Another Trumptard Idea - Send NYC Terrorist to Guantanamo

The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

Pretending this is a criminal matter is the idiocy. This is a national security matter.

He should be executed as an illegal combatant.

Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.
Sending a Muslim terrorist to Gitmo would be an honor and a bonus to a terrorist. That is why it is such a 'tarded idea. It offers the promise to future terrorist a chance to serve with the highest regarded warriors in their social and military structure. It would confirm them as celebrity martyrs and guarantee them a life amongst there own people. These deeply religious people would be given the promise of worship and study with celebrity scholars of the religion.

Being held at Gitmo would be an honor to the terrorist. It is an encouragement to promote terrorism.

Not if it is a short duration stay until he is executed.

He is not a criminal. He is an illegal combatant and needs to be put to death, asap.
Gitmo's too good for him. Send him to live with pigs in a sty.
You're close and headed in the right direction. Probably just a coincidental stumble, however, knowing your intellect.
At least meathead has an intellect.
Yes, the intellect of a meathead. That is why he carries that screen name. Not living in America, he probably did not comprehend the meaning of the name when he picked it.

Bad idea, there are people there that have not been tried for 15 years; Bush would not worry about "trials", and Obama met head first resistance from Republicans when when it was attempted. (Those yipping "NO Miranda rights!", sadly, even McCain, need to remember it isn't a long explanation of the Constitution, and anyone with brains enough to be a terrorist will know what Miranda mean anyway.)
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

I agree with POTUS

Sheeeee-it. This wannabe ISIS guy is a fucking incompetent loser next to Paddock. If you want a mass slaughter, call an AMERICAN!

Wow, the amount of self-hate in this post.

Which American has committed terrorist strike that killed thousands? Are you honestly suggesting that Americans are as bad as people who openly execute gay people for being gay? Did you not know that 99% of terrorist strikes are caused by Muslims?

Just amazing, this guy needs his one way ticket to the middle east, quick. Let's see how long he lasts in his utopia.

Really. Do you know what Christians in this country say when any Christians in other countries are killed or mistreated. They get irate.

They are terrorists because we are taking their land, oil and whatever is underground. You really don't' think we have 6000 troops in Africa for naught, we created Isis,, like it or not. We destroy their lands, and where do you want them to live.

How dare they come here and kill some people , we have our own home grown terrorists, Tim McVeigh. LV shooter, I can name a whole lot of them.

Can you explain then, why do they commit terrorism against their own fellows just as often? Why are they targeting the Europeans even more often, for giving them a home?

Why are they still living in mud-huts?

Why are they still executing their gays?
I suggest that he be shot 67 times while "trying to escape".
That's what he wanted.

He should certainly be obliged. He's going to cost the taxpayers a fortune in legal and incarceration expenses, all in the name of diversity. What a joke.

no he shouldn't be obliged. he shouldn't be martyred.

but thanks. New York looks forward to trying the lowlife scum.
Didn't Trump say he would "consider" sending him to Gitmo, rather
than making an absolute statement?
That is why I called it an "idea" instead of presenting it as an accepted policy decision. I'm thinking someone from the military or national security will ''splain to trump why his idea is dopey and dangerous.

I don't think it's a dangerous idea. I don't think it's needed in this guys case
but I was happy to hear the Donald mention Gitmo.

We need to go back to capturing these folks on battlefields and send them
to Gitmo. Then we can get info from them.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

What's stupid about it? Of course, idiots like you will kick and scream to prevent it, but when do you ever allow good ideas to be implemented? Stopping good ideas is what the left is all about.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

As much as I dislike Trump, I have no problem with this at all. This guy is an enemy combatant, treat him as such.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

What's stupid about it? Of course, idiots like you will kick and scream to prevent it, but when do you ever allow good ideas to be implemented? Stopping good ideas is what the left is all about.

WTF is at Gitmo that will cannot be done better in NYC?

Trump just found himself a shiny squirrel to point to many times over. Nothing but deflection from sad realities of his going-no-where presidency.
Liberals are too mentally disable to realize that Islamos will murder more people in the name of their fellow murderer.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

What's stupid about it? Of course, idiots like you will kick and scream to prevent it, but when do you ever allow good ideas to be implemented? Stopping good ideas is what the left is all about.

WTF is at Gitmo that will cannot be done better in NYC?

Trump just found himself a shiny squirrel to point to many times over. Nothing but deflection from sad realities of his going-no-where presidency.

Same as before. Avoid getting these illegal combatants treated as criminals in criminal courts, with vile liberals gumming up the works.

This guy should be executed within the year.
The advantage of sending him to Gitmo is that we can interrogate him rigorously, including waterboarding, to find out what he knows. The intel we gather could be vital in preventing possible future attacks. So I say, good for Trump... send his ass to Gitmo!

Furthermore, any fuckwit who wants to pick up a protest sign and start virtue signalling over this...send their asses to Gitmo too, as terrorist sympathizers and enemies of state.

I am DONE playing cutesy with the left wing snowflakes on these matters.

And mods? Why the hell is this thread not in the Flame Zone? :dunno:
The inmates at Gitmo are no longer interrogated and tortured the way they were done in the past.

This thread is where it belongs. It is critical of a very recent political statement made by the President of the United States and echoed by his supporters.

We still interrogate terrorists. We've never tortured. Granted, during the 8 years of Obama, we followed a bonehead retarded PC policy of releasing terrorists instead of interrogating them, but there is a new sheriff now.

The rules on forum posting are clear. Your original OP is flaming and incendiary. If I had posted something like this directed at the "libtards," the mods would've zapped it into the FZ or Rubber Room so fast it would've made your head spin. You're not interested in a debate, you want to grandstand and attack the right.

And oh by the way... the first to suggest Gitmo for this piece of shit was Lindsey Graham, hardly a Trump supporter.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

What's stupid about it? Of course, idiots like you will kick and scream to prevent it, but when do you ever allow good ideas to be implemented? Stopping good ideas is what the left is all about.

WTF is at Gitmo that will cannot be done better in NYC?

Trump just found himself a shiny squirrel to point to many times over. Nothing but deflection from sad realities of his going-no-where presidency.

It sucks for snowflakes when reality collides with their delusions.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

What's stupid about it? Of course, idiots like you will kick and scream to prevent it, but when do you ever allow good ideas to be implemented? Stopping good ideas is what the left is all about.

WTF is at Gitmo that will cannot be done better in NYC?

Trump just found himself a shiny squirrel to point to many times over. Nothing but deflection from sad realities of his going-no-where presidency.

We can torture him there without fear of Democrats trying to stop it.

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