Another senseless murder ignored by the US media

Your last post to me proves you have the intelligence of a three year old.
You are a victim because you always act like everyone is always picking on you, everyone is so mean to you. Shit! You blame Obama for you not having a job.
As for your last paragraph, they report what is politically relevant and correct? Correct? What does that even mean?
And you didn't answer. Have you ever seen national coverage or a lifetime movie about a black girl? How about Cops shooting unarmed black male teens who had commented no crime?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

First calling me names does not an argument make. It makes you look like an idiot.

Second, I could care less what you or any of your half witted friends call me. Outside of this board you mean nothing to me, woman. So how am I victim again? You are the least of my worries.

Third, I do blame Obama for not having a job, or a decent education. He made promises that those things would change, and gee, I have a habit of taking people on their words. If you make a promise, you had damned well better keep it.

Fourth, you know exactly what I mean. If its a mass shooting, the liberal media chimes up like clockwork with things like "Is it time for gun control?" or some other nonsense. But if a guy shoots at someone and injures them, oh no, that's not worth the paper its printed on. Death is a racket to liberals like you.

Lastly, why does race always factor into your arguments? Are you that low on talking points?

The definition of "correct" is what your arguments are not. Sit down.

You based your argument on race, I am the one who pointed out it doesn't matter in my original argument, the media covers what sells. Don't project your argument onto me. You look foolish.

And we aren't talking about gun control. Stevie said liberals ignore these crimes, I showed they did not, you changed your argument.

As for Obama and education? Are you serious? You are a libertarian. I really can't stand people like you. It's always someone else's fault. I made mistakes but at least I own up to it.

When I went back to school a few years ago because I had fucked around before I had to pay my full tuition for the first quarter myself. I also worked and took care of my child. Two weeks before finals I actually was working two due to changing jobs.
And I played softball on Sundays. You are a single male there should be no excuse why you don't have a job.

Before I had my son I usually worked two jobs because I had the time. Obama isn't the reason you aren't in school or don't have job. It's because you are lazy. And please stop calling yourself a libertarian.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

You based your argument on race, I am the one who pointed out it doesn't matter in my original argument, the media covers what sells. Don't project your argument onto me. You look foolish.

You're a liberal. Nothing is worth your time unless its about racism. Just go over to the Clarence Thomas thread to see an example of that.

As for Obama and education? Are you serious? You are a libertarian. I really can't stand people like you. It's always someone else's fault. I made mistakes but at least I own up to it.

Really? So owning up to your mistakes involves blaming Bush for them? I own up to my mistakes just fine. But I'm not the one bragging about it.

When I went back to school a few years ago because I had fucked around before I had to pay my full tuition for the first quarter myself. I also worked and took care of my child. Two weeks before finals I actually was working two due to changing jobs. And I played softball on Sundays. You are a single male there should be no excuse why you don't have a job.

Given that you know little to nothing about me personally, you can't sit there and judge me... wait why am I even wasting my time with you? If I want your autobiography, I'll ask for it.

Before I had my son I usually worked two jobs because I had the time. Obama isn't the reason you aren't in school or don't have job. It's because you are lazy. And please stop calling yourself a libertarian.

My grandmother worked four jobs to keep this household afloat... I know what kind of sacrifice that entails. Obama is the prime reason why I'm unemployed and not in college. He's done nothing to address tuition costs, nor has he proposed or his party passed any meaningful jobs legislation since he took office.

My grandmother employs me now, as her caretaker. I get paid 24 bucks a month to do anything she asks of me. She knows I can't find work, so she created a job for me all by her lonesome. Which is more than I can say for Obama.

Now, when are you going to discuss the OP again? This is useless banter that contributes nothing to the discussion. If you want to make it about me, make it in the Flame Zone.
You started it when you made a stupid point when you tried to make a dig at me.
And now your argument is changing? I thought liberal media doesn't report crimes by black men?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Gee, and I'm the victim? Paranoid much? I'm not the one spouting random contentions with no verifiable links or information.

Yeah you are. And I am the only one who provided a link to back up her point. You know it was in the post you replied to when you made a stupid dig.
You are pointless to argue with. You make no valid points then you declare yourself the winner. You should focus more on getting a job.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I fail to see where you've made any points. Ha, if I'm pointless to argue with it must mean I'm the winner, does it not? I make many valid points, you issue forth much invective.
If you can't handle the consequences don't commit the crime. RESPONSIBILITY...she learned it the hard way.

Of course your kind idolizes such people. You wouldn't have the nuts to leave your house if a kid armed with eggs was outside. The fact that he had the testicles to step outside with a gun, facing such odds, must make you proud. He's a hero to armchair warriors everywhere. :clap2:

Did it say how he knew that the gang of kids was not armed? I am guessing he will get manslaughter which seems to be fitting. But in this day and age who's to know? Maybe the car and the gun is all the man had in life. One has to wonder why they attacked him twice and why his car. The MSM always paints the perpetrators as innocent victims to sell their stories.
Gee, and I'm the victim? Paranoid much? I'm not the one spouting random contentions with no verifiable links or information.

Yeah you are. And I am the only one who provided a link to back up her point. You know it was in the post you replied to when you made a stupid dig.

You are pointless to argue with. You make no valid points then you declare yourself the winner. You should focus more on getting a job.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I fail to see where you've made any points. Ha, if I'm pointless to argue with it must mean I'm the winner, does it not? I make many valid points, you issue forth much invective.

No you didn't. You didn't make a point at all.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
First calling me names does not an argument make. It makes you look like an idiot.

Second, I could care less what you or any of your half witted friends call me. Outside of this board you mean nothing to me, woman. So how am I victim again? You are the least of my worries.

Third, I do blame Obama for not having a job, or a decent education. He made promises that those things would change, and gee, I have a habit of taking people on their words. If you make a promise, you had damned well better keep it.

Fourth, you know exactly what I mean. If its a mass shooting, the liberal media chimes up like clockwork with things like "Is it time for gun control?" or some other nonsense. But if a guy shoots at someone and injures them, oh no, that's not worth the paper its printed on. Death is a racket to liberals like you.

Lastly, why does race always factor into your arguments? Are you that low on talking points?

The definition of "correct" is what your arguments are not. Sit down.

You based your argument on race, I am the one who pointed out it doesn't matter in my original argument, the media covers what sells. Don't project your argument onto me. You look foolish.

And we aren't talking about gun control. Stevie said liberals ignore these crimes, I showed they did not, you changed your argument.

As for Obama and education? Are you serious? You are a libertarian. I really can't stand people like you. It's always someone else's fault. I made mistakes but at least I own up to it.

When I went back to school a few years ago because I had fucked around before I had to pay my full tuition for the first quarter myself. I also worked and took care of my child. Two weeks before finals I actually was working two due to changing jobs.

And I played softball on Sundays. You are a single male there should be no excuse why you don't have a job.

Before I had my son I usually worked two jobs because I had the time. Obama isn't the reason you aren't in school or don't have job. It's because you are lazy. And please stop calling yourself a libertarian.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

You're a liberal. Nothing is worth your time unless its about racism. Just go over to the Clarence Thomas thread to see an example of that.

Really? So owning up to your mistakes involves blaming Bush for them? I own up to my mistakes just fine. But I'm not the one bragging about it.

When I went back to school a few years ago because I had fucked around before I had to pay my full tuition for the first quarter myself. I also worked and took care of my child. Two weeks before finals I actually was working two due to changing jobs. And I played softball on Sundays. You are a single male there should be no excuse why you don't have a job.

Given that you know little to nothing about me personally, you can't sit there and judge me... wait why am I even wasting my time with you? If I want your autobiography, I'll ask for it.

Before I had my son I usually worked two jobs because I had the time. Obama isn't the reason you aren't in school or don't have job. It's because you are lazy. And please stop calling yourself a libertarian.

My grandmother worked four jobs to keep this household afloat... I know what kind of sacrifice that entails. Obama is the prime reason why I'm unemployed and not in college. He's done nothing to address tuition costs, nor has he proposed or his party passed any meaningful jobs legislation since he took office.

My grandmother employs me now, as her caretaker. I get paid 24 bucks a month to do anything she asks of me. She knows I can't find work, so she created a job for me all by her lonesome. Which is more than I can say for Obama.

Now, when are you going to discuss the OP again? This is useless banter that contributes nothing to the discussion. If you want to make it about me, make it in the Flame Zone.

Blame a Bush for my mistakes? Trying to put words in my mouth? Lol
No like I said I blame myself for my mistakes. As for the rest of your post, I am not touching that. But you could find a job if you tried. You are just lazy.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
You can make all the ignoratio elenchi arguments you want Luissa. You'd still would be wrong. Once again, answer me this:

How am I a victim? Where is your argument. Can you not make any educated arguments without acting like a three year old?

I'm sorry, the media reports what's politically relevant and correct. Anything out of the status quo is out of bounds.

Your last post to me proves you have the intelligence of a three year old.
You are a victim because you always act like everyone is always picking on you, everyone is so mean to you. Shit! You blame Obama for you not having a job.
As for your last paragraph, they report what is politically relevant and correct? Correct? What does that even mean?
And you didn't answer. Have you ever seen national coverage or a lifetime movie about a black girl? How about Cops shooting unarmed black male teens who had commented no crime?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

First calling me names does not an argument make. It makes you look like an idiot.

Second, I could care less what you or any of your half witted friends call me. Outside of this board you mean nothing to me, woman. So how am I victim again? You are the least of my worries.

Third, I do blame Obama for not having a job, or a decent education. He made promises that those things would change, and gee, I have a habit of taking people on their words. If you make a promise, you had damned well better keep it.

Fourth, you know exactly what I mean. If its a mass shooting, the liberal media chimes up like clockwork with things like "Is it time for gun control?" or some other nonsense. But if a guy shoots at someone and injures them, oh no, that's not worth the paper its printed on. Death is a racket to liberals like you.

Lastly, why does race always factor into your arguments? Are you that low on talking points?

The definition of "correct" is what your arguments are not. Sit down.

FINALLY you have typed something that PROVES your stupidity knows no bounds. Really stupid is what you are. To fucking stupid to work as a matter of fact. And that is why you don't have a job and are a leech on society.

And Obama has nothing to do with that. Poor widdle victim. LMFAO.
CaféAuLait;8636544 said:
Uhh, because it wouldn't make the news if the guy was black.

Always the victim.
You know what I find is funny? Everyone made a big deal about the two kids killing the elderly vet here, but then it was all forgotten a few days later. You can never say the media covers one thing over another. You never know what is going to become a big deal.
I could make the say argument over kidnappings. A cute blond girl goes missing and it's national news and a Lifetime movie is made about her story. Have you ever seen a lifetime movie about a black girl being kidnapped?
The media reports what sells.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I don't watch lifetime but I saw an advert for The Carlina White Story. She was a little black girl kidnapped.

And the media covering things they way they do to sensationalize, is very depressing and aggravating IMO.

The Carlina White Story

i watched that last night
If you can't handle the consequences don't commit the crime. RESPONSIBILITY...she learned it the hard way.

Of course your kind idolizes such people. You wouldn't have the nuts to leave your house if a kid armed with eggs was outside. The fact that he had the testicles to step outside with a gun, facing such odds, must make you proud. He's a hero to armchair warriors everywhere. :clap2:

Did it say how he knew that the gang of kids was not armed? I am guessing he will get manslaughter which seems to be fitting. But in this day and age who's to know? Maybe the car and the gun is all the man had in life. One has to wonder why they attacked him twice and why his car. The MSM always paints the perpetrators as innocent victims to sell their stories.

cant find much on it

but if he shot at a car full of people leaving

killing one

1st degree would be an appropriate charge
They did it all wrong ffs. This is why you don't get out of the car if you're gonna egg something. Need a quick getaway exactly for this reason. That's how my friends and I did it at that age.

Very tragic for all involved.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Your last post to me proves you have the intelligence of a three year old.
You are a victim because you always act like everyone is always picking on you, everyone is so mean to you. Shit! You blame Obama for you not having a job.
As for your last paragraph, they report what is politically relevant and correct? Correct? What does that even mean?
And you didn't answer. Have you ever seen national coverage or a lifetime movie about a black girl? How about Cops shooting unarmed black male teens who had commented no crime?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

First calling me names does not an argument make. It makes you look like an idiot.

Second, I could care less what you or any of your half witted friends call me. Outside of this board you mean nothing to me, woman. So how am I victim again? You are the least of my worries.

Third, I do blame Obama for not having a job, or a decent education. He made promises that those things would change, and gee, I have a habit of taking people on their words. If you make a promise, you had damned well better keep it.

Fourth, you know exactly what I mean. If its a mass shooting, the liberal media chimes up like clockwork with things like "Is it time for gun control?" or some other nonsense. But if a guy shoots at someone and injures them, oh no, that's not worth the paper its printed on. Death is a racket to liberals like you.

Lastly, why does race always factor into your arguments? Are you that low on talking points?

The definition of "correct" is what your arguments are not. Sit down.

FINALLY you have typed something that PROVES your stupidity knows no bounds. Really stupid is what you are. To fucking stupid to work as a matter of fact. And that is why you don't have a job and are a leech on society.

And Obama has nothing to do with that. Poor widdle victim. LMFAO.

Actually that was proven shortly after he joined USMB.

And he’s consistently proven it time and again with almost every post.

As already correctly noted, he has no job because he’s lazy.

Moreover, if he really believed that conservative claptrap he and others on the right spew, he’d go out and find any job, even at minimum wage, and ‘work his way up,’ taking ‘personal responsibility.’

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