave a gun out where a child can get it, you are responsible for the results. And, if that result is the death of a child, you should be charged with negligent homocide.

Leaving a gun in ones luggage when going to an airport is about as criminally careless as one can get.

"CNN Article Admits Gun Accidents Among Children Are Literally 1 in a Million
APRIL 12 2013

According to the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 703 children under the age of 15 died in accidental firearms deaths between 2001 and 2010, the latest year for which the agency’s statistics on fatalities are available. During the same period, 7,766 children under the age of 14 suffered accidental firearms injuries — about one injury for every million children."

Injuries (note, that is injuries, not deaths) occur at a rate of around 1 in 1,000,000.
This is interesting because we keep hearing that stricter gun control is needed to protect our children.

The leading causes of death in young children are natural causes, drowning, auto accidents, suffocation, and other accidents (not firearms related). (Sources: Here, Here and Here)
CNN Article Admits Gun Accidents Among Children Are Literally 1 in a Million
You shouldn't be arrested at all.
The gun should be held in storage until you return and pay a storage fee before it is returned to you.


And then you should never EVER be given a permit to carry.


Because if you are so careless with your gun, then you clearly are not permit to carry material.

Sound fair?

I fully believe that a fair-minded guy like you wouldn't engage in selective outrage.....

Back in 2002, the National Academy of Sciences did a study on the effects of CAFE. They found that over the three decades CAFE has been in effect, downsizing of cars and trucks for fuel economy has cost us about 2,000 lives per year.

This death toll figure was arrived at long before President Obama recently upped the CAFE standards by 30% and more. The death toll going forward will be even higher.
"Pajamas Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards
PJ Media » The Hidden Death Toll of Higher CAFE Standards

With this fact in consideration, I'm certain you'd agree that Obama should never EVER have been elected.....

Sound fair?

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