Another scandal involving our President. A Freedom for Information Act may be filed.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The service dog involved in the raid on Al-Baghdadi was recently photographed at the White House. Trump has been accused of referring to the dog by the wrong pronoun and refuses to acknowledge his ignorant and insensitive mistake.


Here are some quotes:

"The White House lied about the gender of a dog because Trump understandably called Conan a “he”. Rather than acknowledge a simple mistake they chose to lie. So telling."

Democrat operative Claude Taylor

"I’d put money on Conan actually being female and Trump refusing to acknowledge it because he doesn’t respect women and is too fragile to ever be wrong."

Jeanna Thomas, an associate director for NFL Team Brands

"It figures Conan would be a girl, since it’s only the women who seem reliably willing to stand up against terrible authoritarian behavior."

Bill Kristol

"Louise Mensch, former British parliamentarian who helped push the Russia collusion narrative, suggested that journalists file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to find out Conan’s gender and to “stop Trump playing games.” She also included a close-up of Conan’s genital-area:"

"No not really. It’s important that “defense officials” are lying to @abcnews. That matters. Factually, Conan is a girl. The press should FOIA this and stop Trump playing games."

For now, the Pentagon has confirmed that Conan is a male dog. However, the story may not be over yet. From there, the plot thickened as Trump was accused of using the dog to threaten reporters.

Trump chuckled and told one of the reporters:

"You see how beautiful and how calm, during a situation like this, is. And you’re very lucky he doesn’t — he’s not in a bad mood today, Jeff. Not in a bad mood. You’re safe”:"

Some reporters, from outlets as ideologically diverse as Vanity Fair and Yahoo News, were outraged and referred to Conan as a "bloodthirsty killer".

"Yes, the president threatened to unleash a bloodthirsty killer on a member of the press"

— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair)"

Here is a link to the article:

Trump Threatens to Sic Conan the Military Dog on Reporter

Top Ten Worst Takes on Conan the Hero Dog's Visit to the White House
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Leftists were also outraged over naming a service dog after a barbarian.

"Conan really? A toxic masculine barbarian? America's military is better than that. We demand Conan be renamed the less offensive gender neutral name of Puddles".

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