Ante up anti gunners...what will you allow for normal gun owners, what do you want?

And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.
And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

It is the only tool that keeps genocide, mass murder an ethnic cleansing from is the tool that let's a woman fight off 1 or more armed allows the old to protect themselves from the younger, stronger violent criminals.....

Guns are different from cars, and any thing else that is registered to the government......those who want to control other people have to get rid of guns.....the Germans did it...the Mexicans are doing it.......the people being controlled and murdered by their governments all over the world.....don't have the guns to stop it.....

Guns are not the same as other regulated products........that is why they have their own Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

You are a fool. You live in a relatively safe time and place.....which is the strangest condition known to man...for most of the world, safety and security don't exist.......they live in fear of both criminals and their governments.......we have had over 200 years of safety and security...and because of that you morons are going to give up the tool that made that possible.......

Will we experience the violence that other countries do.....not immediately.....but it only took Germany 20 years to go from a country with the rule of law and of democratic murdering people in gas chambers......

Right now, across our border, Mexican people are being slaughtered by the police and military.......because they work for the drug cartels.....and every single argument you make for gun control....and gun used by the Mexican government to keep those poor people unarmed...and victims

in the the 1990s.......the communists did not allow people to own guns.......and when communism fell...those same people who were slaves to the communists, because they did not have guns......were slaughtered in ethnic cleansing because they did not have guns......

Gun registration and control allows the bad guys to rape, murder and kill the good guys.......Look at Mexico you fucking moron......they have every single gun control law you want......and they are being slaughtered right across our border.......

That is why we can't register our guns.......we have actual history that shows what happens when you register guns in peaceful times....and then evil people get in charge.....I get are too stupid to understand history....that it can actually happen again.........I can't say if you were born that stupid......or made yourself that stupid.....but you are......and that is why we oppose are too foolish to understand human behavior and human history.......

Must be nice living in your arm chair........
Must be hell living in fear of your own shadow, tormented by suspicion and dark conspiracies.

No wonder your sort is dying out. Nature has a way of removing outliers.
And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.
And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

And this is why........

every year Americans use guns 1,500,000 times to stop violent criminal attack.....many times even mass shooters......that means lives saved....lives not raped, and beaten and murdered out of existence...........and there are people like you who will disarm those people.....and those lives in the future will be destroyed........

And then there is this......the murder of innocent people by their governments......which only happens to unarmed people.....


8. 5,964,000 Murdered: Japan's Savage Military
9. 2,035,000 Murdered: The Khmer Rouge Hell State
10. 1,883,000 Murdered: Turkey's Genocidal Purges
11. 1,670,000 Murdered: The Vietnamese War State
12. 1,585,000 Murdered: Poland's Ethnic Cleansing
13. 1,503,000 Murdered: The Pakistani Cutthroat State
14. 1,072,000 Murdered: Tito's Slaughterhouse
And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.
And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

It is the only tool that keeps genocide, mass murder an ethnic cleansing from is the tool that let's a woman fight off 1 or more armed allows the old to protect themselves from the younger, stronger violent criminals.....

Guns are different from cars, and any thing else that is registered to the government......those who want to control other people have to get rid of guns.....the Germans did it...the Mexicans are doing it.......the people being controlled and murdered by their governments all over the world.....don't have the guns to stop it.....

Guns are not the same as other regulated products........that is why they have their own Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

You are a fool. You live in a relatively safe time and place.....which is the strangest condition known to man...for most of the world, safety and security don't exist.......they live in fear of both criminals and their governments.......we have had over 200 years of safety and security...and because of that you morons are going to give up the tool that made that possible.......

Will we experience the violence that other countries do.....not immediately.....but it only took Germany 20 years to go from a country with the rule of law and of democratic murdering people in gas chambers......

Right now, across our border, Mexican people are being slaughtered by the police and military.......because they work for the drug cartels.....and every single argument you make for gun control....and gun used by the Mexican government to keep those poor people unarmed...and victims

in the the 1990s.......the communists did not allow people to own guns.......and when communism fell...those same people who were slaves to the communists, because they did not have guns......were slaughtered in ethnic cleansing because they did not have guns......

Gun registration and control allows the bad guys to rape, murder and kill the good guys.......Look at Mexico you fucking moron......they have every single gun control law you want......and they are being slaughtered right across our border.......

That is why we can't register our guns.......we have actual history that shows what happens when you register guns in peaceful times....and then evil people get in charge.....I get are too stupid to understand history....that it can actually happen again.........I can't say if you were born that stupid......or made yourself that stupid.....but you are......and that is why we oppose are too foolish to understand human behavior and human history.......

Must be nice living in your arm chair........
Must be hell living in fear of your own shadow, tormented by suspicion and dark conspiracies.

No wonder your sort is dying out. Nature has a way of removing outliers.

Yeah, fuckwit.........tell that to the people living in democrat, inner city voting districts.......where they have the most gun control...and the criminals run free.......
And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.
And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

It is the only tool that keeps genocide, mass murder an ethnic cleansing from is the tool that let's a woman fight off 1 or more armed allows the old to protect themselves from the younger, stronger violent criminals.....

Guns are different from cars, and any thing else that is registered to the government......those who want to control other people have to get rid of guns.....the Germans did it...the Mexicans are doing it.......the people being controlled and murdered by their governments all over the world.....don't have the guns to stop it.....

Guns are not the same as other regulated products........that is why they have their own Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

You are a fool. You live in a relatively safe time and place.....which is the strangest condition known to man...for most of the world, safety and security don't exist.......they live in fear of both criminals and their governments.......we have had over 200 years of safety and security...and because of that you morons are going to give up the tool that made that possible.......

Will we experience the violence that other countries do.....not immediately.....but it only took Germany 20 years to go from a country with the rule of law and of democratic murdering people in gas chambers......

Right now, across our border, Mexican people are being slaughtered by the police and military.......because they work for the drug cartels.....and every single argument you make for gun control....and gun used by the Mexican government to keep those poor people unarmed...and victims

in the the 1990s.......the communists did not allow people to own guns.......and when communism fell...those same people who were slaves to the communists, because they did not have guns......were slaughtered in ethnic cleansing because they did not have guns......

Gun registration and control allows the bad guys to rape, murder and kill the good guys.......Look at Mexico you fucking moron......they have every single gun control law you want......and they are being slaughtered right across our border.......

That is why we can't register our guns.......we have actual history that shows what happens when you register guns in peaceful times....and then evil people get in charge.....I get are too stupid to understand history....that it can actually happen again.........I can't say if you were born that stupid......or made yourself that stupid.....but you are......and that is why we oppose are too foolish to understand human behavior and human history.......

Must be nice living in your arm chair........
Must be hell living in fear of your own shadow, tormented by suspicion and dark conspiracies.

No wonder your sort is dying out. Nature has a way of removing outliers.

Yeah, fuckwit.........tell that to the people living in democrat, inner city voting districts.......where they have the most gun control...and the criminals run free.......
The problem is hardly gun control in Chicago. It's the lack of it next door. Ever been to the Old West paradise of Gary, Indiana?
And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.
And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

It is the only tool that keeps genocide, mass murder an ethnic cleansing from is the tool that let's a woman fight off 1 or more armed allows the old to protect themselves from the younger, stronger violent criminals.....

Guns are different from cars, and any thing else that is registered to the government......those who want to control other people have to get rid of guns.....the Germans did it...the Mexicans are doing it.......the people being controlled and murdered by their governments all over the world.....don't have the guns to stop it.....

Guns are not the same as other regulated products........that is why they have their own Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

You are a fool. You live in a relatively safe time and place.....which is the strangest condition known to man...for most of the world, safety and security don't exist.......they live in fear of both criminals and their governments.......we have had over 200 years of safety and security...and because of that you morons are going to give up the tool that made that possible.......

Will we experience the violence that other countries do.....not immediately.....but it only took Germany 20 years to go from a country with the rule of law and of democratic murdering people in gas chambers......

Right now, across our border, Mexican people are being slaughtered by the police and military.......because they work for the drug cartels.....and every single argument you make for gun control....and gun used by the Mexican government to keep those poor people unarmed...and victims

in the the 1990s.......the communists did not allow people to own guns.......and when communism fell...those same people who were slaves to the communists, because they did not have guns......were slaughtered in ethnic cleansing because they did not have guns......

Gun registration and control allows the bad guys to rape, murder and kill the good guys.......Look at Mexico you fucking moron......they have every single gun control law you want......and they are being slaughtered right across our border.......

That is why we can't register our guns.......we have actual history that shows what happens when you register guns in peaceful times....and then evil people get in charge.....I get are too stupid to understand history....that it can actually happen again.........I can't say if you were born that stupid......or made yourself that stupid.....but you are......and that is why we oppose are too foolish to understand human behavior and human history.......

Must be nice living in your arm chair........
Must be hell living in fear of your own shadow, tormented by suspicion and dark conspiracies.

No wonder your sort is dying out. Nature has a way of removing outliers.

Yeah, fuckwit.........tell that to the people living in democrat, inner city voting districts.......where they have the most gun control...and the criminals run free.......
The problem is hardly gun control in Chicago. It's the lack of it next door. Ever been to the Old West paradise of Gary, Indiana?

Wrong asswipe....the problem in Chicago is the fact that the gangs control many of the aldermen in the city......the aldermen vote down police resources and hiring......also, the prosecutors and judges do not sentence gun criminals to long sentences.....a felon in possession of an illegal gun should get 10 years.......they are letting these guys out on bail......where they then threaten and kill witnesses....and then if they get a conviction...they sentence them to under 2 years.......

That is what is driving gun murder in Chicago....

Then, you add in democrat black lies murder.......and the Ferguson effect....Police stops are down over 90%...and the criminals know it....they know that the cops are not stopping them and checking them they are free now to carry guns and shoot people.......

Guns are not the problem.....

Chicago has 3 million people.

New York has 8 million people.

They both have the exact same gun control laws.......and access to states that have less strict gun control laws......

Chicago has more gun murders than New isn't the used to be New York had stop and frisk...and longer jail time for gun criminals.....but with the new socialist mayor...who has attacked police and ended stop and frisk...their numbers are going up too.....
If you get past the anti gun crap from the anti gun actually get the real reason we have more gun crime in Chicago.......

And Chicago is more lenient about illegal handguns than New York, prescribing a one-year minimum for possession versus three and a half years in New York. An attempt to match the New York law in 2013 was rejected by the Illinois legislature out of concern for skyrocketing incarceration rates for young black men.

New York also hired a lot more police officers in response to the crime of the 1990s, and, during its stop-and-frisk era of the 2000s, steeply increased gun enforcement. Recent studies, including one that looked at increased police presence in London after a terrorist attack, have suggested more police might mean less crime, said Jens Ludwig, the director of Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, which studies crime in both Chicago and New York.

Chicago’s Police Department, overwhelmed, can respond only to the most serious problems, leaving citizens to feel responsible for their own security, he said.

Chicago is down about 2,000 police officers..and that was a few years ago.....the need to hire at least 1,000 more cops.....but can't because they spent their money on ornamental fences and plants .......and they have 1,000 cops out on vacation and sick leave...........

Guns are not the problem......lack of police......prosecutors who do not charge for gun crimes even with repeat illegal gun violation arrests....and judges who do not sentence criminals to long sentences......

Chicago gangs are different as well....

Many of Chicago’s gangs have fractured, leading to more violence, said Arthur Lurigio, a criminology professor at Loyola University Chicago. While Latino gangs have remained more hierarchical, black gangs have splintered into small, disparate factions, whose disputes are less over territory and profits, and more over personal insults or shames, often fueled by social media, he said.

“Young people are making a lot of indirect threats toward cliques and rival gangs that are being interpreted as being threatening,” said Desmond Patton, a professor at Columbia University who has studied violence on social media. “Tagging is the conversation starter that could lead to someone getting a gun.”

In addition to making threats, individuals at times post their location on social media to prove to rivals that they’re tough, he said.

In one well-known instance, Gakirah Barnes, a Chicago gang member who was rumored to have killed or shot up to 20 rival gang members, referenced an address she frequented on Twitter. In the tweet, provided by Dr. Patton, Ms. Barnes says “Lz,” which has multiple meanings in Chicago gang cultures, including living life, at address number 6347. Later that day, she was shot and killed near the address.

And this.....

In Chicago, homicide rates correspond with segregation. While many areas have few or no killings, the South and West Sides are on par with the world’s most dangerous countries, like Brazil and Venezuela, and have been for many years.

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And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

It is the only tool that keeps genocide, mass murder an ethnic cleansing from is the tool that let's a woman fight off 1 or more armed allows the old to protect themselves from the younger, stronger violent criminals.....

Guns are different from cars, and any thing else that is registered to the government......those who want to control other people have to get rid of guns.....the Germans did it...the Mexicans are doing it.......the people being controlled and murdered by their governments all over the world.....don't have the guns to stop it.....

Guns are not the same as other regulated products........that is why they have their own Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

You are a fool. You live in a relatively safe time and place.....which is the strangest condition known to man...for most of the world, safety and security don't exist.......they live in fear of both criminals and their governments.......we have had over 200 years of safety and security...and because of that you morons are going to give up the tool that made that possible.......

Will we experience the violence that other countries do.....not immediately.....but it only took Germany 20 years to go from a country with the rule of law and of democratic murdering people in gas chambers......

Right now, across our border, Mexican people are being slaughtered by the police and military.......because they work for the drug cartels.....and every single argument you make for gun control....and gun used by the Mexican government to keep those poor people unarmed...and victims

in the the 1990s.......the communists did not allow people to own guns.......and when communism fell...those same people who were slaves to the communists, because they did not have guns......were slaughtered in ethnic cleansing because they did not have guns......

Gun registration and control allows the bad guys to rape, murder and kill the good guys.......Look at Mexico you fucking moron......they have every single gun control law you want......and they are being slaughtered right across our border.......

That is why we can't register our guns.......we have actual history that shows what happens when you register guns in peaceful times....and then evil people get in charge.....I get are too stupid to understand history....that it can actually happen again.........I can't say if you were born that stupid......or made yourself that stupid.....but you are......and that is why we oppose are too foolish to understand human behavior and human history.......

Must be nice living in your arm chair........
Must be hell living in fear of your own shadow, tormented by suspicion and dark conspiracies.

No wonder your sort is dying out. Nature has a way of removing outliers.

Yeah, fuckwit.........tell that to the people living in democrat, inner city voting districts.......where they have the most gun control...and the criminals run free.......
The problem is hardly gun control in Chicago. It's the lack of it next door. Ever been to the Old West paradise of Gary, Indiana?

Wrong asswipe....the problem in Chicago is the fact that the gangs control many of the aldermen in the city......the aldermen vote down police resources and hiring......also, the prosecutors and judges do not sentence gun criminals to long sentences.....a felon in possession of an illegal gun should get 10 years.......they are letting these guys out on bail......where they then threaten and kill witnesses....and then if they get a conviction...they sentence them to under 2 years.......

That is what is driving gun murder in Chicago....

Then, you add in democrat black lies murder.......and the Ferguson effect....Police stops are down over 90%...and the criminals know it....they know that the cops are not stopping them and checking them they are free now to carry guns and shoot people.......

Guns are not the problem.....

Chicago has 3 million people.

New York has 8 million people.

They both have the exact same gun control laws.......and access to states that have less strict gun control laws......

Chicago has more gun murders than New isn't the used to be New York had stop and frisk...and longer jail time for gun criminals.....but with the new socialist mayor...who has attacked police and ended stop and frisk...their numbers are going up too.....
Oh, so it's an enforcement problem. Sorry, it sounded like you were blaming legislation.

Glad we're on the same page.
It is the only tool that keeps genocide, mass murder an ethnic cleansing from is the tool that let's a woman fight off 1 or more armed allows the old to protect themselves from the younger, stronger violent criminals.....

Guns are different from cars, and any thing else that is registered to the government......those who want to control other people have to get rid of guns.....the Germans did it...the Mexicans are doing it.......the people being controlled and murdered by their governments all over the world.....don't have the guns to stop it.....

Guns are not the same as other regulated products........that is why they have their own Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

You are a fool. You live in a relatively safe time and place.....which is the strangest condition known to man...for most of the world, safety and security don't exist.......they live in fear of both criminals and their governments.......we have had over 200 years of safety and security...and because of that you morons are going to give up the tool that made that possible.......

Will we experience the violence that other countries do.....not immediately.....but it only took Germany 20 years to go from a country with the rule of law and of democratic murdering people in gas chambers......

Right now, across our border, Mexican people are being slaughtered by the police and military.......because they work for the drug cartels.....and every single argument you make for gun control....and gun used by the Mexican government to keep those poor people unarmed...and victims

in the the 1990s.......the communists did not allow people to own guns.......and when communism fell...those same people who were slaves to the communists, because they did not have guns......were slaughtered in ethnic cleansing because they did not have guns......

Gun registration and control allows the bad guys to rape, murder and kill the good guys.......Look at Mexico you fucking moron......they have every single gun control law you want......and they are being slaughtered right across our border.......

That is why we can't register our guns.......we have actual history that shows what happens when you register guns in peaceful times....and then evil people get in charge.....I get are too stupid to understand history....that it can actually happen again.........I can't say if you were born that stupid......or made yourself that stupid.....but you are......and that is why we oppose are too foolish to understand human behavior and human history.......

Must be nice living in your arm chair........
Must be hell living in fear of your own shadow, tormented by suspicion and dark conspiracies.

No wonder your sort is dying out. Nature has a way of removing outliers.

Yeah, fuckwit.........tell that to the people living in democrat, inner city voting districts.......where they have the most gun control...and the criminals run free.......
The problem is hardly gun control in Chicago. It's the lack of it next door. Ever been to the Old West paradise of Gary, Indiana?

Wrong asswipe....the problem in Chicago is the fact that the gangs control many of the aldermen in the city......the aldermen vote down police resources and hiring......also, the prosecutors and judges do not sentence gun criminals to long sentences.....a felon in possession of an illegal gun should get 10 years.......they are letting these guys out on bail......where they then threaten and kill witnesses....and then if they get a conviction...they sentence them to under 2 years.......

That is what is driving gun murder in Chicago....

Then, you add in democrat black lies murder.......and the Ferguson effect....Police stops are down over 90%...and the criminals know it....they know that the cops are not stopping them and checking them they are free now to carry guns and shoot people.......

Guns are not the problem.....

Chicago has 3 million people.

New York has 8 million people.

They both have the exact same gun control laws.......and access to states that have less strict gun control laws......

Chicago has more gun murders than New isn't the used to be New York had stop and frisk...and longer jail time for gun criminals.....but with the new socialist mayor...who has attacked police and ended stop and frisk...their numbers are going up too.....
Oh, so it's an enforcement problem. Sorry, it sounded like you were blaming legislation.

Glad we're on the same page.

Of course you didn't understand that...........

It is not enforcing more paperwork and rules on normal, law abiding gun owners....they are not the ones shooting other making more hoops and laws they need to follow doesn't effect the gun murder rate.....

Pay attention twit......

You have to arrest gun criminals...and put them in jail for a long time....and that is not happening at any level in the criminal justice system.....

--chicago is not prosecuting gun criminals....

--the cops are not making stops

--obama is not prosecuting gun criminals...gun crime prosecutions at the federal level, of actual criminals, is down almost 40%...

--obama is releasing gun criminals back onto the streets.........

That is the problem....not John Q. Citizen carrying a gun for self defense from the very people you are helping put back on the street.
Must be hell living in fear of your own shadow, tormented by suspicion and dark conspiracies.

No wonder your sort is dying out. Nature has a way of removing outliers.

Yeah, fuckwit.........tell that to the people living in democrat, inner city voting districts.......where they have the most gun control...and the criminals run free.......
The problem is hardly gun control in Chicago. It's the lack of it next door. Ever been to the Old West paradise of Gary, Indiana?

Wrong asswipe....the problem in Chicago is the fact that the gangs control many of the aldermen in the city......the aldermen vote down police resources and hiring......also, the prosecutors and judges do not sentence gun criminals to long sentences.....a felon in possession of an illegal gun should get 10 years.......they are letting these guys out on bail......where they then threaten and kill witnesses....and then if they get a conviction...they sentence them to under 2 years.......

That is what is driving gun murder in Chicago....

Then, you add in democrat black lies murder.......and the Ferguson effect....Police stops are down over 90%...and the criminals know it....they know that the cops are not stopping them and checking them they are free now to carry guns and shoot people.......

Guns are not the problem.....

Chicago has 3 million people.

New York has 8 million people.

They both have the exact same gun control laws.......and access to states that have less strict gun control laws......

Chicago has more gun murders than New isn't the used to be New York had stop and frisk...and longer jail time for gun criminals.....but with the new socialist mayor...who has attacked police and ended stop and frisk...their numbers are going up too.....
Oh, so it's an enforcement problem. Sorry, it sounded like you were blaming legislation.

Glad we're on the same page.

Of course you didn't understand that...........

It is not enforcing more paperwork and rules on normal, law abiding gun owners....they are not the ones shooting other making more hoops and laws they need to follow doesn't effect the gun murder rate.....

Pay attention twit......

You have to arrest gun criminals...and put them in jail for a long time....and that is not happening at any level in the criminal justice system.....

--chicago is not prosecuting gun criminals....

--the cops are not making stops

--obama is not prosecuting gun criminals...gun crime prosecutions at the federal level, of actual criminals, is down almost 40%...

--obama is releasing gun criminals back onto the streets.........

That is the problem....not John Q. Citizen carrying a gun for self defense from the very people you are helping put back on the street.
Your schoolyard name-calling really diminishes whatever point you're peddling.
And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.
And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

And here....this woman followed all of your rules......she had committed no crime, there was no reason she shouldn't have had a gun on her hip.........except and asshole like you was in charge of the process of her getting a permit......and she was stabbed to death while a guy like you played games......

New Jersey Woman Stabbed to Death by Ex While Waiting for Gun Permit

A New Jersey woman was murdered by her ex-boyfriend on Wednesday as she waited for approval from the state to buy a handgun. In addition to obtaining a restraining order against her ex, Michael Eitel, and installing security cameras in her home, Carol Bowne had applied for a permit to purchase a handgun on April 21.

Police told the (New Jersey) Courier-Post that she had inquired about the application as recently as Monday. “We did not get the fingerprint information yet,” Berlin Township Police Chief Leonard Check told the paper.

Unlike most states, New Jersey’s restrictive gun laws require a permit to purchase a handgun. The permit process can take several months to complete. Bowne’s murder has left her friends and neighbors in shock.

“She did absolutely everything she was supposed to,” her coworker Denise Lovallo told the paper. “Do they have enough now to get him?”
And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.
And that's not going to change. The only way to lose that ability is to seriously break the law, the same way you lose the ability to vote.

Just about every activity we engage in and every product we use is regulated. Has that led to prohibition or confiscation? Obviously not. Regulation maintains product and consumer safety.

Yet, in your mind, you equate regulation of firearms with some sort of barrier to you, a law-abiding citizen, to continue to enjoy ownership and use.

Why? What in the world is so special about this particular tool that so consumes you? What is it that makes you think that this particular item, this particular activity, is subject to extreme measures unlike anything we've ever experienced in the past?

And please express what you think with something more substantial than regurgitating your pathetic fear of "gun-grabbers". Give us some examples of our past regulatory behavior relevant to this issue. What other product or activity have we ever first regulated, then prohibited? And how was this product or activity equivalent to the constitutionally-protected bearing of arms?

So tell me how is telling me I can't own an AR 15 making anyone safer?
How does limiting the size of magazines that I can buy making anyone else safer?

Let me help you

Neither one makes anyone safer than they already are
We get it. The Nazis did very bad things. Can we get back to gun control in the 21st century US now?

That is getting back to gun control in the 21st century.........they disarmed their people and 20 years later murdered them...because the people didn't have guns..........same thing happened in the Balkans in the 90s...and Rwanda in the 90s.....and it is happening right now in and again unarmed people are murdered by their governments...or the government can't stop one group from slaughtering another group......and you guys pretend like that has no bearing on current discussions......
For the umpteenth time, registration and background checks today in the US is unrelated to disarming Europeans in days of yore.

If all you want to talk about is disarmament, start a thread on that. Some of us are still focused on the subject of this thread.

Wrong.......the German government used the exact same arguments you are using.......the exact same arguments............they registered the guns for the exact same reason you have here......20 years later those registration lists were used to disarm gun owners and Jews...........they gassed them.........the communists disarmed the people of the Balkans....and then after the Soviet Union fell in the 90s........the military mirdered their ethnic enemies.....who were already disarmed........

Mexico disarmed its people.....and now the police and military are helping the drug cartels murder Mexicans in the 10s of thousands...right across our border...

The German government did not have our Constitutional right to have arms, a right which has been strongly supported in court rulings. Given that, I think the claim that they're going to disarm the populace similar to Nazi Germany is fear mongering.

And the German's believed the exact same thing you are saying in the 1920s....when they happily registered their guns.......every single argument you guys are making was made back then...none of your arguments are new or original....they used every single one to get the German people to register their guns.........

20 years later they took those unarmed Germans and Europeans....and marched them into gas chambers.....

right now...unarmed Mexicans are being murdered in the 10s of thousands by their own police and military........the only ones who have the guns...which is another thing you guys push...........right across the border, every single day........

I think comparing the US to Germany, in this respect - is grossly inaccurate. And the main reason is OUR constitution, which is quite different that that of any other nation.

Was the right to bear arms enshrined in the German constitution?

How easily can the German constitution be amended, compared to ours, which has so many checks and balances (thank goodness) that it is exceedingly difficult to amend?
We get it. The Nazis did very bad things. Can we get back to gun control in the 21st century US now?

That is getting back to gun control in the 21st century.........they disarmed their people and 20 years later murdered them...because the people didn't have guns..........same thing happened in the Balkans in the 90s...and Rwanda in the 90s.....and it is happening right now in and again unarmed people are murdered by their governments...or the government can't stop one group from slaughtering another group......and you guys pretend like that has no bearing on current discussions......
For the umpteenth time, registration and background checks today in the US is unrelated to disarming Europeans in days of yore.

If all you want to talk about is disarmament, start a thread on that. Some of us are still focused on the subject of this thread.

The only reason to register guns is to ban and confiscate them.....that is why we are talking about it now.....

We register automobiles. We already ban some types of guns. No one is talking about banning or confiscating all guns or even most.

Yeah...that's what they said in Germany, Britain and guys act like there are no examples of this.......all through human history the governments around the world have ended up disarming the can keep saying you don't want to ban and confiscate guns...history shows you are wrong.

The only history that matters is US history because we are unique.

I don't want to ban guns. I own guns. My husband owns guns. Seeking reasonable restrictions does not equal banning and confiscating. Every right has limitations - none is unlimited. Why do you think the second amendment should be unlimited?
For the umpteenth time, registration and background checks today in the US is unrelated to disarming Europeans in days of yore.

If all you want to talk about is disarmament, start a thread on that. Some of us are still focused on the subject of this thread.

The only reason to register guns is to ban and confiscate them.....that is why we are talking about it now.....

We register automobiles. We already ban some types of guns. No one is talking about banning or confiscating all guns or even most.

Yeah...that's what they said in Germany, Britain and guys act like there are no examples of this.......all through human history the governments around the world have ended up disarming the can keep saying you don't want to ban and confiscate guns...history shows you are wrong.
No other country has this right enshrined in the Constitution. Big difference.

And that is the only reason we still have the ability to own guns.........and the NRA........

Exactly. And the NRA protects that right. But it also goes too far. NO RIGHT IS UNLIMITED.
That is getting back to gun control in the 21st century.........they disarmed their people and 20 years later murdered them...because the people didn't have guns..........same thing happened in the Balkans in the 90s...and Rwanda in the 90s.....and it is happening right now in and again unarmed people are murdered by their governments...or the government can't stop one group from slaughtering another group......and you guys pretend like that has no bearing on current discussions......
For the umpteenth time, registration and background checks today in the US is unrelated to disarming Europeans in days of yore.

If all you want to talk about is disarmament, start a thread on that. Some of us are still focused on the subject of this thread.

Wrong.......the German government used the exact same arguments you are using.......the exact same arguments............they registered the guns for the exact same reason you have here......20 years later those registration lists were used to disarm gun owners and Jews...........they gassed them.........the communists disarmed the people of the Balkans....and then after the Soviet Union fell in the 90s........the military mirdered their ethnic enemies.....who were already disarmed........

Mexico disarmed its people.....and now the police and military are helping the drug cartels murder Mexicans in the 10s of thousands...right across our border...

The German government did not have our Constitutional right to have arms, a right which has been strongly supported in court rulings. Given that, I think the claim that they're going to disarm the populace similar to Nazi Germany is fear mongering.

And the German's believed the exact same thing you are saying in the 1920s....when they happily registered their guns.......every single argument you guys are making was made back then...none of your arguments are new or original....they used every single one to get the German people to register their guns.........

20 years later they took those unarmed Germans and Europeans....and marched them into gas chambers.....

right now...unarmed Mexicans are being murdered in the 10s of thousands by their own police and military........the only ones who have the guns...which is another thing you guys push...........right across the border, every single day........

I think comparing the US to Germany, in this respect - is grossly inaccurate. And the main reason is OUR constitution, which is quite different that that of any other nation.

Was the right to bear arms enshrined in the German constitution?

How easily can the German constitution be amended, compared to ours, which has so many checks and balances (thank goodness) that it is exceedingly difficult to amend?
No, it can't be amended easily, but FDR and Obama have outright ignored the Constitution, and it has been shown that the Supreme Court 'justices' aren't interpreting the Constitution anymore, just ruling in favor of whatever suits their agendas. For example, Obama has violated the Constitution 64 times under their watch. Expecting the government to protect our rights is outright silly, they don't care. Just like any dictatorship, rights can be taken away, it just hasn't been as easy until the Establishment was able to appoint judges that won't protect our rights.
That is getting back to gun control in the 21st century.........they disarmed their people and 20 years later murdered them...because the people didn't have guns..........same thing happened in the Balkans in the 90s...and Rwanda in the 90s.....and it is happening right now in and again unarmed people are murdered by their governments...or the government can't stop one group from slaughtering another group......and you guys pretend like that has no bearing on current discussions......
For the umpteenth time, registration and background checks today in the US is unrelated to disarming Europeans in days of yore.

If all you want to talk about is disarmament, start a thread on that. Some of us are still focused on the subject of this thread.

The only reason to register guns is to ban and confiscate them.....that is why we are talking about it now.....

We register automobiles. We already ban some types of guns. No one is talking about banning or confiscating all guns or even most.

Yeah...that's what they said in Germany, Britain and guys act like there are no examples of this.......all through human history the governments around the world have ended up disarming the can keep saying you don't want to ban and confiscate guns...history shows you are wrong.

The only history that matters is US history because we are unique.

I don't want to ban guns. I own guns. My husband owns guns. Seeking reasonable restrictions does not equal banning and confiscating. Every right has limitations - none is unlimited. Why do you think the second amendment should be unlimited?
Restrictions as a whole are unreasonable. Everyone in America should be allowed to defend themselves. It's pretty clear that even if the government cared, they cannot protect every living citizen at all times, and especially not from themselves.
For the umpteenth time, registration and background checks today in the US is unrelated to disarming Europeans in days of yore.

If all you want to talk about is disarmament, start a thread on that. Some of us are still focused on the subject of this thread.

The only reason to register guns is to ban and confiscate them.....that is why we are talking about it now.....

We register automobiles. We already ban some types of guns. No one is talking about banning or confiscating all guns or even most.

Yeah...that's what they said in Germany, Britain and guys act like there are no examples of this.......all through human history the governments around the world have ended up disarming the can keep saying you don't want to ban and confiscate guns...history shows you are wrong.

The only history that matters is US history because we are unique.

I don't want to ban guns. I own guns. My husband owns guns. Seeking reasonable restrictions does not equal banning and confiscating. Every right has limitations - none is unlimited. Why do you think the second amendment should be unlimited?
Restrictions as a whole are unreasonable. Everyone in America should be allowed to defend themselves. It's pretty clear that even if the government cared, they cannot protect every living citizen at all times, and especially not from themselves.

Why are they unreasonable?

You can not yell "fire" in a crowded theatre when there is no fire.
You can not libel or slander.
You can not incite a crowd to violence.
You can not conduct human sacrifices in the name of religion.

All of those are restrictions on basic rights?

How is banning certain types of weapons preventing you from defending yourself? Do you need a rocket launcher to defend yourself?
For the umpteenth time, registration and background checks today in the US is unrelated to disarming Europeans in days of yore.

If all you want to talk about is disarmament, start a thread on that. Some of us are still focused on the subject of this thread.

Wrong.......the German government used the exact same arguments you are using.......the exact same arguments............they registered the guns for the exact same reason you have here......20 years later those registration lists were used to disarm gun owners and Jews...........they gassed them.........the communists disarmed the people of the Balkans....and then after the Soviet Union fell in the 90s........the military mirdered their ethnic enemies.....who were already disarmed........

Mexico disarmed its people.....and now the police and military are helping the drug cartels murder Mexicans in the 10s of thousands...right across our border...

The German government did not have our Constitutional right to have arms, a right which has been strongly supported in court rulings. Given that, I think the claim that they're going to disarm the populace similar to Nazi Germany is fear mongering.

And the German's believed the exact same thing you are saying in the 1920s....when they happily registered their guns.......every single argument you guys are making was made back then...none of your arguments are new or original....they used every single one to get the German people to register their guns.........

20 years later they took those unarmed Germans and Europeans....and marched them into gas chambers.....

right now...unarmed Mexicans are being murdered in the 10s of thousands by their own police and military........the only ones who have the guns...which is another thing you guys push...........right across the border, every single day........

I think comparing the US to Germany, in this respect - is grossly inaccurate. And the main reason is OUR constitution, which is quite different that that of any other nation.

Was the right to bear arms enshrined in the German constitution?

How easily can the German constitution be amended, compared to ours, which has so many checks and balances (thank goodness) that it is exceedingly difficult to amend?
No, it can't be amended easily, but FDR and Obama have outright ignored the Constitution, and it has been shown that the Supreme Court 'justices' aren't interpreting the Constitution anymore, just ruling in favor of whatever suits their agendas. For example, Obama has violated the Constitution 64 times under their watch. Expecting the government to protect our rights is outright silly, they don't care. Just like any dictatorship, rights can be taken away, it just hasn't been as easy until the Establishment was able to appoint judges that won't protect our rights.

64 times according to WHO?
The only reason to register guns is to ban and confiscate them.....that is why we are talking about it now.....

We register automobiles. We already ban some types of guns. No one is talking about banning or confiscating all guns or even most.

Yeah...that's what they said in Germany, Britain and guys act like there are no examples of this.......all through human history the governments around the world have ended up disarming the can keep saying you don't want to ban and confiscate guns...history shows you are wrong.

The only history that matters is US history because we are unique.

I don't want to ban guns. I own guns. My husband owns guns. Seeking reasonable restrictions does not equal banning and confiscating. Every right has limitations - none is unlimited. Why do you think the second amendment should be unlimited?
Restrictions as a whole are unreasonable. Everyone in America should be allowed to defend themselves. It's pretty clear that even if the government cared, they cannot protect every living citizen at all times, and especially not from themselves.

Why are they unreasonable?

You can not yell "fire" in a crowded theatre when there is no fire.
You can not libel or slander.
You can not incite a crowd to violence.
You can not conduct human sacrifices in the name of religion.

All of those are restrictions on basic rights?

How is banning certain types of weapons preventing you from defending yourself? Do you need a rocket launcher to defend yourself?
Conducting human sacrifices in the name of religion is murder. The difference here is that people have a right to believe what they want, but not a right to practice that belief how they want. That's not a restriction on a right, that's ensuring that people can't break the law under religious pretenses.

Those are not restrictions on basic rights, they are preventing infringement on the rights of others.

Banning certain weapon types ensures that a potential criminal has access to those weapons, but a citizen does not.

If the government becomes too oppressive, yes, you need a rocket launcher(And more) to defend yourself.
Wrong.......the German government used the exact same arguments you are using.......the exact same arguments............they registered the guns for the exact same reason you have here......20 years later those registration lists were used to disarm gun owners and Jews...........they gassed them.........the communists disarmed the people of the Balkans....and then after the Soviet Union fell in the 90s........the military mirdered their ethnic enemies.....who were already disarmed........

Mexico disarmed its people.....and now the police and military are helping the drug cartels murder Mexicans in the 10s of thousands...right across our border...

The German government did not have our Constitutional right to have arms, a right which has been strongly supported in court rulings. Given that, I think the claim that they're going to disarm the populace similar to Nazi Germany is fear mongering.

And the German's believed the exact same thing you are saying in the 1920s....when they happily registered their guns.......every single argument you guys are making was made back then...none of your arguments are new or original....they used every single one to get the German people to register their guns.........

20 years later they took those unarmed Germans and Europeans....and marched them into gas chambers.....

right now...unarmed Mexicans are being murdered in the 10s of thousands by their own police and military........the only ones who have the guns...which is another thing you guys push...........right across the border, every single day........

I think comparing the US to Germany, in this respect - is grossly inaccurate. And the main reason is OUR constitution, which is quite different that that of any other nation.

Was the right to bear arms enshrined in the German constitution?

How easily can the German constitution be amended, compared to ours, which has so many checks and balances (thank goodness) that it is exceedingly difficult to amend?
No, it can't be amended easily, but FDR and Obama have outright ignored the Constitution, and it has been shown that the Supreme Court 'justices' aren't interpreting the Constitution anymore, just ruling in favor of whatever suits their agendas. For example, Obama has violated the Constitution 64 times under their watch. Expecting the government to protect our rights is outright silly, they don't care. Just like any dictatorship, rights can be taken away, it just hasn't been as easy until the Establishment was able to appoint judges that won't protect our rights.

64 times according to WHO?
According to myself, and anyone else who has bothered to check.

  • Used Executive Action in direct opposition to the law, and unilaterally changes the law for at least five million illegal aliens; Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
  • In direct violation of ACA Law ( Section 36B ) ordered subsidies be paid under Federal Exchange. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Complicit in receiving official emails from Secretary of State exclusively via personal email address – a violation of Federal Law. Article II Section 3
  • Ignored law by taking Iran Deal to UN prior to 60-day review period mandated by Iran Nuclear Agreement Review, and failed to turn over side agreements as outlined. – “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Ignored Congressional Treaty Powers. Article II Section 1, Article II Section 2
  • Operation Choke Point program – Direct infringement on 2nd Amendment.
  • Violated statute on “Material Support of Terrorism” by returning top terrorists back to terrorist organizations. Article II Section 3; Dereliction of Duty Article II Section 4
  • Violated Appropriations Act (DOD Section 8111) – GAO report; Article II Section 3
  • Ignored law that requires Congress be notified prior to any detainees being moved from Guantanamo. “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Using EPA to “legislate” over States, Congress, and Federal Court; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8; Direct violation of Presidential Oath.
  • Appointed 24+ Federal agency czars without advice and consent of the Senate; Violation of Article II Section 2
  • Used Executive Privilege in regards to Fast & Furious gun running scandal. When Government misconduct is the concern Executive privilege is negated.
  • 23 Executive Orders on gun control – infringement of the 2nd Amendment
  • Exposed identity and methods of operation of a Navy SEALs team – Illegal for a President to reveal classified military secrets. Article II Section 3
  • 2 Executive actions mandating private health information on patients be turned over to NICS – Violation of HIPPA law.
  • Executive Order bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
  • Unilaterally issued new exemptions to immigration restrictions law that bars certain asylum-seekers and refugees who provided “limited material support” to t

    errorists. – Article 1 Section 1; Article I Section 8 Congress shall have the establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization.
  • Issued directive instructing ICE to NOT enforce immigration laws in certain cases. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
  • Release of convicted illegal aliens ordered in direct opposition to law-Article II Section 3
  • Expanded executive action for amnesty to illegal immigrant relatives of DREAM Act beneficiaries. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
  • Executive action directing DHS that almost all immigration offenses were unenforceable absent a separate criminal conviction. Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress; “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3; Article I Section 8
  • Ignoring Law (2006 Secure Fence Act) “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Used DOJ to ignore section 8 of the Voting Rights Act. ” he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Used DOJ to prevent Arizona and Alabama from enforcing immigration laws. – 10th Amendment
  • Information memorandum telling states that they can waive the work requirement for welfare recipients, thereby altering the 1996 welfare reform law. – Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress.
  • Used NLRB to dictate to a business where they can do business. (Boeing Dreamliner Plant). No Constitutional authority to do so.
  • NDAA – Section 1021. Due process Rights negated. Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Amendments.
  • Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government can seize anything
  • Executive Order 13524 – Gives INTERPOL jurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies, including the FBI.
  • Executive Order 13636 Infrastructure Cybersecurity – Bypassing Congress Article 1 Section 1, ALL Legislative power held by Congress
  • Attempt to tax political contributions – 1st Amendment
  • DOMA Law – Obama directed DOJ to ignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforce the law. ” he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” Article II Section 3
  • Dodd-Frank – Due process and separation of powers. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau writing and interpreting law. Article. I. Section. 1
  • Drone strikes on American Citizens – 5th Amendment Due process Rights negated
  • Bypassed Congress and gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade
  • Attempt for Graphic tobacco warnings (under appeal) – 1st Amendment
  • Four Exec. appointments – Senate was NOT in recess (Court has ruled unconstitutional yet the appointees still remain)
  • Obama took Chairmanship of UN Security Council – Violation of Section 9.
  • ACA (Obamacare) mandate – SCOTUS rewrote legislation and made it a tax because there is no Constitutional authority for Congress to force Americans to engage in commerce. SCOTUS has no authority to Legislate or lay taxes. Article I Section 1 & 8.
  • Contraceptive, abortifacients mandate violation of First Ammendment
  • Healthcare waivers – No president has dispensing powers
  • Refuses to acknowledge state’s 10th Amendment rights to nullify Obamacare
  • Going after states (AZ lawsuit) for upholding Federal law (immigration) -10th Amendment.
  • Chrysler Bailout -TARP – violated creditors rights and bankruptcy law, as well as Takings and Due Process Clauses – 5th Amendment (G.W. Bush also illegally used TARP funds for bailouts)
  • The Independent Payment Advisory Board (appointees by the president). Any decisions by IPAB will instantly become law starting in 2014 – Separation of Powers, Article 1 Section 1.
  • Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I, Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachable under Article II, Section 4; War Powers Act – Article II Section 3.
  • Obama falsely claims UN can usurp Congressional war powers.
  • Obama has acted outside the constitutional power given him – this in itself is unconstitutional.
  • Bribery of Senator Ben Nelson and Senator Mary Landrey. (Cornhusker Kickback and Louisiana Purchase) Article II, Section 4.
  • With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBI are tapping directly into the servers of 9 internet companies to gain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. This program is code named PRISM. NSA also collecting data on all phone calls in U.S. – Violation of 4th Amendment.
  • Directed signing of U.N. Firearms treaty – 2nd Amendment.
  • The Senate/Obama immigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives
  • Obama altered law – (A president has no authority to alter law) Delayed upholding the Employer Mandate Law (ACA) until 2015 – Individual Mandate will be enforced. A President does not have that authority – Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States; The president “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed” -Article II, Section 3; Equal Protection Clause -14th Amendment.
  • Obama altered law – ACA Medicare cuts delayed until 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama altered law – Enforcement of eligibility requirements for ACA delayed until 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama wavered ACA Income Verification Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama altered law – Delayed ACA caps on out of pocket expenses until 2015. (when implemented premiums will skyrocket) Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama ignored judicial order to fulfill legal obligation regarding Yucca Mountain waste. Article II, Section 3
  • Waived Federal provision that prevents U.S. From arming terrorist groups – Article I. Section 1; Impeachable under Article III, Section 3.
  • Directed State Department HS to ignore law barring entry to U.S. those giving political or charitable aid to known terrorist groups. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • Obama shelves part of the ACA Law for Insurers, extending the life of non-qualifying (according to ACA) plans until Jan. 1, 2015. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.
  • Obama waved ACA individual mandate for those that lost their insurance. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.
  • Obama alters ACA law and exempts companies employing between 50-100 full-time workers from business mandate until 2016. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3.
  • In total, Obama has unilaterally altered ACA 24 times. Article. I. Section. 1; Article II, Section 3. Violation of the Take Care Clause, Separation of Powers.

Edit: Source: A List of Obama’s Constitutional Violations
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