Another shoe falls on Trump

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He has got to win the Presidency in 2024 so he can pardon himself. There is no other reason for him to run.
As soon as I realized Trump has no plans to invade Iran so my friends could get their 4 Stars and my military contractor owners would have trouble raking in billions, I knew I had to take action

Kelly should do the honorable thing and commit Seppuku
Kelly stopped Trump. After he lost the election in November all he talked about was attacking Iran.
Compare that to the night-time activity of masked looters and arsonists at thousands of street corners and locations scattered across the country. When local authorities did order police to try to make mass arrests, it was difficult to catch or identify individuals and charges were often rather hard to prove in court.
Riiiiight....Grannys could be tracked, right down to the specific room they were in, on J6, but next to none of the violent hooligan rioters could be tracked down to answer for their crimes.

Yes floks, the shitlibs really are this stoopit.
Oddball and CrusaderFrank quickly characterized my comment #37 as “Fake”. I just added a whole section on Kelly’s right-wing politics and service to Trump’s MAGA program at the DHS. Do they still want to argue that Kelly was “left wing”?

In what way is he “left-wing” or part of the “progressive hive”?
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Oddball and CrusaderFrank quickly characterized my comment #37 as “Fake”. I just added a whole section on Kelly’s right-wing politics and service to Trump’s MAGA program at the DHS. Do they still want to argue that Kelly was “left wing”?

In what way is he “left-wing” or part of the “progressive hive”?
Being a shameless warmonger isn't "right wing", Gomer Pyle.
Being a shameless warmonger isn't "right wing", Gomer Pyle.

He was a patriotic soldier and hardliner on Islamic terrorism, building the wall, and keeping our military strong. Whatever you think of his position on Iraq and Afghanistan, where he served, these in no way made him a left-winger. He remains a strongly conservative patriotic supporter of most MAGA politics, just criticizing Trump as a man and political leader, considering him — rightly to my mind — as “poisonous” and ignorant.
He was a patriotic soldier and hardliner on Islamic terrorism, building the wall, and keeping our military strong. Whatever you think of his position on Iraq and Afghanistan, where he served, these in no way made him a left-winger. He remains a strongly conservative patriotic supporter of most MAGA politics, just criticizing Trump as a man and political leader, considering him — rightly to my mind — as “poisonous” and ignorant.
He's a fucking Wilsonian interventionist warmonger, and one in an extremely long line of Trump's unforced errors....Another avatar for why I didn't vote for him either time.

It's not an "either/or" world, Gomer.
He's a fucking Wilsonian interventionist warmonger, and one in an extremely long line of Trump's unforced errors....Another avatar for why I didn't vote for him either time.

It's not an "either/or" world, Gomer.
You are not fooling anybody here. It is YOU and only you and your buddies who see the world and this issue as “either/or.” Here it particular the “either/or” all centers on Kelly giving his honest opinion & knowledge under oath … about his previous boss Donald Trump!

Indeed, Kelly apparently was not a “warmonger” over Iran and did not want to bomb it after the assassination of Soleimani led the Islamic regime to attack U.S. bases in Iraq. You think a soldier or general cannot be “right-wing” unless he agrees with all your own conspiracy theories and delusions about the “Deep State” and “Wilsonian interventionism”? :auiqs.jpg:

You think everyone who supports aiding Ukraine against Russia is “left-wing”? It is easy to divide the world into warmongers and peaceniks (or whatever you call yourself), but in fact politics is not at all that simple.
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Oddball and CrusaderFrank quickly characterized my comment #37 as “Fake”. I just added a whole section on Kelly’s right-wing politics and service to Trump’s MAGA program at the DHS. Do they still want to argue that Kelly was “left wing”?

In what way is he “left-wing” or part of the “progressive hive”?

Paul Ryan is a right-winger too right? Liz Cheney too, right?

Unlike the democrat Party, the Republicans do not have a Fort Marcy Park option to silence dissidents and keep everyone in line
You're out of your fucking mind
All of November and December Trump threatened to attack Iran. Kelly stopped him and was called a traitor for his troubles. Look it up. Trump counts on your stupidity.

Paul Ryan is a right-winger too right? Liz Cheney too, right?

Unlike the democrat Party, the Republicans do not have a Fort Marcy Park option to silence dissidents and keep everyone in line
The Democratic Party has plenty of factions and dissidents. Certainly more than “the Trump Party.” Liz Cheney is indeed very rightwing.

Do you have any point here at all?
You are not fooling anybody here. It is YOU and only you and your buddies who see the world and this issue as “either/or.” Here it particular the “either/or” all centers on Kelly giving his honest opinion & knowledge under oath … about his previous boss Donald Trump!

Indeed, Kelly apparently was not a “warmonger” over Iran and did not want to bomb it after the assassination of Soleimani led the Islamic regime to attack U.S. bases in Iraq. You think a soldier or general cannot be “right-wing” unless he agrees with all your own conspiracy theories and delusions about the “Deep State” and “Wilsonian interventionism”? :auiqs.jpg:

You think everyone who supports aiding Ukraine against Russia is “left-wing”? It is easy to divide the world into warmongers and peaceniks (or whatever you call yourself), but in fact politics is not at all that simple.
From where I sit, every one of you warmongering peckerheads is left wing....Every single U.S. involvement in shooting wars in the 20th century was instagated by a leftist...And don't give me any of your inane pap about Bush....Neocons are leftists as well.
"...long line of Trump's unforced errors....why I didn't vote for him either time."



Yeah, me too. I thought that assertion was curious, as you did.

'Curious' that it may just be a tell.
An indicator of what we may hear more and more from more and more folks. Rightfield folks.

Some Rightfielders are backing off of their fanboying of Don Trump?
I could be persuaded that is so.

I've long suspected that the moment will come when the MAGAphiles finally understand they've been grifted ..... duped and snookered.
And they will attempt to shrink away.....denying that they voted for him, supported him, liked him, trusted him.
I'm more and more becoming convinced that this will peek up over the horizon.
Ain't bettin' on it.
But am kinda expecting it, anticipating it.
You too?
From where I sit, every one of you warmongering peckerheads is left wing....Every single U.S. involvement in shooting wars in the 20th century was instagated by a leftist...And don't give me any of your inane pap about Bush....Neocons are leftists as well.
Dubya was a leftist? He was just following Clean Break Strategy.
From where I sit, every one of you warmongering peckerheads is left wing....Every single U.S. involvement in shooting wars in the 20th century was instagated by a leftist...And don't give me any of your inane pap about Bush....Neocons are leftists as well.

Which “leftist” attacked Pearl Harbor? Should FDR have sat back and done nothing while Nazi Germany and Japan carved up Europe, China and the world?

I have actively opposed more U.S. military adventures than you — “peckerhead” — and been jailed for it too. Starting way back during the Vietnam War.

I do not defend genuine “Liberal” or Democratic Party warmongers. There have always been these types: “liberal imperialists” is what I call them. But the biggest enthusiasts for most of the wars and military adventures in my lifetime have been patriotic Republicans and conservative Americans. The most active anti-war movement organizers and rank & file opponents of these wars were almost all people who saw themselves as leftists or radical anti-imperialists, or religious pacifists. I speak from experience here.


Yeah, me too. I thought that assertion was curious, as you did.

'Curious' that it may just be a tell.
An indicator of what we may hear more and more from more and more folks. Rightfield folks.

Some Rightfielders are backing off of their fanboying of Don Trump?
I could be persuaded that is so.

I've long suspected that the moment will come when the MAGAphiles finally understand they've been grifted ..... duped and snookered.
And they will attempt to shrink away.....denying that they voted for him, supported him, liked him, trusted him.
I'm more and more becoming convinced that this will peek up over the horizon.
Ain't bettin' on it.
But am kinda expecting it, anticipating it.
You too?
Was never one of his fanboys, numbnutz.

Pro tip: when someone opposes your moonbat lunacy, that doesn't automatically make them a member of the other team.
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