Another Victim Shot By A Trigger Happy Homeowner

My microwave made me do it?
Close, it is a bit more complex than that, but if you want to oversimplify. . . :rolleyes:


Wireless wake-up call | Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley​

Is that why the police murdered a man at the wrong house?

No, that is called incompetence, and poor training brought on by decades of lowering standards for cops, and and inability, or unwillingness, to properly train them how to fight.
No, that is called incompetence, and poor training brought on by decades of lowering standards for cops, and and inability, or unwillingness, to properly train them how to fight.
What was/is the standard for most LEOs in most backwater towns in this country?
So the police go to the wrong residence and murder the homeowner who posed no threat to them and in your eyes because a cop was killed somewhere else before that justifies the murder.
Of course not. Do you understand the difference between the words justify and explain?
She did not have a personal mob
Don’t speak like a child
She was part of a mob - any idiot can see that. I'm not dealing with your conspiracy shit today. Go bother someone else with your Elvis Presley being a part of the witness protection program shit.
They certainly can if they threaten law enforcement or threaten the physical safety and security of others, which Ashli Babbitt's mob most certainly did.
You might want to check the events of 2020 in Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, Seattle, San Francisco, DC and Portland; to name a few. The mobs in the name of and agents of BLM
and ANTIFA most certainly threatened the physical safety of business owners, pedestrians, drivers.
Any moron could always be a cop, many were Klan members. I guess those were part of the high standards you speak of.

No, they couldn't. They had to be a certain size, have a certain level of intelligence, military service was sought after, and they were for the most part outdoorsman or shooters.

In other words, they could handle themselves.

Now, their best skill is report writing.

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