Another "SCANDAL!!!!" up in smoke. No charges for anyone at IRS.

You can feel their hate for their fellow countrymen and women in these types of threads they post. I mean they are cheering for the IRS who can destroy any one of us with a stroke of a pen. yet they are gloating because the crooked and slimy person in the Irs wasn't charged over the way they treated the citizens of this country. just because they were from the Tea party

that's a sad human being who needs to give up politics. it's making them ugly and is turning their heart black with hate
You can feel their hate for their fellow countrymen and women in these types of threads they post. I mean they are cheering for the IRS who can destroy any one of us with a stroke of a pen. yet they are gloating because the crooked and slimy person in the Irs wasn't charged over the way they treated the citizens of this country. just because they were from the Tea party

that's a sad human being who needs to give up politics. it's making them ugly and is turning their heart black with hate
The IRS can only destroy stupid people like you and those that cheat on their taxes.
Color me shocked..

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.

There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

But they did manage to ruin Lerner's life.

There is that as a consolation prize!

Well, when the woman was doing the bidding of the POTUS. And the DOJ is at the beck and call of the POTUS it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the woman is going to skate. To a progressive that means there was no crime because, what the hell she was attacking people you don't like. To the thinking public on the other hand it shows without question the depths of corruption now evident in government.

In the long run it will either lead to a weakening of the powers of the IRS and DOJ, or the revolution is that much closer to happening.

Either way the people of the US have lost big.
Color me shocked..

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.

There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

But they did manage to ruin Lerner's life.

There is that as a consolation prize!
The Obama Justice Department....:lmao:
Did Obama order the IRS/Learner to go after Tea party ''social charities'' as the republicans were shouting?

NO, Obama did not...

they retrieved ALL of her emails and the R's FOUND NOTHING....

the hearings were simply dog and pony shows, and once they got all the emails showing she did not conspire to harm tea partiers...or to help obama win the election, the R's dropped it, and let it die in their right wing media circle
The GOP should change their symbol from an elephant to this...

Did Obama order the IRS/Learner to go after Tea party ''social charities'' as the republicans were shouting?

NO, Obama did not...

they retrieved ALL of her emails and the R's FOUND NOTHING....

the hearings were simply dog and pony shows, and once they got all the emails showing she did not conspire to harm tea partiers...or to help obama win the election, the R's dropped it, and let it die in their right wing media circle

Umm, no that's not entirely true. They still haven't found all of her emails. The ones they have found though show a definite pattern of illegal behavior. Nixon was forced to resign for merely threatening to use the IRS in this way. Obama actually did it and the progressives are turning a blind eye to it. To their credit the Repubs drove Nixon out of office.
Did Obama order the IRS/Learner to go after Tea party ''social charities'' as the republicans were shouting?

NO, Obama did not...

they retrieved ALL of her emails and the R's FOUND NOTHING....

the hearings were simply dog and pony shows, and once they got all the emails showing she did not conspire to harm tea partiers...or to help obama win the election, the R's dropped it, and let it die in their right wing media circle

Umm, no that's not entirely true. They still haven't found all of her emails. The ones they have found though show a definite pattern of illegal behavior. Nixon was forced to resign for merely threatening to use the IRS in this way. Obama actually did it and the progressives are turning a blind eye to it. To their credit the Repubs drove Nixon out of office.
Why doesnt the repub led congress drive Obama out of office if he sicced the IRS on them?
Did Obama order the IRS/Learner to go after Tea party ''social charities'' as the republicans were shouting?

NO, Obama did not...

they retrieved ALL of her emails and the R's FOUND NOTHING....

the hearings were simply dog and pony shows, and once they got all the emails showing she did not conspire to harm tea partiers...or to help obama win the election, the R's dropped it, and let it die in their right wing media circle

Umm, no that's not entirely true. They still haven't found all of her emails. The ones they have found though show a definite pattern of illegal behavior. Nixon was forced to resign for merely threatening to use the IRS in this way. Obama actually did it and the progressives are turning a blind eye to it. To their credit the Repubs drove Nixon out of office.

Nixon had the media against him . That's certainly not true with all the scumbags in the Obama administration
Color me shocked..

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.

There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

But they did manage to ruin Lerner's life.

There is that as a consolation prize!

Unlike Ben-Gotcha and so many other made-up scandals, the IRS Scandal was that a scandal.

An employee or employees of the IRS violated the proceedures with or without supervisory approval and wrongully delayed some organizations getting a favorable status.

This is a scandal. It was done by persons with names and it was done on purpose.

If you have another definition of scandal, I'd like to hear it.

That there was nobody persecuted doesn't bother me that much. Not every scandal's penalty should result in jail time and, moreover, there would have to be a indictment, a plea, a trial, and a decision by a jury. The investigation could not deliver a jail sentence any more than Trey Gowdy's kangaroo court could have with Ms. Clinton.

But someone sure as hell should have (at least) been fired; for cause. It should have happened publicly, we should all know who did this whether it was a $7.25/hr clerk or the manager of the bureau that did the delaying.

People make mistakes. People also pay for them.
Color me shocked..

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.

There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

But they did manage to ruin Lerner's life.

There is that as a consolation prize!

No surprise there. When has the Obama Justice Department ever charged a Democrat with anything?


Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois governor, sentenced to 14 years on corruption charges

Didn't Jesse Jackson's kid spend some time in the pokey? Presumably he is a democrat.
Republicans are learning they've cried wolf too many times.

I think you're on to something. The reason the public doesn't care about scandals (real or made up) is because, in part, the GOP has been calling every mis-step a scandal for the last 8 years.

It's also evident in the naked animosity they have toward Ms. Clinton. She looks more and more sympathetic when she is the target of so many brutal personal attacks that are way beyond the pale of humor or in some cases human decency.

I tell ya, the longer this goes on, the more it looks like the Gods themselves are conspiring to install her in the White House. She may end up with a dream opponent like Trump, the other democrats are ceeding the race to her already, and the campaign management seems to have gotten out of their own way.
Did Obama order the IRS/Learner to go after Tea party ''social charities'' as the republicans were shouting?

NO, Obama did not...

they retrieved ALL of her emails and the R's FOUND NOTHING....

the hearings were simply dog and pony shows, and once they got all the emails showing she did not conspire to harm tea partiers...or to help obama win the election, the R's dropped it, and let it die in their right wing media circle

There was no WH 'involvement,' no 'conspiracy,' no 'cover up' – all ridiculous lies from the right, all the consequence of conservatives' unwarranted partisanism and hatred for the president.
Color me shocked..

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.

There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

But they did manage to ruin Lerner's life.

There is that as a consolation prize!

So because the most corrupt Justice Department in our history decides not to press charges, in spite of the clear evidence that some IRS officials targeted conservative groups for denial of tax-exempt status, in your mind that means there's "no scandal"? Thanks for sharing.
If only you researched and knew what the REAL scandal was....everyone is ignoring one wants to talk about it.....
Did Obama order the IRS/Learner to go after Tea party ''social charities'' as the republicans were shouting?

NO, Obama did not...

they retrieved ALL of her emails and the R's FOUND NOTHING....

the hearings were simply dog and pony shows, and once they got all the emails showing she did not conspire to harm tea partiers...or to help obama win the election, the R's dropped it, and let it die in their right wing media circle

There was no WH 'involvement,' no 'conspiracy,' no 'cover up' – all ridiculous lies from the right, all the consequence of conservatives' unwarranted partisanism and hatred for the president.

There was never any intention by the corrupt Justice Department to hold their boy responsible. That's like asking a fox if he raided the hen house and expecting the fox to admit it.
It is evident that, once again, the liberals here have no clue about the basic facts of the case but are merely repeating White House/DNC talking points. It is not a "misstep" to deliberately target conservative groups to deny them tax-exempt status, nor is it a "misstep" to target a hugely disproportionate number of conservatives for audits (including, incredibly, 87-year-old Billy Graham).

How about all the "missing" and/or "deleted" e-mails of the IRS officials involved in the illegal targeting? How about all the refusals to testify or takings of the Fifth? How about all the changes in stories? Hey? People don't usually plead the Fifth if they have done nothing wrong, nor do they destroys dozens of e-mails in violation of federal law on records retention. But I'm guessing that the liberals here know nothing or next to nothing about any of these facts.

When Nixon's IRS disproportionately targeted liberals for audits, Republicans joined Democrats to condemn such a police-state, banana-republic action. Where are the Democrats who are willing to condemn Obama's far more brazenly corrupt IRS? Instead they just deny, deny, deny.
So they started with conservatives. they'll get around to the rest of you some day. so cheer now, because it could BE YOU NEXT
If Obama's DOJ found mismanagement and poor judgement, imagine what the Ways and Means Committee will find.
Color me shocked..

Washington (CNN)The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.

There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

But they did manage to ruin Lerner's life.

There is that as a consolation prize!

then there is this:

Conservatives Outraged at Lois Lerner Decision: 'Miscarriage of Justice'

"Lois Lerner made an entire career out of attacking conservatives and Christians," said Meckler, president of Citizens for Self Governance. "There is a reason the majority of Americans fear their government, and Lerner is the poster child for that reason."

Read Latest Breaking News from Conservatives Outraged at Lois Lerner Decision: 'Miscarriage of Justice'


Rick Santorum to Newsmax: Obama's DOJ Most Politically 'Corrupt' Ever

Read Latest Breaking News from Rick Santorum to Newsmax: Obama's DOJ Most Politically 'Corrupt' Ever

The Justice Department under President Barack Obama is the most "corrupt … that we've ever seen" after disclosing Friday that it would not prosecute the IRS in the targeting scandal, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum told Newsmax TV.

"This Justice Department will go down, along with this president, as the worst presidency and the worst Justice Department, the most corrupt Justice Department, or I should say corrupt from a political standpoint, that we've ever seen," the former Pennsylvania senator told "The Steve Malzberg Show."

and you can color the honest Conservative American public "FUCKED", this current regime should be sitting in prison for the next 50 years, this kinda shit is why i hate demoscum/liberfools and their lapdog LSM/MSM. :up:

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