Another win for Religious Liberty

The Bible says no such thing.

Pretty much word for word actually..

34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.’

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Nothing in this scripture urges people to assist criminals in breaking the law.

True, which is not what this person is doing. This person is giving food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, just like Jesus said to do.
There is certainly something wrong with celebrating evil and immorality, which undermines this divine plan, and degrades society.

Like adultery?
Is someone asking you to give food or water to adulterers while they are in the act of adultery?
If they were dying of thirst? Which is the greater sin?
Littering sensitive ecological areas is the greater sin. We aren't bringing people here and then dumping them in the middle of the desert. They are voluntarily assuming the risk of these dangers. We have no obligation to make their trip safe.

You are correct, we have no such obligations...but Christianity is not about obligations, it is about the heart. Like it or not, this person is following the very words of Jesus...far more than any of us seem to be doing.
There is certainly something wrong with celebrating evil and immorality, which undermines this divine plan, and degrades society.

Like adultery?
Is someone asking you to give food or water to adulterers while they are in the act of adultery?
If they were dying of thirst? Which is the greater sin?
Littering sensitive ecological areas is the greater sin. We aren't bringing people here and then dumping them in the middle of the desert. They are voluntarily assuming the risk of these dangers. We have no obligation to make their trip safe.

They weren't crossing the desert before Trump stopped letting refugee claimants in at the ports of entry. Trump did this on purpose. This way he could arrest them for illegally crossing the border, detain them until their court cases are heard, and separate them from their children as "criminals". He could also claim that the numbers of people crossing the border illegally (which were at their lowest numbers in 50 years when he took office), were going up.

And the "for-profit" prison companies which donated generously to his "inauguration fund", which still hasn't released its financial records, are reaping millions detaining the refugees in filthy and unsafe conditions at $700 per head, per night.

Of course they were crossing the desert before Trump, are you insane.

My very first day at MCAS Yuma in June of 2000 we caught about a dozen of them (and by caught I mean they turned themselves in because they needed water) as I was being given a tour of the ranges closest to the base.
so are you saying crossing our border without going through the proper legal channels is legal ?? maybe they should camp out in your front yard .... better yet PEOPLE WEARING MAGA HATS SHOULD CAMP OUT IN YOUR YARD !

In what way would that change the way our legal system views these people?
And official or not, we are at war. The invasion taking place across our southern border is a blatant act of war against the United States, and against the people thereof, whether we recognize and treat it as such or not.

If it were an act of war then we would be allowed to use the military to stop it.

We •should• be using our military to stop it. We should have troops stationed along our border, and they should be shooting at those incestuous male offspring of female dogs who are attempting to illegally cross it.

That we are not thus using our military to defend our border is an inexcusable act of misfeasance on the part of our government. This is, very specifically, a duty of the federal government, and a purpose of the military.
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Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

Religious freedom is not a license to commit criminal acts.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason, one of the most serious criminal acts that an American citizen can commit. This should not stand, any more than it would stand for someone to claim a religious obligation to rob banks, or murder unbelievers.

Our legal system does not see them as foreign invaders, thus your point is not valid.

Yes it does. That's why they are routinely deported, moron. The narrow ruling of some hack leftist judge doesn't change that.
They weren't crossing the desert before Trump stopped letting refugee claimants in at the ports of entry. Trump did this on purpose. This way he could arrest them for illegally crossing the border, detain them until their court cases are heard, and separate them from their children as "criminals". He could also claim that the numbers of people crossing the border illegally (which were at their lowest numbers in 50 years when he took office), were going up.

And the "for-profit" prison companies which donated generously to his "inauguration fund", which still hasn't released its financial records, are reaping millions detaining the refugees in filthy and unsafe conditions at $700 per head, per night.

You're still putting the shiny side inward, aren't you?
True, which is not what this person is doing. This person is giving food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, just like Jesus said to do.

He's giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, who are participants in a hostile foreign invasion of the United States. There is no spin that you can put on this to hide what it is, which is treason.

And no, Jesus never, ever advocated treason. It is blasphemous for you to claim such a thing. But then that is what is to be expected of a Godless, traitorous piece of filth such as yourself, who openly despises Christianity as much as you despise your own country and your own fellow Americans.
And official or not, we are at war. The invasion taking place across our southern border is a blatant act of war against the United States, and against the people thereof, whether we recognize and treat it as such or not.

If it were an act of war then we would be allowed to use the military to stop it.

We •should• be using our military to stop it. We should have troops stationed along our border, and they should be shooting at those incestuous male offspring of female dogs who are attempting to illegally cross it.

That we are not thus using our military to defend our border is an inexcusable act of misfeasance on the part of our government. This is, very specifically, a duty of the federal government, and a purpose of the military.

I agree we should be using our military, but we do not. And we do not because we do not view them as an invading force.
True, which is not what this person is doing. This person is giving food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, just like Jesus said to do.

He's giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, who are participants in a hostile foreign invasion of the United States. There is no spin that you can put on this to hide what it is, which is treason.

And no, Jesus never, ever advocated treason. It is blasphemous for you to claim such a thing. But then that is what is to be expected of a Godless, traitorous piece of filth such as yourself, who openly despises Christianity as much as you despise your own country and your own fellow Americans.

Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

Religious freedom is not a license to commit criminal acts.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason, one of the most serious criminal acts that an American citizen can commit. This should not stand, any more than it would stand for someone to claim a religious obligation to rob banks, or murder unbelievers.

Our legal system does not see them as foreign invaders, thus your point is not valid.

Yes it does. That's why they are routinely deported, moron. The narrow ruling of some hack leftist judge doesn't change that.

We view them as criminals, not invaders. That is why we deport them and do not shoot them.

I see it now. The things I can do in the name of religious liberty. I can steal your car, rob your house, and then sell it all for money to feed the poor, then claim religious liberty, and not go to prison. crimin... errr... religious activist organisation is about to begin!
No, moron. I am on my phone so can't provide links. What would be nice is if you could actually think for yourself. An impossible dream with progressives, like you, I know.

But a dream nonetheless .

Jesus, what do you have, a fucking flip phone? I post links with my phone all the time. Put up or you're making shit up.

Oh piss off you arrogant twit. You are just another political whore unable to think for yourself.

Translated: I just made shit up and now have to run away after betting called on my bullshit.

No, I will present ample evidence when I am on my computer.

I doubt you will look at it though because it is horrible, and sad.

I will be happily waiting for this evidence to be presented.

Remember, your claim is they come because people leave water for them, that is what you need to provide evidence of.

Did westwall ever come back with that proof he said he had but couldn't link to on his phone? :rolleyes:
Jesus, what do you have, a fucking flip phone? I post links with my phone all the time. Put up or you're making shit up.

Oh piss off you arrogant twit. You are just another political whore unable to think for yourself.

Translated: I just made shit up and now have to run away after betting called on my bullshit.

No, I will present ample evidence when I am on my computer.

I doubt you will look at it though because it is horrible, and sad.

I will be happily waiting for this evidence to be presented.

Remember, your claim is they come because people leave water for them, that is what you need to provide evidence of.

Did westwall ever come back with that proof he said he had but couldn't link to on his phone? :rolleyes:

Nope. Not yet. I have a life and have been living it all day.
Honestly, i wouldnt hold these people accountable for this. Truth be told, the immigrants are going to come no matter what. What they are doing is humanitarian because they are indeed preventing a dire situation in that those immigrants can and do die from the journey.

So, if they are indeed doing this in the name of religion, then I dont hold any contempt for them because our charge to help people doesnt have borders.
If you read the Constitution you would know we aren’t at war and the hogwash about treason is just that.

Where, in the Constitution, does it deny that an active foreign invasion being carried out against our country does not constitute a state of war? me exactly what the Constitution says about war.
True, which is not what this person is doing. This person is giving food to the hungry and water to the thirsty, just like Jesus said to do.

He's giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States, who are participants in a hostile foreign invasion of the United States. There is no spin that you can put on this to hide what it is, which is treason.

And no, Jesus never, ever advocated treason. It is blasphemous for you to claim such a thing. But then that is what is to be expected of a Godless, traitorous piece of filth such as yourself, who openly despises Christianity as much as you despise your own country and your own fellow Americans.
They aren’t our enemies. They are just effing migrants, little different than your ancestors, who are entering the country illegally. That is it. It certainly doesn’t warrant death.

You ain’t no Christian.

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