Another Trumptard Idea - Send NYC Terrorist to Guantanamo

He is an enemy combatant who took up arms against the United States in the name of radical Islam.

So we are told?

He called him an animal.

I don't remember him calling the LV shooter or the white supremacist that ran over an protestor at the Va rally
an animal.

(my opinion they are all animals, but lets admit the LV shooter killed more people).
The Las Vegas shooter will never be tried either.
The US has run out of time.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
And just how do you suggest we fix the minds of those who have been here for a dozen years and then decide to blow? America is filled with people who lose it and most of them praise Jesus and the gun.
Not quite the same chance of occurance.
You are spot in that ISIS is a state of mind but if you think that state of mind is shared by people who don't worship Allah, you have to start paying attention to what these psychos scream before they commit murder.
Terrorism isn't limited to one religion. The Jews had no problem using it and neither have the Christians.
Ah. A new snowflake. Well, I guess it's that time of year in a lot of blue states.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
And just how do you suggest we fix the minds of those who have been here for a dozen years and then decide to blow? America is filled with people who lose it and most of them praise Jesus and the gun.
Not quite the same chance of occurance.
You are spot in that ISIS is a state of mind but if you think that state of mind is shared by people who don't worship Allah, you have to start paying attention to what these psychos scream before they commit murder.
Terrorism isn't limited to one religion. The Jews had no problem using it and neither have the Christians.
Ah. A new snowflake. Well, I guess it's that time of year in a lot of blue states.
It seems so.
And I had such high hopes.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
And just how do you suggest we fix the minds of those who have been here for a dozen years and then decide to blow? America is filled with people who lose it and most of them praise Jesus and the gun.
Not quite the same chance of occurance.
You are spot in that ISIS is a state of mind but if you think that state of mind is shared by people who don't worship Allah, you have to start paying attention to what these psychos scream before they commit murder.
Terrorism isn't limited to one religion. The Jews had no problem using it and neither have the Christians.
Ah. A new snowflake. Well, I guess it's that time of year in a lot of blue states.

In a couple of days they'll all be outside screaming at the sky.
He is an enemy combatant who took up arms against the United States in the name of radical Islam.
So what about deadly white supremacists? Should they go to gitmo?
There's been a sighting recently?
We might as well send the vehicular white terrorist from months back. Apparently he loved ISIS’s style.
The guy who stepped on the brake after he realized he hit someone?
Oh! That guy!

Feel stupid yet?
He is an enemy combatant who took up arms against the United States in the name of radical Islam.
So what about deadly white supremacists? Should they go to gitmo?
No, the white man Gitmo AKA Orlando.
Will 8 Americans brutally slaughtered, end this insane 'Diversity Visa Lottery' program? Don't be surprised if it doesn't. Enemy of the State Globalists are currently running our country. American Citizens certainly aren't their priority. They'll all need to be arrested and jailed, before anything can change. It is what it is.
Only two Americans were killed. The rest were foreign nationals, mostly from Argentina. Maybe he did us a favor????
He is an enemy combatant who took up arms against the United States in the name of radical Islam.
So what about deadly white supremacists? Should they go to gitmo?
There's been a sighting recently?
We might as well send the vehicular white terrorist from months back. Apparently he loved ISIS’s style.
The guy who stepped on the brake after he realized he hit someone?
Oh! That guy!

Feel stupid yet?
Lol good god you are so stupid.
Will 8 Americans brutally slaughtered, end this insane 'Diversity Visa Lottery' program? Don't be surprised if it doesn't. Enemy of the State Globalists are currently running our country. American Citizens certainly aren't their priority. They'll all need to be arrested and jailed, before anything can change. It is what it is.
Only two Americans were killed. The rest were foreign nationals, mostly from Argentina. Maybe he did us a favor????
Those damn tourists, who needs 'em?
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

Pretending this is a criminal matter is the idiocy. This is a national security matter.

He should be executed as an illegal combatant.

Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.
Sending a Muslim terrorist to Gitmo would be an honor and a bonus to a terrorist. That is why it is such a 'tarded idea. It offers the promise to future terrorist a chance to serve with the highest regarded warriors in their social and military structure. It would confirm them as celebrity martyrs and guarantee them a life amongst there own people. These deeply religious people would be given the promise of worship and study with celebrity scholars of the religion.

Being held at Gitmo would be an honor to the terrorist. It is an encouragement to promote terrorism.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

Pretending this is a criminal matter is the idiocy. This is a national security matter.

He should be executed as an illegal combatant.

Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.
Sending a Muslim terrorist to Gitmo would be an honor and a bonus to a terrorist. That is why it is such a 'tarded idea. It offers the promise to future terrorist a chance to serve with the highest regarded warriors in their social and military structure. It would confirm them as celebrity martyrs and guarantee them a life amongst there own people. These deeply religious people would be given the promise of worship and study with celebrity scholars of the religion.

Being held at Gitmo would be an honor to the terrorist. It is an encouragement to promote terrorism.
OK, let's honor them by sending them to Gitmo. They can have the 70 almond-eyed virgins when they check out.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

Pretending this is a criminal matter is the idiocy. This is a national security matter.

He should be executed as an illegal combatant.

Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.
Sending a Muslim terrorist to Gitmo would be an honor and a bonus to a terrorist. That is why it is such a 'tarded idea. It offers the promise to future terrorist a chance to serve with the highest regarded warriors in their social and military structure. It would confirm them as celebrity martyrs and guarantee them a life amongst there own people. These deeply religious people would be given the promise of worship and study with celebrity scholars of the religion.

Being held at Gitmo would be an honor to the terrorist. It is an encouragement to promote terrorism.
OK, let's honor them by sending them to Gitmo. They can have the 70 almond-eyed virgins when they check out.
To any man 30 or older 70 virgins would be hell on earth. A dozen dates before you get some and then you have to meet the family? Fuck that noise.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.
Id release all of them and confine them to the next DNC convention
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

Pretending this is a criminal matter is the idiocy. This is a national security matter.

He should be executed as an illegal combatant.

Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.
Sending a Muslim terrorist to Gitmo would be an honor and a bonus to a terrorist. That is why it is such a 'tarded idea. It offers the promise to future terrorist a chance to serve with the highest regarded warriors in their social and military structure. It would confirm them as celebrity martyrs and guarantee them a life amongst there own people. These deeply religious people would be given the promise of worship and study with celebrity scholars of the religion.

Being held at Gitmo would be an honor to the terrorist. It is an encouragement to promote terrorism.
OK, let's honor them by sending them to Gitmo. They can have the 70 almond-eyed virgins when they check out.
Let's not give them any honor or comfort. Let's stick them in some penitentiary with Christians and half-assed black Muslims. Let's put them nowhere near their own kind and somewhere where they will be forgotten and the memory of their existence will fade into oblivion.

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