Another Wall Street Giveaway?

US Senate’s Final Stimulus Bill: Why It Won’t Be Enough -

"Finally, it is clear from Trump’s statements in recent days that he knows this stimulus is only a one month hit to the economy.

"That’s why he—and the capitalist investors who have been lobbying him hard the past week—are turning up the message we should all start going back to work by mid-April."
US Senate’s Final Stimulus Bill: Why It Won’t Be Enough -

"Finally, it is clear from Trump’s statements in recent days that he knows this stimulus is only a one month hit to the economy.

"That’s why he—and the capitalist investors who have been lobbying him hard the past week—are turning up the message we should all start going back to work by mid-April."

You can't have any GDP (gross domestic product) if all the producers are sitting home instead of producing.
Don't you have toilets to scrub in Wuhan?
I don't have any debts to worry about.

A Debt Jubilee is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression -

"Massive social distancing, with its accompanying job losses, stock dives and huge bailouts to corporations, raises the threat of a depression.

"But it doesn’t have to be this way.

"History offers us another alternative in such situations: a debt jubilee..."

"The word 'Jubilee' comes from the Hebrew word for 'trumpet' — yobel.

"In Mosaic Law, it was blown every 50 years to signal the Year of the Lord, in which personal debts were to be canceled.

"The alternative, the prophet Isaiah warned, was for smallholders to forfeit their lands to creditors: 'Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land.'"
Don't you have toilets to scrub in Wuhan?
I don't have any debts to worry about.

A Debt Jubilee is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression -

"Massive social distancing, with its accompanying job losses, stock dives and huge bailouts to corporations, raises the threat of a depression.

"But it doesn’t have to be this way.

"History offers us another alternative in such situations: a debt jubilee..."

"The word 'Jubilee' comes from the Hebrew word for 'trumpet' — yobel.

"In Mosaic Law, it was blown every 50 years to signal the Year of the Lord, in which personal debts were to be canceled.

"The alternative, the prophet Isaiah warned, was for smallholders to forfeit their lands to creditors: 'Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone in the land.'"

Michael Hudson is funny.
He should definitely loan all his money to someone and then forgive the loan.
Stupid commie.
Michael Hudson is funny.
He should definitely loan all his money to someone and then forgive the loan.
Stupid commie
What do you know he doesn't?

A Debt Jubilee is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression -

"The parallels to the current moment are notable.

"The U.S. economy has polarized sharply since the 2008 crash.

"For far too many, their debts leave little income available for consumer spending or spending the national interest.

"In a crashing economy, any demand that newly massive debts be paid to a financial class that has already absorbed most of the wealth gained since 2008 will only split our society further."
Michael Hudson is funny.
He should definitely loan all his money to someone and then forgive the loan.
Stupid commie
What do you know he doesn't?

A Debt Jubilee is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression -

"The parallels to the current moment are notable.

"The U.S. economy has polarized sharply since the 2008 crash.

"For far too many, their debts leave little income available for consumer spending or spending the national interest.

"In a crashing economy, any demand that newly massive debts be paid to a financial class that has already absorbed most of the wealth gained since 2008 will only split our society further."

What do you know he doesn't?

So fucking much.

"The parallels to the current moment are notable.

You should definitely loan out all you have.

"For far too many, their debts leave little income available for consumer spending or spending the national interest.

You should have done a better job.
A Brady Bond Solution for America’s Unpayable Corporate Debt -

"Even before the Covid-19 crisis has slashed stock prices nearly in half since it erupted in January, financial markets were in an inherently unstable condition.

"Years of quantitative easing had loaded so much credit into stock and bond prices that stock price/earnings multiples were far too high and bond yields far too low by any normal and reasonable historical standards.

"Risk premiums have disappeared, with only a few basis points separating U.S. Treasury bills and corporate bonds."
A Brady Bond Solution for America’s Unpayable Corporate Debt -

"Even before the Covid-19 crisis has slashed stock prices nearly in half since it erupted in January, financial markets were in an inherently unstable condition.

"Years of quantitative easing had loaded so much credit into stock and bond prices that stock price/earnings multiples were far too high and bond yields far too low by any normal and reasonable historical standards.

"Risk premiums have disappeared, with only a few basis points separating U.S. Treasury bills and corporate bonds."

"Risk premiums have disappeared, with only a few basis points separating U.S. Treasury bills and corporate bonds."



They should cancel all debts and start $0
I agree.
Starting with student debt.


Now Is the Time to Cancel Student Debt

"Congress and the Department of Education have the legal authority to cancel all student loan debt.

"They can immediately stop tax refund offset and wage garnishment for borrowers who are behind on payments, and they can put loans on pause while waiving interest.

"These actions will help the 45 million people with student loans while stimulating the economy precisely when it is needed most."
They should cancel all debts and start $0
I agree.
Starting with student debt.


Now Is the Time to Cancel Student Debt

"Congress and the Department of Education have the legal authority to cancel all student loan debt.

"They can immediately stop tax refund offset and wage garnishment for borrowers who are behind on payments, and they can put loans on pause while waiving interest.

"These actions will help the 45 million people with student loans while stimulating the economy precisely when it is needed most."
Don't you have toilets to clean in Wuhan? College Administrators and Professors should have salary caps. No one should be a millionaire at a college.
They should cancel all debts and start $0
I agree.
Starting with student debt.


Now Is the Time to Cancel Student Debt

"Congress and the Department of Education have the legal authority to cancel all student loan debt.

"They can immediately stop tax refund offset and wage garnishment for borrowers who are behind on payments, and they can put loans on pause while waiving interest.

"These actions will help the 45 million people with student loans while stimulating the economy precisely when it is needed most."

What we need is for all colleges to reduce tuition to zero.

Stimulate the economy!!!
Trump's $454 Billion Slush Fund for Wall Street.

Stimulus Bill Allows Federal Reserve to Conduct Meetings in Secret; Gives Fed $454 Billion Slush Fund for Wall Street Bailouts

"The U.S. Senate voted 96-0 late yesterday on a massive bailout of Wall Street banks versus a short-term survival plan for American workers thrown out of their jobs – and potentially their homes.

"The text of the final bill was breathtaking in the breadth of new powers it bestowed on the Federal Reserve, including the Fed’s ability to conduct secret meetings with no minutes provided to the American people..."

"Why does the Federal Reserve need $454 billion from the U.S. taxpayer to bail out Wall Street when it has the power to create money out of thin air and has already dumped more than $9 trillion cumulatively in revolving loans to prop up Wall Street’s trading houses since September 17, 2019 – long before there was any diagnosis of coronavirus anywhere in the world."
Watching corporate Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer pretend concern for productive Americans is difficult for me to stomach, especially when I think back to 2009.

If Democrats are serious about putting Main Street interests over shareholder concerns, they will start demanding the "Foreclosure King" has no input into how this bailout proceeds

"Americans got their first whiff that this was going to be another massive giveaway to Wall Street banks, just as happened from 2007 to 2010, when White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow appeared at the White House briefing yesterday evening.

"Kudlow revealed that the stimulus plan is actually a $6 trillion package — $2 trillion to struggling Americans and $4 trillion to dispense as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and the Federal Reserve see fit.

"Since the Federal Reserve has seen fit since September 17 of last year to flood the trading houses of Wall Street with $9 trillion cumulatively in revolving loans, one can reasonably expect that this is where the new $4 trillion will be going."

Stimulus Bill: The Fed and Treasury’s Slush Fund Is Actually $4 Trillion

Assuming those $2 billion and $4 billion figures are accurate, is there any good reason they should not be reversed with $4 billion going to Main Street and shareholder speculators getting table scraps?

"Before the confirmation hearing concluded, Senator Wyden added the following:

"'Mr. Mnuchin, a month ago you signed documents and an affidavit that omitted the Cayman Island fund, almost $100 million of real estate, six shell companies and a hedge fund in Anguilla. This was not self-corrected. The only reason it came to light was my staff found it and told you it had to be corrected.'

"Until Americans find their backbone, this is the 'democracy' we are preparing to hand over to our children and grandchildren — a nation crippled by debt and living under the jackboot of corrupt politicians in service to their overlords on Wall Street."

flood the trading houses of Wall Street with $9 trillion cumulatively in revolving loans


These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button

"By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 20, 2019 ~

"The New York Fed has now pumped out upwards of $3 trillion in a period of 63 days to unnamed trading houses on Wall Street to ease a liquidity crisis that has yet to be credibly explained."

You should be jumping up and down, gp. This is only going to help to usher in your global mark one world order where you'll bow to your socialist leader that everyone will love.
Trump's $454 Billion Slush Fund for Wall Street.

Stimulus Bill Allows Federal Reserve to Conduct Meetings in Secret; Gives Fed $454 Billion Slush Fund for Wall Street Bailouts

"The U.S. Senate voted 96-0 late yesterday on a massive bailout of Wall Street banks versus a short-term survival plan for American workers thrown out of their jobs – and potentially their homes.

"The text of the final bill was breathtaking in the breadth of new powers it bestowed on the Federal Reserve, including the Fed’s ability to conduct secret meetings with no minutes provided to the American people..."

"Why does the Federal Reserve need $454 billion from the U.S. taxpayer to bail out Wall Street when it has the power to create money out of thin air and has already dumped more than $9 trillion cumulatively in revolving loans to prop up Wall Street’s trading houses since September 17, 2019 – long before there was any diagnosis of coronavirus anywhere in the world."

cumulatively in revolving loans


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