Another Trumptard Idea - Send NYC Terrorist to Guantanamo


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.
He is an enemy combatant who took up arms against the United States in the name of radical Islam.
He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.
As if that would do any good. A war of ideology doesn't have any formal rules or POW status no matter how hard one tries to set them. This was no more criminal than the Las Vegas massacre and much less lethal.
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He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.

He says he's a member of ISIS. Why don't you believe him?
He should be brought before a military tribunal, then executed.
He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.

He says he's a member of ISIS. Why don't you believe him?
He pledged allegiance to ISIS. He is not a member.

ISIS has never heard of this dipshit.
Mccarthy was right. Communist lefties want to protect jihadists so after enough terrorist attacks they can go Stalin mode.

Who do we send to Guantanmo first, the communists or the jihadists? The Jihadists are just the fangs of the snake in the US, the communists are the head.

I can see it now. After the next major 9/11 magnitude event the Communists will declare all "right-wing hate groups" as threat to the United States, finally recognizing that Muslim ideology is opposed to communist pro-gay pro-abortion pro-degeneracy policies. While they mass murder Muslims in the US, they'll throw in the white conversatives with it.
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He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.

He says he's a member of ISIS. Why don't you believe him?
He's a wannabe. Wake up. To join ISIS all one has to do is act like ISIS. It's the Mickey Mouse Club of terrorism, you just watch the damn show.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

The next terrorist would think twice.

The 72 virgins sure don't sound as nice after that treatment.

Yes, I quite like this plan actually.
He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.

He says he's a member of ISIS. Why don't you believe him?
He pledged allegiance to ISIS. He is not a member.

ISIS has never heard of this dipshit.

A meaningless distinction.

At any rate, it's not your call. It's up to Trump. He has the authority to deem this clown an enemy combatant.

"Elections have consequences"
-Saint Obama.
He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.
What jail, the one in Guantanamo or some random federal or state facility?
The punk watched a few ISIS videos and got delusions of grandeur.

Thanks to the liberals, he couldn't even figure out how to get a real gun.

What a loser.
He is an enemy combatant who took up arms against the United States in the name of radical Islam.

So we are told?

He called him an animal.

I don't remember him calling the LV shooter or the white supremacist that ran over an protestor at the Va rally
an animal.

(my opinion they are all animals, but lets admit the LV shooter killed more people).
Mccarthy was right. Communist lefties want to protect jihadists so after enough terrorist attacks they can go Stalin mode.

Who do we send to Guantanmo first, the communists or the jihadists? The Jihadists are just the fangs of the snake in the US, the communists are the head.

You cons are so for the constitution!
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

The next terrorist would think twice.

The 72 virgins sure don't sound as nice after that treatment.

Yes, I quite like this plan actually.
Are you claiming the prisoners held at Guantanamo are mistreated??

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