Another "SCANDAL!!!!" up in smoke. No charges for anyone at IRS.

wow, you ever think you'd see the day you own fellow countrymen and women would celebrate the IRS?
The gub'mint worshippers love everything associated with gub'mint (as long their party of choice is in charge of it),So it's no surprise they have no problem with the IRS screwing over anybody that disagrees with their world view, heck I'm fairly certain the FBI hauling away their fellow citizens for thought crimes wouldn't bug 'em a bit.
Live the dream!

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And now they're letting Maila Obama skate on underage drinking charges. WHEN WILL THESE OUTRAGES CEASE?

Malia Obama Allegedly Played (Er, Or Just Stood Near) Beer Pong While Touring Brown, According to This Snapchat
Gowdy or Issa will be on it soon..

Meanwhile back on the ranch.

some people really do need a life: when they can get tingles an orgasm over the IRS.

well, something is very wrong and they need a life or a shrink
Another "SCANDAL!!!!" up in smoke. No charges for anyone at IRS.
It never ceases to amaze me how the hyper-partisan munchkins cheer when yet another criminal in Washington gets away with screwing over their fellow citizens.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. " -- Martin Niemoller
Oh, brother.

It never ceases to amaze the hyperbolic nonsense that comes from the ridiculous right, this being one of many examples.

No one is 'getting away' with anything.

And the contempt most on the right have for the doctrine of presumption of innocence, due process of law, and the burden of proof resting solely with government comes as no surprise.
Why should anybody be surprised Lerner has not been charged?

In Obama's Banana Republic criminals who work for him are never charged.

On the contrary, they are rewarded.
Another "SCANDAL!!!!" up in smoke. No charges for anyone at IRS.
It never ceases to amaze me how the hyper-partisan munchkins cheer when yet another criminal in Washington gets away with screwing over their fellow citizens.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. " -- Martin Niemoller
It never ceases to amaze me how some hyper-partisan munchkins can't win on the issues and hang all their hopes on nonsense they made up that they know isn't going anywhere, and when it fails their solution is to make up something else.
Hope you still stay jolly if the next president uses his new power and sicks the IRS on you because you are a registered democrat.

Presidents new power?

Like I said don't complain if the IRS is used to go after people because of political purposes.

Both the president and Congress have to power to ask the IRS to investigate someone. This was not that. It was a phony scandal that most every politician wanted to go away quietly. The real scandal lurking off camera is why did someone change the law that allowed the tax free status PAC's the ability to interfere in our elections!
Color me shocked..

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.

There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

But they did manage to ruin Lerner's life.

There is that as a consolation prize!
Repubs just cannot get a break :lol:
Both the president and Congress have to power to ask the IRS to investigate someone. This was not that. It was a phony scandal that most every politician wanted to go away quietly. The real scandal lurking off camera is why did someone change the law that allowed the tax free status PAC's the ability to interfere in our elections!

Just so I get this straight, it's no longer a scandal when a government official breaks the law, it's a scandal when government passes a law.....Wow, is this country fucked up or what?
some people really do need a life: when they can get tingles an orgasm over the IRS.

well, something is very wrong and they need a life or a shrink

You think? The FBI found no laws broken in January of 2014 and here we are nearly two years later and the DOJ concurs. Congress could have stopped two years ago, but they smelled blood instead of common sense.
some people really do need a life: when they can get tingles an orgasm over the IRS.

well, something is very wrong and they need a life or a shrink

You think? The FBI found no laws broken in January of 2014 and here we are nearly two years later and the DOJ concurs. Congress could have stopped two years ago, but they smelled blood instead of common sense.

Umm.. yeah except for the fact that IRS admitted to targeting conservative groups, leave it to the nimrods in government to absolve a government agency that publicly confesses to the crime.
Both the president and Congress have to power to ask the IRS to investigate someone. This was not that. It was a phony scandal that most every politician wanted to go away quietly. The real scandal lurking off camera is why did someone change the law that allowed the tax free status PAC's the ability to interfere in our elections!

Just so I get this straight, it's no longer a scandal when a government official breaks the law, it's a scandal when government passes a law.....Wow, is this country fucked up or what?

What law was broken and by whom?

The Rules That Govern 501(c)(4)s – Big Money 2012 - FRONTLINE

Nearly a century ago, Congress created the complicated legal framework that governs these tax-exempt nonprofits, also known as 501(c)(4)s for the part of the tax code they fall under. That rule said they were supposed to operate “exclusively for the promotion of social welfare” — a definition that includes groups ranging from local fire departments to the Sierra Club to the National Right to Life Committee.

While these nonprofits have always been allowed to lobby for change, in 1959,regulators opened the door to political activity by interpreting “exclusively” to mean that groups had to be “primarily” engaged in social welfare and helping the community.
some people really do need a life: when they can get tingles an orgasm over the IRS.

well, something is very wrong and they need a life or a shrink

You think? The FBI found no laws broken in January of 2014 and here we are nearly two years later and the DOJ concurs. Congress could have stopped two years ago, but they smelled blood instead of common sense.

Umm.. yeah except for the fact that IRS admitted to targeting conservative groups, leave it to the nimrods in government to absolve a government agency that publicly confesses to the crime.

Who said there were smart people in government? I agree with the DOJ, stupidity yes, criminal intent, no.
Another "SCANDAL!!!!" up in smoke. No charges for anyone at IRS.
It never ceases to amaze me how the hyper-partisan munchkins cheer when yet another criminal in Washington gets away with screwing over their fellow citizens.

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. " -- Martin Niemoller
It never ceases to amaze me how some hyper-partisan munchkins can't win on the issues and hang all their hopes on nonsense they made up that they know isn't going anywhere, and when it fails their solution is to make up something else.
Hope you still stay jolly if the next president uses his new power and sicks the IRS on you because you are a registered democrat.

Presidents new power?

Like I said don't complain if the IRS is used to go after people because of political purposes.
This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

What nitwits on the right fail to understand is that there must be evidence of criminal wrongdoing, and absent evidence, such as with 'Benghazi' and 'IRS,' no criminal prosecution is warranted.

Just because many on the reprehensible right hate the president and are angry they've lost the last two presidential elections does not mean everything Obama does is a 'cover up,' a 'conspiracy,' or a 'crime.'
some people really do need a life: when they can get tingles an orgasm over the IRS.

well, something is very wrong and they need a life or a shrink

You think? The FBI found no laws broken in January of 2014 and here we are nearly two years later and the DOJ concurs. Congress could have stopped two years ago, but they smelled blood instead of common sense.

Umm.. yeah except for the fact that IRS admitted to targeting conservative groups, leave it to the nimrods in government to absolve a government agency that publicly confesses to the crime.

If they confessed to a crime then by all mean tell us what it was? Shouldn't they have been sentenced by now?

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