Another Undeclared, Unconstitutional War

It wasn't just a scientist. It was an Iranian scientist working on building a bomb that they can use to blow your ass into dust.

Still going to far?


And you seem more than willing to immediately and unquestioningly believe anything Iran tells you.



Ahmadinejad would like to thank America neocon suckers for keeping him in Power.
Well, if Iran says it, it must be true. They've never lied to the world before, nope, they haven't.
I do not know of any instance where Iran has lied to the world as you claim?

So far they have been forthright and truthful in their dealings with other nations.

Then fucking move there. You'll be right in with the rest of those America hating muslims. You'll love it.
I don't hate America and have no reason to move to Iran.

But I wish that we had a leader who loves our country as much as Ahmadinejad loves Iran. :cool:
Assassinating Scientists is going to far.

It wasn't just a scientist. It was an Iranian scientist working on building a bomb that they can use to blow your ass into dust.

Still going to far?

If the Iranians blew up an American aircraft carrier on the grounds that they were dealing with a threat of US air attacks on their nuclear facilities,

would that be going too far??

I'm all for them giving it a try.

The executive branch of our government is committing us to another long nation building war, without consulting the congress. Without seeking approval from the representatives of the people.

Yes, you god damn right he is going to far.
Prove America had anything to do with the scientists death... anything that isn't coming from Iran. Your "blame America first" attitude is noted.

It wasn't just a scientist. It was an Iranian scientist working on building a bomb that they can use to blow your ass into dust.

Still going to far?

If the Iranians blew up an American aircraft carrier on the grounds that they were dealing with a threat of US air attacks on their nuclear facilities,

would that be going too far??
Isn't that what they're threatening to do? I watched on the news just this morning as they should video of "Iranian gun boats harassing US Navy."

You didn't answer the question.
Well, if Iran says it, it must be true. They've never lied to the world before, nope, they haven't.

Good grief.

The united states has a long history of this sort of activity throughout the world. It has all been well documented. Just because it doesnt exist on the glowing box does not mean it never happened.

Read a book now and then.

Nor does it mean it did happen.... and yet you seem remarkably enthusiastic to believe it. For the record, if we were involved, I have no real problem with it. However, given the current POTUS, I very much doubt it happened.

One of the main reasons why Libertarians can never hold the Presidency.... they are bordering on dangerously naive when it comes to international affairs.
Assassinating Scientists is going to far.

It wasn't just a scientist. It was an Iranian scientist working on building a bomb that they can use to blow your ass into dust.

Still going to far?

If the Iranians blew up an American aircraft carrier on the grounds that they were dealing with a threat of US air attacks on their nuclear facilities,

would that be going too far??

As an American, Yes, that's going too far. You need to check your premise and figure out what side you are on.
What has the American Left done to oppose Iran's ambitions?

Don't you remember? When Obama became President he declared that we needed a new tone with Iran and that re-engaging them that way would solve all the problems we have with them.

Haven't you noticed how that fixed everything?
What has the American Left done to oppose Iran's ambitions?

Don't you remember? When Obama became President he declared that we needed a new tone with Iran and that re-engaging them that way would solve all the problems we have with them.

Haven't you noticed how that fixed everything?
Depends. Should I pay attention to reality, or what the left says?
The executive branch of our government is committing us to another long nation building war, without consulting the congress. Without seeking approval from the representatives of the people.

Yes, you god damn right he is going to far.
Prove America had anything to do with the scientists death... anything that isn't coming from Iran. Your "blame America first" attitude is noted.

If the Iranians blew up an American aircraft carrier on the grounds that they were dealing with a threat of US air attacks on their nuclear facilities,

would that be going too far??
Isn't that what they're threatening to do? I watched on the news just this morning as they should video of "Iranian gun boats harassing US Navy."

You didn't answer the question.
There wasn't a question worthy of an answer, trying to compare an America aircraft carrier with five thousand people aboard that cost a few billion dollars that fights for freedom and justice to some Iranian shit bag working on a bomb that they can use to kill millions of innocent people. You people are off your even lovin' idiotic rockers.

You're a blame America first liberal shit bag just like pissonthetree.
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You do realize, even if the report is true, that an assassination is hardly war.

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