Ant Man.....pretty good...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Just came back from seeing Ant was pretty good, nothing really to complain about. Solid entry into the marvel picture universe, entertaining and Rudd was funny and good in the role....

Stay through the credits there is a mid credit scene and an end credit scene....
I saw it on Friday. I really enjoyed it - it was a nice break after Avengers 2, on a much smaller scale that worked really well for the story. I thought Paul Rudd did a great job, as did Michael Douglas.

My only complaint is that we never really got to see Hank Pym in the suit, but I can understand where they're coming from in terms of the overall MCU story.
Did you take you gun with you to see the movie?

Can't....guess why....? It is a gun free zone.......just like the theater in Colorado...and the theater in Louisiana...........
Did you take you gun with you to see the movie?

Can't....guess why....? It is a gun free zone.......just like the theater in Colorado...and the theater in Louisiana...........
They'd never know if you did, being that it's concealed.It never stopped me, but I didn't have cc permit..Or a permit for the large folding knife.......

I am not taking the chance on losing my permit......

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