Another Responsible Gun Owner: Ted Nugent's Wife

Another lame lefty thread that means nothing at all....except to the low information idiots who swallow whatever nonsense these clowns try to make into damning news about a Republican, a conservative, Rush, Hannity, et al.

Bunch of pathetic losers but don't tell them. Wouldn't want to spoil their wet dreams.

As a responsible gun owner, I always know where my guns are located. How can one 'forget' where your gun is located? How can one 'forget' that there is a gun in their bag? Any 'RESPONSIBLE' gun owner should be concerned over this act of stupidity.

Don't the Nugent's have small Grandchildren? What happens if one of their Grand kids finds the 'forgotten' weapon in a bag in the closet?

This isn't a 'shit happens' story. IT'S A FUCKING GUN, STUPID!

Exactly. This is not a 'nothing' situation. How can a RESPONSBLE gun owner forget where a gun is located? It's ridiculous. How can anyone be so casual about a gun as to forget where it is? That is how these accidents happen where children or innocent bystanders are injured or killed. This isn't an okay, nothing situation. It indicates yet again that guns should not be in the hands of any and every American idiot.
It's not the fact that guns are sold, but the stupid people that they are sold too.
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Nugent met her when she was 13 - "sweet poontang" -- she was the inspiration?

You don't have a clue what you are talking about. This is Shemane. He met her when she was working at a radio station. One very talented lady.


13 years old. Kiss my ass

My college degree was in Radio, TV and film. My first job was as a newscaster for college radio, then as sports reporter for COX cable in Gainesville, Florida, covering the Gatornationals. Little known fact: For my senior class project we had to make music videos. At the time, there was also a contest on MTV to make Madonna’s video. I decided to do both. Out of thousands of entries, my video was one chosen to air on MTV (3 times! Not that I counted). My professor, who was typically tough (especially on women) gave me an "A."

Upon graduation, I got a job as a radio traffic reporter for a rock ‘n roll radio station in Detroit. The only thing my brother and I didn’t have in common was that I didn’t really like rock ‘n roll music. Whereas, he’s been wearing concert t-shirts for forty years.

Only a month after I started working as a traffic reporter, with my desk nestled next to that of author Mitch Albom, Ted filled in for the morning crew for an entire week. On radio, your job is to talk – a lot.

For four hours a day, I got to know Ted Nugent. He was funny, witty, didn’t drink or smoke and seemed to be a doting dad to daughter Sasha and son Toby. Still, Ted asked me out and I said no. My boss asked me to reconsider, and always the team player, I complied.

Ted and I first met on October 3, 1988. We were engaged at our radio station’s Christmas party a few months later, and married January 21, 1989.

Shemane Nugent | My Life and Times

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You shouldn't be arrested at all.
The gun should be held in storage until you return and pay a storage fee before it is returned to you.


And then you should never EVER be given a permit to carry.


Because if you are so careless with your gun, then you clearly are not permit to carry material.

Sound fair?
What a boring thread
People carry guns in pocket books all the time.
Easy to forget.
Many people have guns confiscated at airports because they have them holstered.
You shouldn't be arrested at all.
The gun should be held in storage until you return and pay a storage fee before it is returned to you.
I understand this opinion will invite the most violent rants from the fanatical liberal totalitarians, I'm betting death threats, threats against my kids, vile comments directed at my wife.
You know, the usual Obamacult shit!

This thread has absolutely nothing, nothing at all, to do with people absentmindedly toting their firearms through an airport. N. O. T. H. I. N. G.

This is all about WHO absentmindedly carried their firearm through an airport. A conservative with a famous and outspoken husband.

This is and has been from the start a "Gotchya" thread. No more, no less.

OnePercenter ( :lmao: ) has done an exceptionally poor job of hiding this fact.
And when a child finds the gun and kills itself or another child, it is just an accident. That is the official view of the NRA and the fruitloops on this board. In my view, and those of sane people, you leave a gun out where a child can get it, you are responsible for the results. And, if that result is the death of a child, you should be charged with negligent homocide.

Leaving a gun in ones luggage when going to an airport is about as criminally careless as one can get.

There are children rummaging through luggage at the airport?

TSA agents and baggage handlers do it all the time but that's not children.
Another lame lefty thread that means nothing at all....except to the low information idiots who swallow whatever nonsense these clowns try to make into damning news about a Republican, a conservative, Rush, Hannity, et al.

Bunch of pathetic losers but don't tell them. Wouldn't want to spoil their wet dreams.

As a responsible gun owner, I always know where my guns are located. How can one 'forget' where your gun is located? How can one 'forget' that there is a gun in their bag? Any 'RESPONSIBLE' gun owner should be concerned over this act of stupidity.

Don't the Nugent's have small Grandchildren? What happens if one of their Grand kids finds the 'forgotten' weapon in a bag in the closet?

This isn't a 'shit happens' story. IT'S A FUCKING GUN, STUPID!


Read these comments. Why is it that the nutters don't believe in gun safety?

Because the NRA tells them its not important any more.
Have you ever seen all the crap in a woman's purse?

Seriously one, it happens often, to all sorts of people. Check my link (ignoring my sarcasm in that post), more than 1,000 times a year all over the country...

Just because it happens, that doesn't mean it is okay. No one who is responsible and sane would forget where their gun is. Women may have a lot of stuff in their bags, but only a stupid woman would forget her gun was there!!!!!
You shouldn't be arrested at all.
The gun should be held in storage until you return and pay a storage fee before it is returned to you.


And then you should never EVER be given a permit to carry.


Because if you are so careless with your gun, then you clearly are not permit to carry material.

Sound fair?
I'm not careless with anything.
1. Does it drive you into a liberal rage, knowing that I have the right to legally own my 3 rifles and a Shotgun?
My wife owns 4 handguns.
2. More deaths result from carelessness with electric appliances than with guns.
It's not careless to have your gun on your person when going through a metal detector at an airport.
Careless would be causing risk to others by unsafe handling of a weapon.

1. Since the smaller the penis the bigger the gun....So you're telling the world that your wife's dick is bigger than yours. :lol:

2. I have no doubt since there are more electric appliances than guns. :lol:
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It's not the fact that guns are sold, but the stupid people that they are sold too.

Ted Nugent's wife arrested with gun at DFW Airport

Read more: Report: Ted Nugent's wife arrested with gun at DFW Airport - Dallas News |

I can find anti gun people that do this for every pro gun person that you can find, what's your point? Wouldn't I be winning the debate simply by finding anti gun nuts that own guns?

It's called responsibility.

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