Another victory for our President

After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

Derp alert! Derp alert! Derp alert!
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

I'm sure.
Biden is their puppet. I'm sure he will service his master, Jinping, and give him anything he wants.

Beijing Biden.jpg
It comes as Xi hinted at a slight warming of relations with the US, according to a statement published on the website of the Chinese embassy to the US on Tuesday.

In the letter, Xi said China is willing to "enhance exchanges and cooperation across the board" with the US and bring relations between the two world powers back on the right track.

Yeah, xi gets to be all smiles when he knows he can fuck over the US anytime he wants and xiden won't do a damn thing about it.

The Chinese dictators hate Trump and love Biden.

After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

How is this a "victory"?
The alternate universe is Trumpworld.
This is what happens when you depend on outside people to make and give us products of all kinds to live off of. Eventually nations become powerful enough to make you their bitch. Xi knows this. But still hampered by the old rules after WW 2. We are fortunate Japan and South Korea are stalwart allies and powerful within their own right along with other Southeast Asia entities. Imagine if East Asia did a European Union act with China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore as the lead nations. The extreme feminist Western Nations would be hard pressed to compete with that as they will have resolve. Australia and New Zealand would be tempting targets for colonial expansion for the East Asians. There would be many people from those Anglo Nations who would think why they should fight for an Extreme Feminist dictatorial nation and may find living under a Asian colonial ruled system more beneficial.
How is this a "victory"?

After Trump’s petty economic and diplomatic feud with China, our President is working to patch relations with the worlds other superpower

I would rather have China as an ally than an enemy
Yeah, xi gets to be all smiles when he knows he can fuck over the US anytime he wants and xiden won't do a damn thing about it.

Fuk over the US by giving favored trade status and ending Trumps petty feud ?
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

China, who bribes Biden? Is that the China and BIDEN that you talking about?

You have your hoaxes mixed up. China didn't supply the Dominion software, deceased Hugo Chavez of Venezuela did.

China flew in the bamboo ballots.
China flew in thousands if not millions of fake driver's licenses from swing states--specifically Michigan..

I don't find what they did funny in the ha-ha sense.

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