Another win for Religious Liberty

Just cherry picking scripture like some dumbmotherfuckers did.
Look, cut the bullshit, you've become worse than Slade3200 with all you retarded semantics. You either love your wetbacks fucking you and your countrymen over or you want them stopped at all costs. You can't have your warm and fuzzy FEEL GOOD middle ground on this one bud...SACK UP!

The scripture I quoted is relevant to the OP and the case.

This is about the free exercise of religious liberty, not about your racist hatred.

Even in your hate filled rage you have to admit that the person is following this very direct passage from Jesus.

Not should probably study Romans 13 and the teachings of Apostle Paul regarding civil obedience.

So, you disagree with bakers refusing to bake cakes and and the like?

Also, have you ever actually read Romans 13?

Start another thread about scripture and Romans...and I'm in.
This one is about cakes for butt-fucking faggots and fools aiding and abetting criminals whom intend to fuck over Americans...remember?
Start another thread about scripture and Romans...and I'm in.
This one is about cakes for butt-fucking faggots and fools aiding and abetting criminals whom intend to fuck over Americans...remember?

you brought it up little man, perhaps you should not bring up things you are clueless about.

So, do you agree that bakers should not be allowed to refuse to make cakes?
Start another thread about scripture and Romans...and I'm in.
This one is about cakes for butt-fucking faggots and fools aiding and abetting criminals whom intend to fuck over Americans...remember?

you brought it up little man, perhaps you should not bring up things you are clueless about.

So, do you agree that bakers should not be allowed to refuse to make cakes?

Your spin is fucking retarded, you've made a fool of yourself with this thread...Back to the drawing board bud...try again, try harder to sell us on your filth.
Start another thread about scripture and Romans...and I'm in.
This one is about cakes for butt-fucking faggots and fools aiding and abetting criminals whom intend to fuck over Americans...remember?

you brought it up little man, perhaps you should not bring up things you are clueless about.

So, do you agree that bakers should not be allowed to refuse to make cakes?

Your spin is fucking retarded, you've made a fool of yourself with this thread...Back to the drawing board bud...try again, try harder to sell us on your filth.

Run away little man.

This thread is about religious liberty...not your racism.

You do not have a leg to stand on.
Start another thread about scripture and Romans...and I'm in.
This one is about cakes for butt-fucking faggots and fools aiding and abetting criminals whom intend to fuck over Americans...remember?

you brought it up little man, perhaps you should not bring up things you are clueless about.

So, do you agree that bakers should not be allowed to refuse to make cakes?

Your spin is fucking retarded, you've made a fool of yourself with this thread...Back to the drawing board bud...try again, try harder to sell us on your filth.

Run away little man.

This thread is about religious liberty...not your racism.

You do not have a leg to stand on.

Haha..."religious liberty' is the ploy you've chosen to sell your filth...that's what you disgusting LefTards do...Stop already, you're losing credibility fast.
Start another thread about scripture and Romans...and I'm in.
This one is about cakes for butt-fucking faggots and fools aiding and abetting criminals whom intend to fuck over Americans...remember?

you brought it up little man, perhaps you should not bring up things you are clueless about.

So, do you agree that bakers should not be allowed to refuse to make cakes?

Your spin is fucking retarded, you've made a fool of yourself with this thread...Back to the drawing board bud...try again, try harder to sell us on your filth.

Run away little man.

This thread is about religious liberty...not your racism.

You do not have a leg to stand on.

Haha..."religious liberty' is the ploy you've chosen to sell your filth...that's what you disgusting LefTards do...Stop already, you're losing credibility fast.

keep digging little buddy, it is fun to watch you dig your hole.

Read the OP, it is pretty cut and dry.
Start another thread about scripture and Romans...and I'm in.
This one is about cakes for butt-fucking faggots and fools aiding and abetting criminals whom intend to fuck over Americans...remember?

you brought it up little man, perhaps you should not bring up things you are clueless about.

So, do you agree that bakers should not be allowed to refuse to make cakes?

Your spin is fucking retarded, you've made a fool of yourself with this thread...Back to the drawing board bud...try again, try harder to sell us on your filth.

Run away little man.

This thread is about religious liberty...not your racism.

You do not have a leg to stand on.

Haha..."religious liberty' is the ploy you've chosen to sell your filth...that's what you disgusting LefTards do...Stop already, you're losing credibility fast.

keep digging little buddy, it is fun to watch you dig your hole.

Read the OP, it is pretty cut and dry.

Haha...when will you realize; this shit isn't complicated.
Good real Americans rally behind things good for good real Americans and they condemn ALL THINGS bad for good real Americans...FUCK DUDE, this shit is simple. Stop with your hair splitting bullshit semantics...We aren't buying the LefTarded shit you and your butt buddy Slade3200 are selling...SORRY!
Haha...when will you realize; this shit isn't complicated.
Good real Americans rally behind things good for good real Americans and they condemn ALL THINGS bad for good real Americans...FUCK DUDE, this shit is simple. Stop with your hair splitting bullshit semantics...We aren't buying the LefTarded shit you and your butt buddy Slade3200 are selling...SORRY!

Which part of religious liberty is the most confusing for you?

Is it the religious part or the liberty part?
Haha...when will you realize; this shit isn't complicated.
Good real Americans rally behind things good for good real Americans and they condemn ALL THINGS bad for good real Americans...FUCK DUDE, this shit is simple. Stop with your hair splitting bullshit semantics...We aren't buying the LefTarded shit you and your butt buddy Slade3200 are selling...SORRY!

Which part of religious liberty is the most confusing for you?

Is it the religious part or the liberty part?

Nobody sane sees the practice of "religious liberty" in aiding and abetting criminals and or encouraging criminal acts...that's your spin bud.
FUCK, this shit is so do you struggle with it?
Nobody sane sees the practice of "religious liberty" in aiding and abetting criminals and or encouraging criminal acts...that's your spin bud.
FUCK, this shit is so do you struggle with it?

This person is very clearly following the words of Jesus...which from someone that claims to be a Christian should be important.
you brought it up little man, perhaps you should not bring up things you are clueless about.

So, do you agree that bakers should not be allowed to refuse to make cakes?

Your spin is fucking retarded, you've made a fool of yourself with this thread...Back to the drawing board bud...try again, try harder to sell us on your filth.

Run away little man.

This thread is about religious liberty...not your racism.

You do not have a leg to stand on.

Haha..."religious liberty' is the ploy you've chosen to sell your filth...that's what you disgusting LefTards do...Stop already, you're losing credibility fast.

keep digging little buddy, it is fun to watch you dig your hole.

Read the OP, it is pretty cut and dry.

Haha...when will you realize; this shit isn't complicated.
Good real Americans rally behind things good for good real Americans and they condemn ALL THINGS bad for good real Americans...FUCK DUDE, this shit is simple. Stop with your hair splitting bullshit semantics...We aren't buying the LefTarded shit you and your butt buddy Slade3200 are selling...SORRY!
“We” you say like you speak for good Americans... haha, perfect evidence of your delusions
Your spin is fucking retarded, you've made a fool of yourself with this thread...Back to the drawing board bud...try again, try harder to sell us on your filth.

Run away little man.

This thread is about religious liberty...not your racism.

You do not have a leg to stand on.

Haha..."religious liberty' is the ploy you've chosen to sell your filth...that's what you disgusting LefTards do...Stop already, you're losing credibility fast.

keep digging little buddy, it is fun to watch you dig your hole.

Read the OP, it is pretty cut and dry.

Haha...when will you realize; this shit isn't complicated.
Good real Americans rally behind things good for good real Americans and they condemn ALL THINGS bad for good real Americans...FUCK DUDE, this shit is simple. Stop with your hair splitting bullshit semantics...We aren't buying the LefTarded shit you and your butt buddy Slade3200 are selling...SORRY!
“We” you say like you speak for good Americans... haha, perfect evidence of your delusions

Yes it is. The man has never done a damn thing for the country except maybe pay his taxes. Good Americans give back to the country.
Run away little man.

This thread is about religious liberty...not your racism.

You do not have a leg to stand on.

Haha..."religious liberty' is the ploy you've chosen to sell your filth...that's what you disgusting LefTards do...Stop already, you're losing credibility fast.

keep digging little buddy, it is fun to watch you dig your hole.

Read the OP, it is pretty cut and dry.

Haha...when will you realize; this shit isn't complicated.
Good real Americans rally behind things good for good real Americans and they condemn ALL THINGS bad for good real Americans...FUCK DUDE, this shit is simple. Stop with your hair splitting bullshit semantics...We aren't buying the LefTarded shit you and your butt buddy Slade3200 are selling...SORRY!
“We” you say like you speak for good Americans... haha, perfect evidence of your delusions

Yes it is. The man has never done a damn thing for the country except maybe pay his taxes. Good Americans give back to the country.

According the Gator Manual; how do good Americans "give back to the country"?
I gotta hear this shit.
Because it encourages more refugees which results in more kids dying horrible deaths.

That's why.

Link? Prove your statement to be true. Cite one refugee stating they made the journey because they knew there would be food and water along the way. You are not even trying to think logically.

Look up immigrant deaths along southern border. I am on my phone and can't do links.

I got 31,900,000 hits...went through the first 3 pages and none of them blamed water left by strangers.

Then learn how to use filters and other research methods.

There is nothing to find because there is no data to suggest that leaving water encourages more illegals.

you are just making shit up

Bullshit, many of these groups put out maps with GPS coordinates where they leave aid.

Entrant map shows roads, water tanks

Just cherry picking scripture like some dumbmotherfuckers did.
Look, cut the bullshit, you've become worse than Slade3200 with all you retarded semantics. You either love your wetbacks fucking you and your countrymen over or you want them stopped at all costs. You can't have your warm and fuzzy FEEL GOOD middle ground on this one bud...SACK UP!

The scripture I quoted is relevant to the OP and the case.

This is about the free exercise of religious liberty, not about your racist hatred.

Even in your hate filled rage you have to admit that the person is following this very direct passage from Jesus.
Jesus told his followers to obey the law. He never once urged criminal conduct. He certainly never participated in the commission of any crime. You are twisting both words and deeds which is satanic if anything.
Is a wedding cake a celebration of men and women f•••ing each other? You guys have some odd ideas about marriage.

“Men and women f•••ing each other”, as you so crudely pout it, is an essential core to God's design for Mankind. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his dife: and they shall be one flesh. Men and women were meant to be joined in marriage, to be “one flesh”, and to “be fruitful and multiply”. Families based on this union between a man and his wife, and the children produced within that marriage, are the basis for every successful human civilization.

There's nothing wrong at all with celebrating that.

There is certainly something wrong with celebrating evil and immorality, which undermines this divine plan, and degrades society.

And there is certainly something very, very wrong with compelling anyone who wants no part in this sickness to participate in, or provide support, for any such celebration of evil.
Jesus told his followers to obey the law. He never once urged criminal conduct. He certainly never participated in the commission of any crime. You are twisting both words and deeds which is satanic if anything.

So, you are also against bakers disobeying the law that tells them they have to bake a cake for a gay wedding...right?
Judge's Ruling Shows Religious Freedom Isn’t Just For The Christian Right

For Scott Warren, a 37-year-old geography teacher from Ajo, Arizona, freedom of religion means making sure migrants crossing a treacherous stretch of desert along the U.S.-Mexico border don’t die of dehydration.

What do you all think, does this fall under Religious Liberty?

Religious freedom is not a license to commit criminal acts.

Giving aid and comfort to foreign invaders is treason, one of the most serious criminal acts that an American citizen can commit. This should not stand, any more than it would stand for someone to claim a religious obligation to rob banks, or murder unbelievers.

Illegal immigrants are not "foreign invaders", nor is it treason to provide them with food or water. The Bible says it's our Christian duty.

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