Another victory for our President

You miss seeing the orange ape riding his fat ass around on a golf cart every chance he could, dontcha?
so, did IT go a day w/out shitting ITself? didn't answer, instead, you had a TRUMP orgasm
rightwinger I KNOW you don't believe that. OMG Brandon is Xi's bitch there is no way that is good for America or the world.
Our President is willing to WORK with China and patch frayed relations

Trump only knew how to DESTROY existing relationships
rightwinger I KNOW you don't believe that. OMG Brandon is Xi's bitch there is no way that is good for America or the world.
You have a short memory. Trump visited China in 2017 & heaped praise upon praise on Xi.

But thanks for giving me the oppurtunity to remind you.
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

An agreement to meet is not a victory... the jury will be out until the meeting outcomes are revealed... this is encouraging, but by no means a victory.
Put down the crack pipe, retarded denier of TRUTH
Remeber how in 2017 your boy went to China & kissed Xi's ass? Rememember how Ivanka was awarded all those trademarks during the visit, braindead Trumptard?

Thanks for letting me remind you & rubbing your nose in it.
Xiden Democrats have done all they can to enhance China's pockets while shutting business here at home down. I have no doubt that Xiden and Xi already have a great relationship.
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

I wonder how much Biden had to surrender to get that headline.
You have nothing but your braindead hallucinations.
READ: Biden relays message to Xi that he is willing to give in to anything they want, so long as he gets to pretend he has any cards in his hands.
China will dictate 100% any and all policies and agreements, while Biden smiles and waits for the praise from his dedicated sheep.
What did Trump accomplish with China…other than bombastic rhetoric to satisfy his sheep?
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

Of course China is "toning things down", Winger! They've got what they wanted. We're back in the Paris Accords which means they have a massive advantage over us for decades to come. They LOVE, Sleepy Joe because he's not Trump! It's why they gave that druggie POS son of his all that money!

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