Another Violent "Anti-Mask" Assault

Stupid and callous people refuse to wear a mask. I guess that sums up Dumb Donald's base.

That you failed to mention the CRIME committed serves to prove how lawless and reckless the Left really is.

As far as a mask....why did you not wear a mask in 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019 ?????

After all, in those years over 700,000 people died OF THE SEASONAL FLU

It is common knowledge that the tests are flawed and that MANY people have been classified as dying of covid when it simply isn't true.
One of the major motives of classifying people with covid19 was to collect the Federal grant for each covid19 patient.

So just maybe, stupid and callous refers to the real murderers like Cuomo in NY, and the Democrats who, by crying wolf have denied MILLIONS of patients of their life critical routine care such as for diabetes.

No, the problem here is your ignorance and willingness to grab your ankles for Marxists.
Stupid and callous people refuse to wear a mask. I guess that sums up Dumb Donald's base.

That you failed to mention the CRIME committed serves to prove how lawless and reckless the Left really is.

As far as a mask....why did you not wear a mask in 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019 ?????

After all, in those years over 700,000 people died OF THE SEASONAL FLU

It is common knowledge that the tests are flawed and that MANY people have been classified as dying of covid when it simply isn't true.
One of the major motives of classifying people with covid19 was to collect the Federal grant for each covid19 patient.

So just maybe, stupid and callous refers to the real murderers like Cuomo in NY, and the Democrats who, by crying wolf have denied MILLIONS of patients of their life critical routine care such as for diabetes.

No, the problem here is your ignorance and willingness to grab your ankles for Marxists.

Actually I wore a mask from age 9 until 23; along with shin guards and a chest protector. Not to protect others, but to protect me from foul tips and short hops. I know this comment is off topic, but given the stupidity of your question, I find it relevant.

Your claim of common knowledge is clearly evident that you lack common sense and can't or won't think for yourself.
Actually I wore a mask from age 9 until 23; along with shin guards and a chest protector. Not to protect others, but to protect me from foul tips and short hops. I know this comment is off topic, but given the stupidity of your question, I find it relevant.
Your claim of common knowledge is clearly evident that you lack common sense and can't or won't think for yourself.

To recap:
You insist on the continued shutdown of America (regardless of the harm it does, because you have been told by CNN, ABC and MSNBC)
You regard Donald Trump a racist (even though no evidence has ever existed, but again your favorite fake news sites insist, you obey)
You can't find a single thing Donald Trump has done that is positive for the nation

I don't know but I think most people would say you are the confused one
Actually I wore a mask from age 9 until 23; along with shin guards and a chest protector. Not to protect others, but to protect me from foul tips and short hops. I know this comment is off topic, but given the stupidity of your question, I find it relevant.
Your claim of common knowledge is clearly evident that you lack common sense and can't or won't think for yourself.

To recap:
You insist on the continued shutdown of America (regardless of the harm it does, because you have been told by CNN, ABC and MSNBC)
You regard Donald Trump a racist (even though no evidence has ever existed, but again your favorite fake news sites insist, you obey)
You can't find a single thing Donald Trump has done that is positive for the nation

I don't know but I think most people would say you are the confused one

I'd say it's spot on.
I wonder are they going to wear masks at this event?
All they are going to do at this event is to slam Pres.Trump for his response for the Green New Deal.


the left will tell you she must be a Trump supporter, but the odds are highly against that

Stupid and callous people refuse to wear a mask. I guess that sums up Dumb Donald's base.

Wow are you a giant peon
Is everything about Trump to you
What if that psycho creature attacked your mom
Would you stand there and just blame T ??
I had an angry black lady yell at me last Friday because my Comp network was down
She was wearing a BLM shirt and had the IQ of a jellyfish
I did not yell back
I said it will be fixed and good bye
the left will tell you she must be a Trump supporter, but the odds are highly against that

Stupid and callous people refuse to wear a mask. I guess that sums up Dumb Donald's base.

Yea, it’s so stupid and dangerous to not wear a mask, that stupid lefties will run up to someone and start screaming at them in their face.


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