Another Social Justice Warrior Caught with Kiddie Porn ...

What are you raving about? Should his shoe size and favorite dessert also be in the thread title, too?

Is it considered "raving" when all you ask for is that the charges the man has be what the title of the thread is?

Is wanting honesty considered "raving" now?

If you read the articles- it does appear that he was caught with child porn- though the charges don't specifically say that.
So 10%, of 3.5% of the US population, gets to speak for the entire LGBT community and say that LGBT think pedo's okay?
t that the vast mjaority of the 'community' had no problems with the kiddie rapers i.

That is what you keep trying to convince everyone.

The facts are pretty straight forward:

Over 90% of all child molestation is done by men.
The vast majority of that child molestation is done to girls.

Statistically- any child is safer with any woman than with any man. Of any orientation.

The majority of men who rape boys do not identify themselves as homosexuals- and like Hastert and Sandusky are married and have their own children- often the children they molest are their own- or are their step children.

The 1-3% figure cited for the percentage of homosexuals in the population is self identified- i.e.- does not include the men who rape boys(or girls).

Telling everyone that its the "Homosexuals" endangers children.

Telling everyone that its the "Homosexuals" tells parents that they can leave their kid with kindly Speaker Hastert, or good old coach Sandusky- because they aren't 'gay'....

People like you endanger children.

Post the studies, and I mean not some hack site , but the actual studies, so we can all see how all those numbers were arrived at. Eloy couldn't do it, but maybe you can.

You did read the actual studies, right? ...

Feel free to post the studies- real studies- not the hack stuff generated by and for the FRC- that support your claims.

Yeah I will post them- I have responded to this dangerous idiocy enough times.

I will pull the info and post it later.

So you haven't read them, and have to run and Google them right quick. yes, I knew that. Maybe the nice old guys at the Pedo-Pavillion who put on the Trouser Puppet Shows for you 'progressives' can help out with the lists.

Yep- found it where I thought I would find it.
So 10%, of 3.5% of the US population, gets to speak for the entire LGBT community and say that LGBT think pedo's okay?
t that the vast mjaority of the 'community' had no problems with the kiddie rapers i.

That is what you keep trying to convince everyone.

The facts are pretty straight forward:

Over 90% of all child molestation is done by men.
The vast majority of that child molestation is done to girls.

Statistically- any child is safer with any woman than with any man. Of any orientation.

The majority of men who rape boys do not identify themselves as homosexuals- and like Hastert and Sandusky are married and have their own children- often the children they molest are their own- or are their step children.

The 1-3% figure cited for the percentage of homosexuals in the population is self identified- i.e.- does not include the men who rape boys(or girls).

Telling everyone that its the "Homosexuals" endangers children.

Telling everyone that its the "Homosexuals" tells parents that they can leave their kid with kindly Speaker Hastert, or good old coach Sandusky- because they aren't 'gay'....

People like you endanger children.

Post the studies, and I mean not some hack site , but the actual studies, so we can all see how all those numbers were arrived at. Eloy couldn't do it, but maybe you can.

You did read the actual studies, right? ...

Feel free to post the studies- real studies- not the hack stuff generated by and for the FRC- that support your claims.

Yeah I will post them- I have responded to this dangerous idiocy enough times.

I will pull the info and post it later.

So you haven't read them, and have to run and Google them right quick. yes, I knew that. Maybe the nice old guys at the Pedo-Pavillion who put on the Trouser Puppet Shows for you 'progressives' can help out with the lists.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Using the fixated-regressed distinction, Groth and Birnbaum (1978) studied 175 adult males who were convicted in Massachusetts of sexual assault against a child. None of the men had an exclusively homosexual adult sexual orientation. 83 (47%) were classified as "fixated;" 70 others (40%) were classified as regressed adult heterosexuals; the remaining 22 (13%) were classified as regressed adult bisexuals. Of the last group, Groth and Birnbaum observed that "in their adult relationships they engaged in sex on occasion with men as well as with women. However, in no case did this attraction to men exceed their preference for women....There were no men who were primarily sexually attracted to other adult males..." (p.180).

Patients. Patients were 352 children (276 girls and 76 boys) referred to a subspecialty clinic for the evaluation of suspected child sexual abuse. Mean age was 6.1 years (range, 7 months to 17 years).

Data collected. Charts were reviewed to determine the relationships of the children to the alleged offender, the sex of the offender, and whether or not the alleged offender was reported to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

Results. Abuse was ruled out in 35 cases. Seventy-four children were allegedly abused by other children and teenagers less than 18 years old. In 9 cases, an offender could not be identified. In the remaining 269 cases, two offenders were identified as being gay or lesbian. In 82% of cases (222/269), the alleged offender was a heterosexual partner of a close relative of the child. Using the data from our study, the 95% confidence limits, of the risk children would identify recognizably homosexual adults as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%. These limits are within current estimates of the prevalence of homosexuality in the general community.

Conclusions. The children in the group studied were unlikely to have been molested by identifiably gay or lesbian people.
t that the vast mjaority of the 'community' had no problems with the kiddie rapers i.

That is what you keep trying to convince everyone.

The facts are pretty straight forward:

Over 90% of all child molestation is done by men.
The vast majority of that child molestation is done to girls.

Statistically- any child is safer with any woman than with any man. Of any orientation.

The majority of men who rape boys do not identify themselves as homosexuals- and like Hastert and Sandusky are married and have their own children- often the children they molest are their own- or are their step children.

The 1-3% figure cited for the percentage of homosexuals in the population is self identified- i.e.- does not include the men who rape boys(or girls).

Telling everyone that its the "Homosexuals" endangers children.

Telling everyone that its the "Homosexuals" tells parents that they can leave their kid with kindly Speaker Hastert, or good old coach Sandusky- because they aren't 'gay'....

People like you endanger children.

Post the studies, and I mean not some hack site , but the actual studies, so we can all see how all those numbers were arrived at. Eloy couldn't do it, but maybe you can.

You did read the actual studies, right? ...

Feel free to post the studies- real studies- not the hack stuff generated by and for the FRC- that support your claims.

Yeah I will post them- I have responded to this dangerous idiocy enough times.

I will pull the info and post it later.

So you haven't read them, and have to run and Google them right quick.

So you are ASSuming that everyone is as much of liar as you are.

No- I have read them plenty of times- there was another homophobic bigot named Silhouette- who used to post here who I would respond to- she stopped posting awhile ago so I haven't pulled the info up in a few months- and I don't keep information regarding pedophiles exactly right at my fingertips.

Feel free to look up her posts and you will find my references to these studies.
Or don't- and just continue to lie.

You posted your usual gibberish, the same repetitive crap propaganda every other fake news peddler posts over and over, and it has has all been debunked over and over again. And of course you can't post the study itself, duly noted. So, you don't get to whine and demand anything from anybody else. The reasons you and the other Pedo-Friendlies on the left never post the actual studies themselves is because even a 6th grader can see the methodologies used are junk and in many cases outright ludicrous.
What are you raving about? Should his shoe size and favorite dessert also be in the thread title, too?

Is it considered "raving" when all you ask for is that the charges the man has be what the title of the thread is?

Is wanting honesty considered "raving" now?

Because the the article doesn't say he physically molested a child, and under most statutes porn fits the charges listed. No rape charges specifically listed, so 'kiddie porn' is the best choice for the thread title.You just have a reading comprehension problem; sue your school.

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