Another socialist cabinet member, who would of thought.


VIP Member
Feb 2, 2011
In Reality
He nominates yet another Keynesian socialist into his cabinet. Either the man is very ignorant or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country.
First, lets take a look at what Keynesian economics really is. It is however failed many times in history, so why would berry not wanna try it yet again.
Keynesian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow, just wow.
Alan Krueger: Predictable, conventional, and Keynesian - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
I'm all for trying new things, but this is not new, and if it really worked it would be used globally and it's not, countries that have used this idea have learned that it's a failure and have moved back to letting the free market boost he economy. The free market will fix itself if government would just get the hell out of the way.
He nominates yet another Keynesian socialist into his cabinet. Either the man is very ignorant or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country.
First, lets take a look at what Keynesian economics really is. It is however failed many times in history, so why would berry not wanna try it yet again.
Keynesian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow, just wow.
Alan Krueger: Predictable, conventional, and Keynesian - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
I'm all for trying new things, but this is not new, and if it really worked it would be used globally and it's not, countries that have used this idea have learned that it's a failure and have moved back to letting the free market boost he economy. The free market will fix itself if government would just get the hell out of the way.
Currently there are no members of The American Socialist or Communist Party in the congress or the cabinet.
He nominates yet another Keynesian socialist into his cabinet. Either the man is very ignorant or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country.
First, lets take a look at what Keynesian economics really is. It is however failed many times in history, so why would berry not wanna try it yet again.
Keynesian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow, just wow.
Alan Krueger: Predictable, conventional, and Keynesian - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
I'm all for trying new things, but this is not new, and if it really worked it would be used globally and it's not, countries that have used this idea have learned that it's a failure and have moved back to letting the free market boost he economy. The free market will fix itself if government would just get the hell out of the way.
Currently there are no members of The American Socialist or Communist Party in the congress or the cabinet.


You have to get your conservative hyperbole decoder ring out..if you don't have one..

Buy some Crackerjacks. Usually you can find one..or several other really valuable prizes.
He nominates yet another Keynesian socialist into his cabinet. Either the man is very ignorant or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country.
First, lets take a look at what Keynesian economics really is. It is however failed many times in history, so why would berry not wanna try it yet again.
Keynesian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow, just wow.
Alan Krueger: Predictable, conventional, and Keynesian - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
I'm all for trying new things, but this is not new, and if it really worked it would be used globally and it's not, countries that have used this idea have learned that it's a failure and have moved back to letting the free market boost he economy. The free market will fix itself if government would just get the hell out of the way.
Currently there are no members of The American Socialist or Communist Party in the congress or the cabinet.


You have to get your conservative hyperbole decoder ring out..if you don't have one..

Buy some Crackerjacks. Usually you can find one..or several other really valuable prizes.
I gotta get me one of those...and I haven't had crackerjacks in years! Good idea.
So Keynesian means Socialist? Because I don't see the term socialist used anywhere.
He nominates yet another Keynesian socialist into his cabinet. Either the man is very ignorant or he is intentionally trying to destroy this country.
First, lets take a look at what Keynesian economics really is. It is however failed many times in history, so why would berry not wanna try it yet again.
Keynesian economics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow, just wow.
Alan Krueger: Predictable, conventional, and Keynesian - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
I'm all for trying new things, but this is not new, and if it really worked it would be used globally and it's not, countries that have used this idea have learned that it's a failure and have moved back to letting the free market boost he economy. The free market will fix itself if government would just get the hell out of the way.
Currently there are no members of The American Socialist or Communist Party in the congress or the cabinet.
Bernie Sanders of Vermont?
From Wiki:
Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist,[1][2] and has praised European social democracy. He is the first person elected to the U.S. Senate to identify as a socialist.[3] Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments, but because he does not belong to a formal political party, he appears as an independent on the ballot. He was also the only independent member of the House during much of his service there.
]Currently there are no members of The American Socialist or Communist Party in the congress or the cabinet.
Never heard of Bernie Sanders or this bunch, have you?
Bernie Sanders is an Independent.

You gotta be kidding.....

How can your intellect not puke all over itself when you go to that site?
Bernie Sanders the "independent" is an above-board and avowed socialist....You can look it up.

That properly identifies closeted socialists, cynically passing themselves off under the "progressive" moniker, isn't their problem, Bubba.
Last edited:
By the way, this is my favourite part of that article:

"It shouldn't take a PhD in economics from Harvard to realize that the fear of a punitive future tax is illusory as it relates to promoting consumption."

Yet, we get told day in and day out by conservatives that the fear of future taxes is exactly why businesses aren't consuming more.

This is filed under "Things That Make Me Go Hmm"
Bernie Sanders is a Socialist, this is a pretty well known fact.
]Currently there are no members of The American Socialist or Communist Party in the congress or the cabinet.
Never heard of Bernie Sanders or this bunch, have you?

Sanders ran as an independent..didn't he?
He did. He is about a socialist as it gets in Washington...but the people of Vermont elected him.

Some of these Beckheads, Dittoheads, and Obama haters throw around the word socialist without regard for it's definition sometimes.

The GOP has got to create fear of something...and they can't create it based on Obama's foreign policy they use "socialism" to conjure up imagery of Stalin and Mao to keep their voters angry, afraid, and frosty enough to vote for sure.
Never heard of Bernie Sanders or this bunch, have you?
Bernie Sanders is an Independent.

You gotta be kidding.....

How can your intellect not puke all over itself when you go to that site?
Bernie Sanders the "independent" is an above-board and avowed socialist.

Yu can look it up.

Ah so grasshopper.

And when a politician advocates for using government money to collude with private industry..what is that called?
Bernie Sanders is a Socialist, this is a pretty well known fact.
But he's not proposing any legislation of a socialist nature.

so·cial·ism noun \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\

Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Bernie Sanders is an Independent.

You gotta be kidding.....

How can your intellect not puke all over itself when you go to that site?
Bernie Sanders the "independent" is an above-board and avowed socialist.

Yu can look it up.

Ah so grasshopper.

And when a politician advocates for using government money to collude with private industry..what is that called?
Progressivism, AKA socialism.


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