Another White Guy Goes on a Killing Spree No Motive Killing 6

Random victims makes this a terrorist right?
No, it makes it a shooting.
It is his motive that potentially makes this a 'terrorist' attack.
It could very well be that he was just another mentally disturbed individual.

Mentally disturbed, eh? Muslims are animals, nigga's are animals, couldn't possibly have human issues of insanity, but let a hardend white fuck kill just for the fuckin sport of killin and they got mental issues???????????
how can random acts of violence like this ever be stopped?


The ride-sharing company confirmed to CNN that Dalton, 45, was an Uber driver and said he had passed a background check.

"We are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in Kalamazoo," Uber's chief security officer Joe Sullivan said to CNN in a statement. "We have reached out to the police to help with their investigation in any way that we can."

Kalamazoo Uber driver got fares between killings, source says -
John Wayne Gacy lookalike.
All clowns look alike to me.
Wow, let's just whip out the racism and beat people over the head with it.

Should I say he's is not white?
WHY even mention color? WHY even mention race? It was a shooting. The fact that some freak went on a shooting spree is bad enough. You, however, made a point to emphasize the guy was white.

You ask WHY? Because had this been a muslim or some minority, you white folk would have a fuckin field day ripping the individual apart. Once again, another white shit for brains fuck, kill mf's just for the sport of it, and you shit heads are upset because the media mentions his color?? Really????
how can random acts of violence like this ever be stopped?


The ride-sharing company confirmed to CNN that Dalton, 45, was an Uber driver and said he had passed a background check.

"We are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in Kalamazoo," Uber's chief security officer Joe Sullivan said to CNN in a statement. "We have reached out to the police to help with their investigation in any way that we can."

Kalamazoo Uber driver got fares between killings, source says -
John Wayne Gacy lookalike.
All clowns look alike to me.

Oh, this one is a clown......not some murdering muslim savage or some thuggy nigga, but a clown....a kill just for the fuck of it clown, gotcha!!
Wow, let's just whip out the racism and beat people over the head with it.

Should I say he's is not white?

you should go play footsie with that other ridiculous guy...

you know, the one who posts daily news stories of random gun violence as if he's proving something.

[URL=""]Kalamazoo shooter....a "progressive" Left wing tears are flowing...not a rightwinger..again...[/URL]

then maybe you could get that statisticreep guy to make a usmb scientific spreadsheet of ridiculousness.

Mrs M needs some company in the speditorial section, after all...
how can random acts of violence like this ever be stopped?


The ride-sharing company confirmed to CNN that Dalton, 45, was an Uber driver and said he had passed a background check.

"We are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in Kalamazoo," Uber's chief security officer Joe Sullivan said to CNN in a statement. "We have reached out to the police to help with their investigation in any way that we can."

Kalamazoo Uber driver got fares between killings, source says -

His looks alone should have made him America's Most Leave the Fuck Alone candidate, he looked deranged!!
how can random acts of violence like this ever be stopped?


The ride-sharing company confirmed to CNN that Dalton, 45, was an Uber driver and said he had passed a background check.

"We are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in Kalamazoo," Uber's chief security officer Joe Sullivan said to CNN in a statement. "We have reached out to the police to help with their investigation in any way that we can."

Kalamazoo Uber driver got fares between killings, source says -
John Wayne Gacy lookalike.
All clowns look alike to me.

Oh, this one is a clown......not some murdering muslim savage or some thuggy nigga, but a clown....a kill just for the fuck of it clown, gotcha!!
You got something but it sure ain't a sense of humor.
Wow, let's just whip out the racism and beat people over the head with it.

WHY is it when someone brings up a story about a WHITE guy shooting someone and someone else brings up the all too inconvenient larger story of black-on-black shootings / crime the ones making the effort to stress the original 'WHITE' storyline declares that no discussion on black-on-black crime can be discussed, that they are two separate issues?

More to the point, Chicago is on an even greater record-setting gun violence pace than last year, and no one says a word. 6 people killed by a white guy makes the news? Hell, more than 6 people are shot and killed on the weekend in Chicago almost EVERY WEEKEND but you don't hear about it....

Black-on-black crime and gang violence has become so NORMAL for places like Chicago that people don't think twice about it while such stories totally detract from the political racists messages spewed forth by groups like 'Black Lives Matter' so they do their best to ignore them.

Dude, disenfranchised, poor uneducated black men are more likely to committ crimes than any other social group in the country, that is fact. And yes, Chicago along with most urban cities have high crime rates as a result......But you can marginalize this group and identify it....HOWEVER WHEN YOU HAVE RANDOM BEEN FREE ALL YOUR FUCKIN LIFE WHITE SKIN PRIVELEGE MOTHERFUCKERS WAKING UP ONE MORNING AND DECIDING TO KILL JUST FUCKIN BECAUSE, YOU BET YOUR GOTDAMNED LIFE YOU SIMPLE MINDED FUCK ITS GONNA MAKE THE HEADLINES. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU FUCKS DO SHIT LIKE THAT?
Mentally disturbed, eh? Muslims are animals, nigga's are animals,

YOUR words.....

When Muslims kill people in an attempt to get rid of anyone who does not believe in Islam then they are 'evil' / a 'terrorist'.

When a black person declares all whites and cops should be killed, a la the BLM crowd, they are 'evil', 'terrorists', and/or criminals.

Whites/blacks/Latinos/etc gang members, like in Chicago, responsible for the record-setting gun violence in Chicago are criminal THUGS.

There are different motives, different circumstances, etc for every shooting. Mental illness is a huge problem, one that politicians - especially liberals - love to ignore. You have to look at each case individually. You want to go on this 'animal' rant, more power to you.
how can random acts of violence like this ever be stopped?


The ride-sharing company confirmed to CNN that Dalton, 45, was an Uber driver and said he had passed a background check.

"We are horrified and heartbroken at the senseless violence in Kalamazoo," Uber's chief security officer Joe Sullivan said to CNN in a statement. "We have reached out to the police to help with their investigation in any way that we can."

Kalamazoo Uber driver got fares between killings, source says -
John Wayne Gacy lookalike.
I wonder if guys like this freak out the minute they are put behind bars and the realization hits that their life is over.
Wow, speaking of mentally distressed people....feel better after 'screaming' that rant out, Tigger?

You just helped make my point! Instead of waiting on the occasional 'mass shooting' to show up so we can politicize it, ignoring all the other violence going on in between these events, we should be focused more on ending the continuous, on-going (gun) violence and the problems that are causing it. The day-to-day violence, like black-on-black violence going on, is responsible for more shootings and more death than the 'mass shooting' events, but if we are not allowed to / do not talk about it, do not address it, it will continue and will grow.

And this B$ about 'white privilege' is just THAT - BS! You want something to use as an excuse or to justify the black-on-black crime going on, so you use this B$ about 'white privilege'! Talk to the single mother working 2 jobs to provide for her child who CHOOSES NOT to commit crimes, engage in illegal activity, etc. Se doesn't make excuses and doesn't use her situation to justify violence and crime. She works harder. So stop with that cop out! Personal responsibility and one FORCES these thugs to join gangs, pick up a gun, and rob / kill people. By making that argument you do a dis-service to the people who do make that choice, giving them a pass!
As another poster pointed out he passed a background check. Another fine example of how good those work sometimes crazy people do crazy stuff and there is nothing that will stop them.
:clap::clap:The irony in all this, no background criminal checks, no putting all his business on the news, just an ordinary white fuck that was a good quiet neighbor.......

Rule 7, Rule 8
that lost his fuckin mind one day and decided to execute mf's just because....and and and the mf gets to live another day to have a day in court....because because because white people with real guns, always go quietly and nigga's with "I thought I saw a gun", look suspicious, so I killed him......Another white mf that deserves a "I thought I saw a gun" shot to the head, like us nigga's get all the time!!!

Rule 8

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