Another Shooting in air drug market....gun control doesn't work there either....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As I have posted over and over again, the only reason France has lower gun murder rates than the U.S. is that their criminals, for whatever reason, have decided not to use guns.....but, they can and do get guns whenever they want or need we saw with the 3 terrorists, one a convicted criminal and 2 on a government terrorist watch list who got fully automatice weapons, pistols, hand grenades and a rocket propelled grenade....

France has tougher gun control than the United States, they don't have gun stores, they don't allow any magazines at all, they don't allow hand gun ownership.....and fully automatic weapons are highly illegal....and if criminals want or need them...they get them......

The only gun control that works is arresting people who break the law against using guns in crime and putting them in jail for a long time....anything else merely targets innocent, law abiding citizens and is pointless....

Gunmen exchanged fire in a Marseille housing project known as an open-air drug market on Monday, prompting police to close off the area in a search for the shooters the same day France's prime minister planned to visit the city.

No injuries were immediately reported in the shooting in the Castellane housing project, an area north of the city's old port that is rife with drug violence and gangs.

There were conflicting reports about whether officers had also been targeted by automatic gunfire. David Olivier Reverdy, a police union official, told RTL radio no officers were specifically targeted and no one was wounded.

But Samia Ghali, a senator from the region, told iTele that she spoke with the police director and was told that the gunmen were targeting police and also firing at random.


Again....automatic gun fire in a country with tighter gun control than the United States....if criminals want guns they can get guns....
What's the murder rate in France?

Don't know.....but whatever it is it doesn't have anything to do with has to do with French culture and history......because many countries with stricter gun control than the United States have higher murder rates than the U.S. or fact, The U.S. is #1 for gun ownership but only #90 for murder rates......

Here is a video that makes this very point...

Bearing ArmsNumber One With A Bullet - Bearing Arms

Points out America is #111 for murder rate

--countries 1-110 many socialist left wing paradises

--names 13 cities in U.S. that distort our murder rate up...all democrat cities..

What's the murder rate in France?

Don't know.....but whatever it is it doesn't have anything to do with has to do with French culture and history......because many countries with stricter gun control than the United States have higher murder rates than the U.S. or fact, The U.S. is #1 for gun ownership but only #90 for murder rates......
Oh yeah? But we have the highest murder rate of all the 1st world countries. Right?
Couldn't say.....and again, it would be a cultural well as history....those countries have always been less violent even before they banned their guns....because as has been shown...they can get any guns they well as hand grenades and fully automatic weapons, and they just chose not to......

Take into account the culture of only the elites from their history having the monopoly on the use of force, the pacifism from experiencing World War 1 and 2 and you have cultures less use to using guns......our culture was a frontier culture with less respect for central authority, unlike Europe with it's feudal system.......

Guns have nothing to do with their violence levels........culture and history....

Oh, and there is the fact that if you add in Government Murder of citizens....their murder rate far exceeds ours.....but irrational anti gunners never want to include that.....
What's the murder rate in France?

Don't know.....but whatever it is it doesn't have anything to do with has to do with French culture and history......because many countries with stricter gun control than the United States have higher murder rates than the U.S. or fact, The U.S. is #1 for gun ownership but only #90 for murder rates......
Oh yeah? But we have the highest murder rate of all the 1st world countries. Right?

But we have the highest murder rate of all the 1st world countries.

but not the highest violence rate....Britain beats us in that by 2 to least if not more.....
Well....more details into this shooting...apparently....there were 10 gunmen.....who had gun controlled France, you know, the country with stricter gun control laws than the U.S.....

Masked Gunmen Open Fire in French No Go Zone as Prime Minister Visits - Breitbart

Police in the southern French city of Marseille say a group of up to ten gunmen have fired automatic weapons at the edge of a housing project the same day as a planned visit by the prime minister.

It is reported the head of police in Marseilles was the target of the attack. He was due to meet with French prime minister Manuel Valls, who ironically was visiting the city today to congratulate the chief and local government leaders on making “excellent” progress on fighting crime.

The estate, which is notorious for its violent crime and drugs problems is one of France’s 750 infamous ‘no go zones’, more formally known as a Zone of Urban Sensitivity (ZUS). These areas have been the focus of intense media scrutiny since the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher supermarket killings in Paris last month, as it is reported these often urban districts are places the police dare not tread.

This latest attack comes less than a week after a Muslim attacked three soldiers protecting a Synagogue, badly injuring two, and three weeks after French police ordered tens of thousands of new sets of body armour and fire-arms in anticipation of growing violence and terror attacks.

The Associated Press Contributed to This Report
As I have posted over and over again, the only reason France has lower gun murder rates than the U.S. is that their criminals, for whatever reason, have decided not to use guns.....but, they can and do get guns whenever they want or need we saw with the 3 terrorists, one a convicted criminal and 2 on a government terrorist watch list who got fully automatice weapons, pistols, hand grenades and a rocket propelled grenade....

France has tougher gun control than the United States, they don't have gun stores, they don't allow any magazines at all, they don't allow hand gun ownership.....and fully automatic weapons are highly illegal....and if criminals want or need them...they get them......

The only gun control that works is arresting people who break the law against using guns in crime and putting them in jail for a long time....anything else merely targets innocent, law abiding citizens and is pointless....

Gunmen exchanged fire in a Marseille housing project known as an open-air drug market on Monday, prompting police to close off the area in a search for the shooters the same day France's prime minister planned to visit the city.

No injuries were immediately reported in the shooting in the Castellane housing project, an area north of the city's old port that is rife with drug violence and gangs.

There were conflicting reports about whether officers had also been targeted by automatic gunfire. David Olivier Reverdy, a police union official, told RTL radio no officers were specifically targeted and no one was wounded.

But Samia Ghali, a senator from the region, told iTele that she spoke with the police director and was told that the gunmen were targeting police and also firing at random.


Again....automatic gun fire in a country with tighter gun control than the United States....if criminals want guns they can get guns....

Is there some country with less gun control that is doing better?
I would say Switzerland off the top of my head......

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy Switzerland Law Library of Congress

On February 13, 2011, a popular referendum was held on a proposal that would have made Swiss gun-control laws stricter in several ways. The proposal called for an end to the practice of letting militiamen keep their weapons at home. In addition, it proposed that gun registration should be carried out by the federation instead of the cantons, and that for a weapons acquisition license, the applicant would have to prove a need for the weapon and the skill and knowledge to handle it.[18]

The Swiss Parliament and the Federal Cabinet advised against the referendum on the grounds that the existing laws were sufficient to protect against gun abuse.[19] The referendum was rejected by 56.3% of those voting, and the voter participation of 49.1% was high as compared to other referenda.[20] It remains to be seen whether the Swiss will change their mind on tougher gun-control laws in the wake of the Daillon massacre of January 3, 2013 in the Canton of Valais, when a thirty-four-year-old militiaman went on a shooting spree, killing three women and wounding two men with his militia weapon.[21] For starters, the incident led to a parliamentary motion urging the Federal Cabinet to create an effective linkage between the cantonal weapons registers.[22]
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I would say Switzerland off the top of my head......

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy Switzerland Law Library of Congress

On February 13, 2011, a popular referendum was held on a proposal that would have made Swiss gun-control laws stricter in several ways. The proposal called for an end to the practice of letting militiamen keep their weapons at home. In addition, it proposed that gun registration should be carried out by the federation instead of the cantons, and that for a weapons acquisition license, the applicant would have to prove a need for the weapon and the skill and knowledge to handle it.[18]

The Swiss Parliament and the Federal Cabinet advised against the referendum on the grounds that the existing laws were sufficient to protect against gun abuse.[19] The referendum was rejected by 56.3% of those voting, and the voter participation of 49.1% was high as compared to other referenda.[20] It remains to be seen whether the Swiss will change their mind on tougher gun-control laws in the wake of the Daillon massacre of January 3, 2013 in the Canton of Valais, when a thirty-four-year-old militiaman went on a shooting spree, killing three women and wounding two men with his militia weapon.[21] For starters, the incident led to a parliamentary motion urging the Federal Cabinet to create an effective linkage between the cantonal weapons registers.[22]

They are a very rich country per capita.
What's the murder rate in France?

Don't know.....but whatever it is it doesn't have anything to do with has to do with French culture and history......because many countries with stricter gun control than the United States have higher murder rates than the U.S. or fact, The U.S. is #1 for gun ownership but only #90 for murder rates......
Oh yeah? But we have the highest murder rate of all the 1st world countries. Right?

If the liberal logic of gun control as a means to reduce violence were true......

Prisons would be the safest places in America and gun stores would be the most dangerous.

But gun stores rarely see violence of any kind...and prisons are extremely dangerous.

I would say Switzerland off the top of my head......

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy Switzerland Law Library of Congress

On February 13, 2011, a popular referendum was held on a proposal that would have made Swiss gun-control laws stricter in several ways. The proposal called for an end to the practice of letting militiamen keep their weapons at home. In addition, it proposed that gun registration should be carried out by the federation instead of the cantons, and that for a weapons acquisition license, the applicant would have to prove a need for the weapon and the skill and knowledge to handle it.[18]

The Swiss Parliament and the Federal Cabinet advised against the referendum on the grounds that the existing laws were sufficient to protect against gun abuse.[19] The referendum was rejected by 56.3% of those voting, and the voter participation of 49.1% was high as compared to other referenda.[20] It remains to be seen whether the Swiss will change their mind on tougher gun-control laws in the wake of the Daillon massacre of January 3, 2013 in the Canton of Valais, when a thirty-four-year-old militiaman went on a shooting spree, killing three women and wounding two men with his militia weapon.[21] For starters, the incident led to a parliamentary motion urging the Federal Cabinet to create an effective linkage between the cantonal weapons registers.[22]

They are a very rich country per capita.

They also have low inequality.
I would say Switzerland off the top of my head......

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy Switzerland Law Library of Congress

On February 13, 2011, a popular referendum was held on a proposal that would have made Swiss gun-control laws stricter in several ways. The proposal called for an end to the practice of letting militiamen keep their weapons at home. In addition, it proposed that gun registration should be carried out by the federation instead of the cantons, and that for a weapons acquisition license, the applicant would have to prove a need for the weapon and the skill and knowledge to handle it.[18]

The Swiss Parliament and the Federal Cabinet advised against the referendum on the grounds that the existing laws were sufficient to protect against gun abuse.[19] The referendum was rejected by 56.3% of those voting, and the voter participation of 49.1% was high as compared to other referenda.[20] It remains to be seen whether the Swiss will change their mind on tougher gun-control laws in the wake of the Daillon massacre of January 3, 2013 in the Canton of Valais, when a thirty-four-year-old militiaman went on a shooting spree, killing three women and wounding two men with his militia weapon.[21] For starters, the incident led to a parliamentary motion urging the Federal Cabinet to create an effective linkage between the cantonal weapons registers.[22]

They are a very rich country per capita.

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