Another Trump crony bites the dust: Cohen pleads guilty.

Yeah, Trump cronies are falling like flies. Tweet away, Big Boy, Mueller is coming for you.

The loyalty you give is equal to the loyalty you receive. Not just Cohen, but all these these folks pleading guilty, know exactly who you are.

Loosen that girdle and better stock up on them Big Macs. Mueller is coming for you, Crooked Don.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

A real estate deal isn't election Collusion.

Celebrate away.

At this point shouldn't people start getting plea deals with I don't know something to do with hacking?

Still haven't seen anything about Trump/Russia collusion. And I doubt I will.

Barry's cyber and intelligence people knew the DNC was going to be hacked but did nothing.

Hell the FBI told the DNC IT people the same thing and they did nothing.

They thought Hitlery would be the POTUS and didn't think the hacking would be a problem.

Stupid, stupid people. Or maybe smart people.
i marvel at the folks who tell Trump to follow the rule of law when it comes to Mueller but dont tell him to follow the rule of law when it comes to migrants!
Tear gassing toddlers, stripping parents of their children, these are only rule of law to lawless Republicans. It's the racism. Republicans think Racism is protected by law.
It's no coincidence that Trump turned in his written responses and then this happens.

Mueller is playing chess. Trump is playing checkers.

Don't mess with a Witchhunter.
Yo, everybody on this Thread sounds like a child in second grade, NO CLUE!!!

"""Listen And Learn Children"""

Mark Levin explains why Mueller probe is "Un-Constitutional"

"""Maybe, But I Doubt It, You Will Become A True American Patriot"""



Republicans still believing their leadership.

i marvel at the folks who tell Trump to follow the rule of law when it comes to Mueller but dont tell him to follow the rule of law when it comes to migrants!
Tear gassing toddlers, stripping parents of their children, these are only rule of law to lawless Republicans. It's the racism. Republicans think Racism is protected by law.

Nope. Tear gassing people who bring kids when they invade the US border. Taking kids away from parents in detention. Obeying the law.

Nothing racism about it except to a race baiter like you.

You really are as stupid as you appear to be.
Yeah, Trump cronies are falling like flies. Tweet away, Big Boy, Mueller is coming for you.

The loyalty you give is equal to the loyalty you receive. Not just Cohen, but all these these folks pleading guilty, know exactly who you are.

Loosen that girdle and better stock up on them Big Macs. Mueller is coming for you, Crooked Don.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

Hmmm....looking for any sign of Russians......he plead guilty to lying to us know when you finally find some Russians
Yo, everybody on this Thread sounds like a child in second grade, NO CLUE!!!

"""Listen And Learn Children"""

Mark Levin explains why Mueller probe is "Un-Constitutional"

"""Maybe, But I Doubt It, You Will Become A True American Patriot"""



Republicans still believing their leadership.


Moron...when the Attorney General is working to protect you, you aren't going to have your people arrested...just ask eric "I'm obama's wing man" holder and Loretta "bill clinton and I only talked about our grand kids" lynch.......
Yo, everybody on this Thread sounds like a child in second grade, NO CLUE!!!

"""Listen And Learn Children"""

Mark Levin explains why Mueller probe is "Un-Constitutional"

"""Maybe, But I Doubt It, You Will Become A True American Patriot"""



Republicans still believing their leadership.


You didn't get the memo? Lack of indictments if proof positive of corruption...
Yeah, Trump cronies are falling like flies. Tweet away, Big Boy, Mueller is coming for you.

The loyalty you give is equal to the loyalty you receive. Not just Cohen, but all these these folks pleading guilty, know exactly who you are.

Loosen that girdle and better stock up on them Big Macs. Mueller is coming for you, Crooked Don.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal

Hmmm....looking for any sign of Russians......he plead guilty to lying to us know when you finally find some Russians

They should find plenty if they check into Hitlery, the DNC and thier high jinks during the campaign. Hell they might even find a fake dossier on Trump.

What do you think??
Yeah, Trump cronies are falling like flies. Tweet away, Big Boy, Mueller is coming for you.

The loyalty you give is equal to the loyalty you receive. Not just Cohen, but all these these folks pleading guilty, know exactly who you are.

Loosen that girdle and better stock up on them Big Macs. Mueller is coming for you, Crooked Don.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal
So, basically, the Trump operation continued to conduct business while he was running for president. Sleezy lawyer Cohen may have lied about it. Nothing about TREASONOUS COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA TO STEAL THE ELECTION FROM HILLARY CLINTON® The end.
Yeah, Trump cronies are falling like flies. Tweet away, Big Boy, Mueller is coming for you.

The loyalty you give is equal to the loyalty you receive. Not just Cohen, but all these these folks pleading guilty, know exactly who you are.

Loosen that girdle and better stock up on them Big Macs. Mueller is coming for you, Crooked Don.

LOL Cohen plead guilty to "lying" to Congress by mistating a date that a meeting took place on.

Don't you at all find it disturbing that Cohen is one of only 7 people in the last 75 years to be charged with the crime of lying to Congress?
Yeah, Trump cronies are falling like flies. Tweet away, Big Boy, Mueller is coming for you.

The loyalty you give is equal to the loyalty you receive. Not just Cohen, but all these these folks pleading guilty, know exactly who you are.

Loosen that girdle and better stock up on them Big Macs. Mueller is coming for you, Crooked Don.

LOL Cohen plead guilty to "lying" to Congress by mistating a date that a meeting took place on.

Don't you at all find it disturbing that Cohen is one of only 7 people in the last 75 years to be charged with the crime of lying to Congress?

LMAO Not much of a gottcha is it??
Yo, everybody on this Thread sounds like a child in second grade, NO CLUE!!!

"""Listen And Learn Children"""

Mark Levin explains why Mueller probe is "Un-Constitutional"

"""Maybe, But I Doubt It, You Will Become A True American Patriot"""



Republicans still believing their leadership.



If the Republicans could find some Bull Balls, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration would be at the top of the list of Criminal Convictions, surpassing Richard Milhous Nixon by 100 or more! You freaks would really be yelling at the sky, and weeping like Bitches!!!

Every Time another Trump crony makes the news, the numbers have to be revised.

The young lawyer decided not to take a bullet for Trump. LOL.
Oh yeah I am sure...a lying jew lawyer admits he lied to congress about a stupid building project LMAO.....I hope he gets the max sentence.

The Jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back.

You must be full of hatred and self-loathing. You are a small man with no morals or values. But we've come to expect that from Russian trolls like you.

Trump and his criminal co-conspirators are all weasels in barrel. Cohen only developed a conscience when Trump stopped paying his legal bills and in essence, hung Cohen out to dry. When you treat others badly, you risk them turning on you. Especially someone who knows where all the bodies are buried.

Trump deserves this. He has rolled over on people and casually cast them aside as he had no further use for them. Trump has now been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in three criminal convictions. These are impeachable offences.
Yo, everybody on this Thread sounds like a child in second grade, NO CLUE!!!

"""Listen And Learn Children"""

Mark Levin explains why Mueller probe is "Un-Constitutional"

"""Maybe, But I Doubt It, You Will Become A True American Patriot"""



Republicans still believing their leadership.



If the Republicans could find some Bull Balls, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration would be at the top of the list of Criminal Convictions, surpassing Richard Milhous Nixon by 100 or more! You freaks would really be yelling at the sky, and weeping like Bitches!!!


If right wingers didn't lie about Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton, they'd have nothing to say.
Yo, everybody on this Thread sounds like a child in second grade, NO CLUE!!!

"""Listen And Learn Children"""

Mark Levin explains why Mueller probe is "Un-Constitutional"

"""Maybe, But I Doubt It, You Will Become A True American Patriot"""



Republicans still believing their leadership.



If the Republicans could find some Bull Balls, Barack "Hussein" Obama II Administration would be at the top of the list of Criminal Convictions, surpassing Richard Milhous Nixon by 100 or more! You freaks would really be yelling at the sky, and weeping like Bitches!!!


If right wingers didn't lie about Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton, they'd have nothing to say.

Yo, keep being "STUPID," Socialist Love STUPID!!!!

Yeah, Trump cronies are falling like flies. Tweet away, Big Boy, Mueller is coming for you.

The loyalty you give is equal to the loyalty you receive. Not just Cohen, but all these these folks pleading guilty, know exactly who you are.

Loosen that girdle and better stock up on them Big Macs. Mueller is coming for you, Crooked Don.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty to Charge in Mueller Inquiry Related to Russia Business Deal
And there’s your evidence the witch-hunt isn’t about Russia , thanks

Let us know when you got something on Russia and trump!

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