Another Trumptard Idea - Send NYC Terrorist to Guantanamo

He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.

He says he's a member of ISIS. Why don't you believe him?
He pledged allegiance to ISIS. He is not a member.

ISIS has never heard of this dipshit.

ISIS called g5000 and told him so.
You quirky Loons...haha!
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.
that dream died the minute you hit "new post"
Yes, I quite like this plan actually.
Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.

Trump now agrees that sending him Guantanamo was a stupid idea.

Good going dumbasses.


Is it so hard to do your own search?

Let me fucking google that for you

Got it, fake news.
Nothing fake about this news. Trump has backed away from the idea of sending the NYC terrorist to GITMO and recognized it was a bad idea.
Yes, I quite like this plan actually.
Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.

Trump now agrees that sending him Guantanamo was a stupid idea.

Good going dumbasses.


Is it so hard to do your own search?

Let me fucking google that for you

Got it, fake news.
Nothing fake about this news. Trump has backed away from the idea of sending the NYC terrorist to GITMO and recognized it was a bad idea.

Ant said more that just "backed away", He claimed something that he could not back up.

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