Another win for Religious Liberty

They aren’t our enemies. They are just effing migrants, little different than your ancestors, who are entering the country illegally. That is it. It certainly doesn’t warrant death.

You ain’t no Christian.

First of all, I don't give any credence to one who openly despises Christianity, to judge whether I am a Christian or not.

Second, not one of my ancestors came here illegally. Every single one who immigrated to this country, did so in accordance with whatever laws and policies, if any, were in effect at the time. You have no valid excuse to insult my ancestors, by thus comparing them to the foreign criminal filth that are now illegally invading this country. Am I mistaken, or isn't it against the rules on this forum to gratuitously insult another user's family members? I'm not one to normally do so, but I've just reported you for this violation.

And legitimate migrants, just as my immigrant ancestors, come here legally, through the proper channels and procedures established by our laws to admit such immigrants. Those who come here illegally are not immigrants; they are invaders.
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They aren’t our enemies. They are just effing migrants, little different than your ancestors, who are entering the country illegally. That is it. It certainly doesn’t warrant death.

You ain’t no Christian.

First of all, I don't give any credence to one who openly despises Christianity, to judge whether I am a Christian or not.

Second, not one of my ancestors came here illegally. Every single one who immigrated to this country, did so in accordance with whatever laws and policies, if any, were in effect at the time. You have no valid excuse to insult my ancestors, by thus comparing them to the foreign criminal filth that are now illegally invading this country. Am I mistaken, or isn't it against the rules on this forum to gratuitously insult another user's family members?

And legitimate migrants, just as my immigrant ancestors, come here legally, through the proper channels and procedures established by our laws to admit such immigrants. Those who come here illegally are not immigrants, they are invaders.

You should pay attention to commas.

They are not criminal filth, that reflects more on you than on them.

They are people escaping bad situations, trying to find a better life like your ancestors.

Their only crime is entering the country illegally. That is it.
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

Religious freedom is not a license to commit criminal acts.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason, one of the most serious criminal acts that an American citizen can commit. This should not stand, any more than it would stand for someone to claim a religious obligation to rob banks, or murder unbelievers.

Our legal system does not see them as foreign invaders, thus your point is not valid.
Our legal system sees them as criminals.
You should pay attention to commas.

They are not criminal filth, that reflects more on you than on them.

They are people escaping bad situations, trying to find a better life like your ancestors.

Their only crime is entering the country illegally. That is it.

They are worse than mere criminal filth. They are foreign invaders. They are enemies of this country. They are enemies of the American people.

Again, you are violating the rule against attacking another member's family, by likening my •LEGALLY•-immigrating ancestors to these illegal foreign invaders.

Reported again, you lying, treasonous bitch!
You should pay attention to commas.

They are not criminal filth, that reflects more on you than on them.

They are people escaping bad situations, trying to find a better life like your ancestors.

Their only crime is entering the country illegally. That is it.

They are worse than mere criminal filth. They are foreign invaders. They are enemies of this country. They are enemies of the American people.

Again, you are violating the rule against attacking another member's family, by likening my •LEGALLY•-immigrating ancestors to these illegal foreign invaders.

Reported again, you lying, treasonous bitch!
Oh brother. Get a grip. You are the only one who can’t seem to comprehend that they are just ordinary people.
Oh brother. Get a grip. You are the only one who can’t seem to comprehend that they are just ordinary people.

By any logic that would support such a statement, murdered, thieves, vandals, drug dealers, child molesters, etc., are just ordinary people, too.

And so are filthy, anti-American traitors.

The fact that you find illegal immigration morally equivalent to murder and pedophilia is pretty fucked up.
You should pay attention to commas.

They are not criminal filth, that reflects more on you than on them.

They are people escaping bad situations, trying to find a better life like your ancestors.

Their only crime is entering the country illegally. That is it.

They are worse than mere criminal filth. They are foreign invaders. They are enemies of this country. They are enemies of the American people.

Again, you are violating the rule against attacking another member's family, by likening my •LEGALLY•-immigrating ancestors to these illegal foreign invaders.

Reported again, you lying, treasonous bitch!
Oh brother. Get a grip. You are the only one who can’t seem to comprehend that they are just ordinary people.

Yes, they are ordinary people. But there are 20 million of them. How many is too many? How many citizens are you willing to screw to buy the votes of the illegals?

My daughter is 13. There is a very real chance that she won't be able to go to a top level college even though she is 4.0 GPA and a STEM prodigy because those slots are promised to less qualified illegal aliens.
They are entering the country illegally. We don't help them. We discourage them. Wanting a better life is not an excuse for criminal activity. The guy that carjacked me said he was stealing cars for a better life.
Oh brother. Get a grip. You are the only one who can’t seem to comprehend that they are just ordinary people.

By any logic that would support such a statement, murdered, thieves, vandals, drug dealers, child molesters, etc., are just ordinary people, too.

And so are filthy, anti-American traitors.

The fact that you find illegal immigration morally equivalent to murder and pedophilia is pretty fucked up.
Many of the invaders are murderers and pedophiles. Maybe the good Samaritan helped one of them.
They aren’t our enemies. They are just effing migrants, little different than your ancestors, who are entering the country illegally. That is it. It certainly doesn’t warrant death.

You ain’t no Christian.

First of all, I don't give any credence to one who openly despises Christianity, to judge whether I am a Christian or not.

Second, not one of my ancestors came here illegally. Every single one who immigrated to this country, did so in accordance with whatever laws and policies, if any, were in effect at the time. You have no valid excuse to insult my ancestors, by thus comparing them to the foreign criminal filth that are now illegally invading this country. Am I mistaken, or isn't it against the rules on this forum to gratuitously insult another user's family members?

And legitimate migrants, just as my immigrant ancestors, come here legally, through the proper channels and procedures established by our laws to admit such immigrants. Those who come here illegally are not immigrants, they are invaders.

You should pay attention to commas.

They are not criminal filth, that reflects more on you than on them.

They are people escaping bad situations, trying to find a better life like your ancestors.

Their only crime is entering the country illegally. That is it.

If they "want a better life" they need to do it the proper way, period. That is not a valid excuse to shirk our laws. Half the goddamn planet lives on less than $3/day. I'm sure they all want better lives. Should we take them ALL in? How many do you think we can sustain before our entire social welfare net collapses?
If they "want a better life" they need to do it the proper way, period. That is not a valid excuse to shirk our laws. Half the goddamn planet lives on less than $3/day. I'm sure they all want better lives. Should we take them ALL in? How many do you think we can sustain before our entire social welfare net collapses?

The Cloward-Piven Strategy come to mind.
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?
What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

A good question for Jesus. I personsally am unable to recall even one instance where he said fuck them.
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

Religious freedom is not a license to commit criminal acts.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason, one of the most serious criminal acts that an American citizen can commit. This should not stand, any more than it would stand for someone to claim a religious obligation to rob banks, or murder unbelievers.
God says you're a c..t.

6. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Peter 4:9).
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

I'm confused on how this is a religious freedom issue.

You can't just "make up" that something is a matter of religious freedom randomly.

Especially as a Christian, which is an established 2,000 year old doctrine, you can determine pretty quickly if something is a matter of religious freedom or not. Where in the Bible does it say, or in what church doctrine, has any group written down that a Christian must find migrant in the desert, and help them avoid dehydration?

Where is that? It's nowhere. There is no such Bible verse anywhere.

What is even more ironic, the group this guy belongs to is Unitarian Universalist, which is basically the "church of nothing". It's like religion for Atheists.

How can a Church that has no creeds... and you go look up yourself that Unitarian Universalist push no creeds at all.... how can a "no creed" church, have "Go help migrants in the desert" be a matter of religious freedom?

They openly state they have no creeds, yet you have to do this, or it's a violation of their faith? Do you not see an issue here?

So on that level, this is ridiculous.

Even if you had a religion where going and helping migrants in the desert was a religious creed.... how can that even work? What happens to all the people that don't live near a desert? Are they kicked out of the religion? What happens if migration stops? Does the religious group this guy belongs to, disband?

So again, this is a little ridiculous.

But here is my real issue....

This guy is killing people. People are dying, because of this guy. I'm not even concerned about the fact these people are illegally entering, and the all that crap about helping someone who is violating the law. That debate might work with some, but truth is if a person came to my house in serious trouble, I would help them without a second thought. I would bring them into my house, and do whatever I could to help them.

That is not a problem.

The problem is, his actions are directly leading to people dying. This man is encouraging highly risky and dangerous behavior. If he wants to sponsor a migrant to come to the US, go for it. If he wants to support a shelter for people at the border, be my guest.

But to go out into the desert, and leave food and water.... that is going to encourage more people to make the trek out into the desert where they are going to die. They are going to see this story, and believe that it is safe to cross the desert, and the first guy that walks out there drinks the water, and eats the food, and the next 20 end up corpse in the desert sand.

This guy is killing people. That's my problem. If you give a crap about these people, he would be better spending his money sending pamphlets to Mexico warning of the dangers of trying to cross the desert on foot, rather than dropping a jar of water, patting himself on the back, and cause dozens of deaths.

This by the way, is the problem with all left-wing ideology. You pretend you are doing good for people, while causing everyone to suffer. Insert, Venezuela.
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Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

Religious freedom is not a license to commit criminal acts.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason, one of the most serious criminal acts that an American citizen can commit. This should not stand, any more than it would stand for someone to claim a religious obligation to rob banks, or murder unbelievers.

Our legal system does not see them as foreign invaders, thus your point is not valid.
Our legal system sees them as criminals.

Yes, this is true.
I'm confused on how this is a religious freedom issue.

You can't just "make up" that something is a matter of religious freedom randomly.

Especially as a Christian, which is an established 2,000 year old doctrine, you can determine pretty quickly if something is a matter of religious freedom or not. Where in the Bible does it say, or in what church doctrine, has any group written down that a Christian must find migrant in the desert, and help them avoid dehydration?

Where is that? It's nowhere. There is no such Bible verse anywhere.

It is like none of you have ever read your own bible. I have only posted this passage 4 or 5 times now, how did you miss it?

34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[f] you did it to me.’

This person is living this passage, more than likely far better than you or I. You may not like what he is doing, but if you have even a tiny amount of integrity you cannot deny he is follow this.

What is even more ironic, the group this guy belongs to is Unitarian Universalist, which is basically the "church of nothing". It's like religion for Atheists.

How can a Church that has no creeds... and you go look up yourself that Unitarian Universalist push no creeds at all.... how can a "no creed" church, have "Go help migrants in the desert" be a matter of religious freedom?

They openly state they have no creeds, yet you have to do this, or it's a violation of their faith? Do you not see an issue here?

So on that level, this is ridiculous.

They have no creeds that the church forces people to follow, each of its members follows their own.

Even if you had a religion where going and helping migrants in the desert was a religious creed.... how can that even work? What happens to all the people that don't live near a desert? Are they kicked out of the religion? What happens if migration stops? Does the religious group this guy belongs to, disband?

So again, this is a little ridiculous.

They give food and water to other people, perhaps the homeless or someone else. My church in Yuma did an outreach where we handed out bottles of water to people that were working outside during the summer. It was very well received.

You really seem to have no understanding of the teachings of Jesus at all.

But here is my real issue....
This guy is killing people. People are dying, because of this guy. I'm not even concerned about the fact these people are illegally entering, and the all that crap about helping someone who is violating the law. That debate might work with some, but truth is if a person came to my house in serious trouble, I would help them without a second thought. I would bring them into my house, and do whatever I could to help them.

That is not a problem.

The problem is, his actions are directly leading to people dying. This man is encouraging highly risky and dangerous behavior. If he wants to sponsor a migrant to come to the US, go for it. If he wants to support a shelter for people at the border, be my guest.

But to go out into the desert, and leave food and water.... that is going to encourage more people to make the trek out into the desert where they are going to die. They are going to see this story, and believe that it is safe to cross the desert, and the first guy that walks out there drinks the water, and eats the food, and the next 20 end up corpse in the desert sand.

This guy is killing people. That's my problem. If you give a crap about these people, he would be better spending his money sending pamphlets to Mexico warning of the dangers of trying to cross the desert on foot, rather than dropping a jar of water, patting himself on the back, and cause dozens of deaths.

This by the way, is the problem with all left-wing ideology. You pretend you are doing good for people, while causing everyone to suffer. Insert, Venezuela.

What a load of fucking horse shit. Nobody is coming across the border because some stranger might have left some food and water for them. You are the second dumb fuck to push this lie, and the second one to have zero evidence to support it. You have no earthly clue what you are talking about.
Yes, they are ordinary people. But there are 20 million of them. How many is too many? How many citizens are you willing to screw to buy the votes of the illegals?

My daughter is 13. There is a very real chance that she won't be able to go to a top level college even though she is 4.0 GPA and a STEM prodigy because those slots are promised to less qualified illegal aliens.

What a load of bullshit. Top colleges do not have slots saved for illegal immigrants. Where do you people come up with this bullshit from?

More bullshit that you will never be able to support...but I am sure you will tell us it is forthcoming....:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Oh piss off you arrogant twit. You are just another political whore unable to think for yourself.

Translated: I just made shit up and now have to run away after betting called on my bullshit.

No, I will present ample evidence when I am on my computer.

I doubt you will look at it though because it is horrible, and sad.

I will be happily waiting for this evidence to be presented.

Remember, your claim is they come because people leave water for them, that is what you need to provide evidence of.

Did westwall ever come back with that proof he said he had but couldn't link to on his phone? :rolleyes:

Nope. Not yet. I have a life and have been living it all day.

How about now? You weren't too busy telling us how "illegals" are stealing your daughter's future from her because THEY will get her scholarship (lies). Can you get us that link now? Link to all the refugees that would not have made the journey of not for the water left along the way. (Just an "FYI", exposure is the number one cause of death for illegal border crossers).
They aren’t our enemies. They are just effing migrants, little different than your ancestors, who are entering the country illegally. That is it. It certainly doesn’t warrant death.

You ain’t no Christian.

First of all, I don't give any credence to one who openly despises Christianity, to judge whether I am a Christian or not.

Second, not one of my ancestors came here illegally. Every single one who immigrated to this country, did so in accordance with whatever laws and policies, if any, were in effect at the time. You have no valid excuse to insult my ancestors, by thus comparing them to the foreign criminal filth that are now illegally invading this country. Am I mistaken, or isn't it against the rules on this forum to gratuitously insult another user's family members?

And legitimate migrants, just as my immigrant ancestors, come here legally, through the proper channels and procedures established by our laws to admit such immigrants. Those who come here illegally are not immigrants, they are invaders.

You should pay attention to commas.

They are not criminal filth, that reflects more on you than on them.

They are people escaping bad situations, trying to find a better life like your ancestors.

Their only crime is entering the country illegally. That is it.
Alleged crime.

Those seeking asylum who are afforded refugee status haven’t committed a crime; immigration law is written to accommodate the fact that a refugee seeking asylum will need to enter the country absent authorization because of conditions in his country of origin.

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