Another shoe falls on Trump

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Okay - I fully support rioters and violent people to be punished accordingly.

I just wonder to what extend have similar Lefty&Lib, Antifa or e.g. BLM rioters been sentenced? any stats available in that matter?

I don’t have statistics, and agree with you that rioters and destructive demonstrators on both sides should be charged where possible.

But clearly the stupidity and felt “entitlement” of the Trump MAGA mobs that fought cops in broad daylight and broke into the nation’s Congress to stop the peaceful transfer of power — while taking snapshots of themselves and sending them to friends at one of the most camera-recorded spots in the whole nation — explains why it was much much easier to identify and make a legal case against these rioting criminals.

Compare that to the night-time activity of masked looters and arsonists at thousands of street corners and locations scattered across the country. When local authorities did order police to try to make mass arrests, it was difficult to catch or identify individuals and charges were often rather hard to prove in court.

Obviously, given the national gravity of the break-in and electoral interference at the Congress there was determination on the part of the authorities to prosecute vigorously the more easily identified D.C. criminals. I absolutely support that determination and those legal charges, most of which resulted in confessions.

In my opinion it was an excellent use of police and judicial power that should serve as a reminder to Trump cultists that American democratic and republican institutions can not be so easily trifled with, not even by brain-washed followers of a megalomaniacal Lame Duck president like Donald Trump was.
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I don’t have statistics, and agree with you that rioters and destructive demonstrators on both sides should be charged where possible.

But clearly the stupidity and felt “entitlement” of the Trump MAGA mobs that fought cops in broad daylight and broke into the nation’s Congress to stop the peaceful transfer of power — while taking snapshots of themselves and sending them to friends at one of the most camera-recorded spots in the whole nation — explains why it was much much easier to identify and make a legal case against these rioting criminals.

Compare that to the night-time activity of masked looters and arsonists at thousands of street corners and locations across the country, where when local authorities did choose to try to make mass arrests, it was hard to catch looters and afterwards charges were often hard to prove.

Obviously, given the national gravity of the break-in and electoral interference at the Congress there was determination on the part of the authorities to prosecute vigorously the easily identified D.C. criminals. I absolutely support that determination and those legal charges, most of which resulted in confessions.

In my opinion it was an excellent use of police and judicial power that should serve as a reminder to Trump cultists that American democratic and republican institutions can not be so easily trifled with, not even by brain-washed followers of a megalomaniacal Lame Duck president like Donald Trump was.
Trump won in 2016 with uneducated voters . That's why he loves the uneducated.
"...any stats available in that matter?"
I've seen them in one google search or another. Some posted on this USMB venue.
If memory serves...something like 14,000+ were arrested of the 15 to 26 million people estimated to have participated in the George Floyd/Police Brutality unrest.

I'd recommend a bit of a search on Google and you could probably get your questions answered.
Trump is running again so he can complete his mission of further harming America.
Of course....lowering gas prices by making us energy independent again, securing the border, kicking inflation in the pelosi, getting labor participation rates back up to high levels again, lowering the ridiculous cost of food and consumer goods, cutting off the money laundering activities with the Ukraine, building back our military branches, supporting businesses, supporting the police, enforcing our laws, ensuring whiners pay their own bills and school loans...
Yes, Mrs. Jones......harming America.
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He has got to win the Presidency in 2024 so he can pardon himself. There is no other reason for him to run.
"It’s not every day when a former White House chief of staff implicates a former president — under penalty of perjury — in an impeachable offense."

Psst. He's a private citizen. You can't impeach him, again.
I don’t have statistics, and agree with you that rioters and destructive demonstrators on both sides should be charged where possible.

But clearly the stupidity and felt “entitlement” of the Trump MAGA mobs that fought cops in broad daylight and broke into the nation’s Congress to stop the peaceful transfer of power — while taking snapshots of themselves and sending them to friends at one of the most camera-recorded spots in the whole nation — explains why it was much much easier to identify and make a legal case against these rioting criminals.

Compare that to the night-time activity of masked looters and arsonists at thousands of street corners and locations scattered across the country. When local authorities did order police to try to make mass arrests, it was difficult to catch or identify individuals and charges were often rather hard to prove in court.

Obviously, given the national gravity of the break-in and electoral interference at the Congress there was determination on the part of the authorities to prosecute vigorously the more easily identified D.C. criminals. I absolutely support that determination and those legal charges, most of which resulted in confessions.

In my opinion it was an excellent use of police and judicial power that should serve as a reminder to Trump cultists that American democratic and republican institutions can not be so easily trifled with, not even by brain-washed followers of a megalomaniacal Lame Duck president like Donald Trump was.
At least you're honest enough to admit the prosecutions were for political reasons. Kudos.
It has nothing to do with the grand jury. A witch hunt/kangaroo investigation by Democrats abusing their power presents a one sided case to the grand jury and of course the grand jury will decide based on the kangaroo investigation because they weren't made privy to the other side of the case.
Trump is stupid too. You don't even know what a grand jury does.
At least you're honest enough to admit the prosecutions were for political reasons. Kudos.
The question for the grand jury is.... is there enough evidence for an indictment.

Trump's voters are real uneducated.

The question for the grand jury is.... is there enough evidence for an indictment.

Trump's voters are real uneducated.

Pot/ kettle. LOL

He has got to win the Presidency in 2024 so he can pardon himself. There is no other reason for him to run.
"Poisoning people's minds"? Does that pass as a logical charge even by the radical left? Kelly might need professional help.
“Poisoning people’s minds” is a perfect description of Trump’s demagogic role — but it was not made by a “radical leftist” here but by John F. Kelly, a very rightwing ex-Marine General who was first appointed by Trump as Homeland Security Director and worked with him intimately as chief of staff. He knew Trump far better than you or any of our Trump MAGA cult followers.

You ought to read up on what Kelly thinks of Trump!

Here is a short section of Kelly’s Wikipedia entry:

“Kelly was selected as the first Secretary of Homeland Security in the Trump administration. Kelly earned a reputation for being an aggressive enforcer of immigration law. After six months, he was selected to replace Reince Priebus as White House Chief of Staff in an attempt to bring more stability to the White House…

Of his tenure as Secretary of Homeland Security, USA Today wrote, "Kelly oversaw some of the most controversial policies of Trump's agenda, including a travel ban targeting several majority-Muslim countries, a reduction in refugee admissions and stepped-up deportations of undocumented immigrants."[38] According to the New Yorker, Kelly left the DHS with a reputation as one of the most aggressive enforcers of immigration law in recent American history. His record belies the short length of his tenure. In six months, Kelly eliminated guidelines that governed federal immigration agents' work; vastly expanded the categories of immigrants being targeted for deportation; threatened to abandon the Obama-era program that grants legal status to undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children; and has even broached the idea of splitting up mothers and children at the border to "deter" people from coming to the U.S.[39]

The DHS under Kelly "became one of the few branches of the federal government that has been both willing and able to execute Trump's policy priorities." Unlike other agency heads, Kelly did not clash with Trump.

John F. Kelly - Wikipedia
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He has got to win the Presidency in 2024 so he can pardon himself. There is no other reason for him to run.

As soon as I realized Trump has no plans to invade Iran so my friends could get their 4 Stars and my military contractor owners would have trouble raking in billions, I knew I had to take action

Kelly should do the honorable thing and commit Seppuku
“Poisoning people’s minds” is a perfect description of Trump’s demagogic role — but it was not made by a “radical leftist” here but by John F. Kelly, a very rightwing ex-Marine General who was appointed by Trump, worked with him as chief of staff, and knew the man far better than any of you Trump MAGA cult followers.

Kelly had some other verb “descriptive” descriptions of Trump —you ought to read up on what he says!

Yeah! Why is anyone allowed to think apart from the Progressive Collective Hivemind?!
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