Another Trumptard Idea - Send NYC Terrorist to Guantanamo

He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.

He says he's a member of ISIS. Why don't you believe him?
He pledged allegiance to ISIS. He is not a member.

ISIS has never heard of this dipshit.
ISIS has a phone directory?
Prove it.
I'm not so sure on that but they had social media people and a payroll.
And that makes an ISIS wanna be any better?
We both know the answer to that.
ISIS is a concept. It doesn't have a membership list.
Will 8 Americans brutally slaughtered, end this insane 'Diversity Visa Lottery' program? Don't be surprised if it doesn't. Enemy of the State Globalists are currently running our country. American Citizens certainly aren't their priority. They'll all need to be arrested and jailed, before anything can change. It is what it is.
Gitmo's too good for him. Send him to live with pigs in a sty.
You're close and headed in the right direction. Probably just a coincidental stumble, however, knowing your intellect.
Sheeeee-it. This wannabe ISIS guy is a fucking incompetent loser next to Paddock. If you want a mass slaughter, call an AMERICAN!

Wow, the amount of self-hate in this post.

Which American has committed terrorist strike that killed thousands? Are you honestly suggesting that Americans are as bad as people who openly execute gay people for being gay? Did you not know that 99% of terrorist strikes are caused by Muslims?

Just amazing, this guy needs his one way ticket to the middle east, quick. Let's see how long he lasts in his utopia.

Really. Do you know what Christians in this country say when any Christians in other countries are killed or mistreated. They get irate.

They are terrorists because we are taking their land, oil and whatever is underground. You really don't' think we have 6000 troops in Africa for naught, we created Isis,, like it or not. We destroy their lands, and where do you want them to live.

How dare they come here and kill some people , we have our own home grown terrorists, Tim McVeigh. LV shooter, I can name a whole lot of them.
He's not a member of any terrorist group.

He's a loser punk who should be tried as a criminal, convicted, and have the key thrown under the jail.
What jail, the one in Guantanamo or some random federal or state facility?
A coffin six feet under anywhere.
Give them 8 to 20 years and they'll work on it.
The US has run out of time.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
What jail, the one in Guantanamo or some random federal or state facility?
A coffin six feet under anywhere.
Give them 8 to 20 years and they'll work on it.
The US has run out of time.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
And just how do you suggest we fix the minds of those who have been here for a dozen years and then decide to blow? America is filled with people who lose it and most of them praise Jesus and the gun.
Gitmo's too good for him. Send him to live with pigs in a sty.
You're close and headed in the right direction. Probably just a coincidental stumble, however, knowing your intellect.
At least meathead has an intellect.
Yes, the intellect of a meathead. That is why he carries that screen name. Not living in America, he probably did not comprehend the meaning of the name when he picked it.
Why not send him to gitmo, it only cost us a 11 million dollars a year for each one of them. what's one more 11 million dollars of our money, Congress can always take the money out of our pockets.
The latest bonehead idea coming from Trump and his Trumptards is to prosecute and treat the NYC terrorist as an enemy combatant and send him to Guantanamo to be held with all the enemy combatants being held there.

Trump and his 'tards think this is better than treating the NYC and future terrorist as criminals and held in regular Federal Prisons or detention facilities.

Is the stupidity of this idea obvious or does it need to be discussed and explained?

'Tarded trump cultist need not respond. Let's make this a non-'tarded political thread.

Pretending this is a criminal matter is the idiocy. This is a national security matter.

He should be executed as an illegal combatant.

Keeping him as Guatanamo is fine.
Gitmo's too good for him. Send him to live with pigs in a sty.
You're close and headed in the right direction. Probably just a coincidental stumble, however, knowing your
At least meathead has an intellect.
Camp's got this butthurt thing going. He's still reeling from Reagan believe it or intellect.
not. And now Trump. :)
I dislike Reagan to this day because of the contributions he made to creating modern-day terrorism of direct terror attacks on Americans and American targets by middle-eastern and Muslim terrorists. That began and cultivated under Reagan. His failure to respond adequately led to the birth of modern-day terrorism. Trump, on the other hand, is just a sub-par crude human of low character, ethics, and socially redeeming value.
A coffin six feet under anywhere.
Give them 8 to 20 years and they'll work on it.
The US has run out of time.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
And just how do you suggest we fix the minds of those who have been here for a dozen years and then decide to blow? America is filled with people who lose it and most of them praise Jesus and the gun.
Not quite the same chance of occurance.
You are spot in that ISIS is a state of mind but if you think that state of mind is shared by people who don't worship Allah, you have to start paying attention to what these psychos scream before they commit murder.
Gitmo's too good for him. Send him to live with pigs in a sty.
You're close and headed in the right direction. Probably just a coincidental stumble, however, knowing your
At least meathead has an intellect.
Camp's got this butthurt thing going. He's still reeling from Reagan believe it or intellect.
not. And now Trump. :)
I dislike Reagan to this day because of the contributions he made to creating modern-day terrorism of direct terror attacks on Americans and American targets by middle-eastern and Muslim terrorists. That began and cultivated under Reagan. His failure to respond adequately led to the birth of modern-day terrorism. Trump, on the other hand, is just a sub-par crude human of low character, ethics, and socially redeeming value.
You know Camp, you wouldn't be derided so much if you weren't such a self-righteous snowflake. You bring this stuff on yourself and whining about it isn't helping.
Give them 8 to 20 years and they'll work on it.
The US has run out of time.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
And just how do you suggest we fix the minds of those who have been here for a dozen years and then decide to blow? America is filled with people who lose it and most of them praise Jesus and the gun.
Not quite the same chance of occurance.
You are spot in that ISIS is a state of mind but if you think that state of mind is shared by people who don't worship Allah, you have to start paying attention to what these psychos scream before they commit murder.
Terrorism isn't limited to one religion. The Jews had no problem using it and neither have the Christians.
The US has run out of time.
Time for what? You think this is the first terrorist act in America? The guy didn't fly in on Monday.
They're becoming more brazen.
And I love it when the news reports "injured".
Some, if not all of these people could be maimed for life.
And just how do you suggest we fix the minds of those who have been here for a dozen years and then decide to blow? America is filled with people who lose it and most of them praise Jesus and the gun.
Not quite the same chance of occurance.
You are spot in that ISIS is a state of mind but if you think that state of mind is shared by people who don't worship Allah, you have to start paying attention to what these psychos scream before they commit murder.
Terrorism isn't limited to one religion. The Jews had no problem using it and neither have the Christians.
The Jews, the Jews...
I hate to remind you that's it's 2017 and the only religion that's been mass murdering it's own and others for the last 100 years of so has been...Islam.

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