Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.
Well, nothing was stolen so therefore you’re a liar. Deal with it and maybe learn not to post stupid untrue lefty crap in here.
Your ad hominems aren't moving the needle.
Democrats have to refuse hearings till after the election.

The Democrat Party doesn't control the Senate, they can't "refuse" hearings.

I guess they can refuse to show for any hearings, and we can just move the nomination forward to a vote of the full Senate
Same level? An SC seat is far beyond the appointments Dems passed their rule for.

The Constitution says a majority is all that's needed. Garland didn't have a majority. Gorsuch did.

Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.
Gorsuch was as much of a constitutionalist judge as you'll realistically be able find. Be honest, you want activist judges... as long as you agree with them.
Lol what I want... that’s the thing about Judges, they’re supposed to rule impartially. not the way they or I want. But that doesn’t count for the SC anymore.


FDR pretty much made sure of that.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

No it wasnt, we played you fair and square

No, YOU didn't do shit. The Republicans play dirty politics and stole the seat from rightful nominee Garland. You know it, I know it. The Dems need to stop being pussies and start playing dirty too.

You can’t steal something that doesn’t belong to him

Good point! They have long believed the government belongs to them. Trump is reminding them it belongs to us.
Same level? An SC seat is far beyond the appointments Dems passed their rule for.

The Constitution says a majority is all that's needed. Garland didn't have a majority. Gorsuch did.

Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.

Harry Reid started it we will end it.
You will end the country? I hope not.
Ah, the beginning of the second dark ages.
There is absolutely nothing funny about that, Odium. Ravi is unfortunately right.
So its the second dark ages to have a SC that rules BASED ON THE CONSTITUTION? Wow. I guess coming from people who vote for Socialists and Communists you are right.
Go. To. Hell.

It’s a bad law. Deal with it. Return the decision power to the states
Neither you nor my state has a right to interfere with what happens in my womb.
The baby has a right to life. Don't want a kid don't get pregnant! MANY ways to avoid pregnancies.
The next time you're the one who gets pregnant, let me know and we'll have a chat about it.

McConnell is the one who screwed the Constitution and you know it. You're just happy about it.
McConnell will go nuclear on Kennedy's replacement. I'm a little surprised, but not too much. Kennedy is ensuring the gop keeps five seats even if Trump loses in 20.

What McConnell did with Garland was unprecedented. But he apparently thought a Citizens United SC was worth it. And frankly I thought the tavel ban was constitutional even though Trump is an avowed racist.

He doesn’t have to go nuclear
Same level? An SC seat is far beyond the appointments Dems passed their rule for.

The Constitution says a majority is all that's needed. Garland didn't have a majority. Gorsuch did.

Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.
Gorsuch was as much of a constitutionalist judge as you'll realistically be able find. Be honest, you want activist judges... as long as you agree with them.
Lol what I want... that’s the thing about Judges, they’re supposed to rule impartially. not the way they or I want. But that doesn’t count for the SC anymore.
Actually, it might. We'll see. The decision on the travel ban yesterday was expected and was based in law. The decision on the baker was a skillful punt of the question back to Colorado. We'll see.

He has a world class face. But he's been a pain to Trump --- so I am doubting he'll get rewarded with the Court. Still.....interesting idea.

Me to... I'm just stirring the pot to make it stink...

I read your article and it's well worth reading. It claims that it's an antique courtesy that a justice retire in the administration of the party that chose him (or her) and within the first two years of a president's term. Wow. Payback by Kennedy, generously. He's 81 and was rumored even last year to be on the edge of retirement.

Ginsberg says she won't while Trump is prez, but she IS 85, and pretty clearly failing right now: my guess is that the matter won't be left to her, but to nature. Soon, soon.
we can only hope

fwiw, she was appointed by Reagan, what a disaster that pick has been; but she should be retiring now as wee, based an "antique courtesy"
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

Go fuck yourself.

Leave her alone she is a nice person

I'm spitting bullets at the moment, so no, I'm not always nice.
Nope. Republicans passed the nuke option.
Nope what?
Nope! The simple majority 51 vote rule stands for judicial appointments! Don’t you just love it? Isn’t what’s good for Zoe goose good for zen gander? Dew ewes object?
Republicans passed it for the Supreme court. You love it now, you’ll hate it one day.
If the Democrats do the same thing, I'm gonna get my torch and head to D.C. They all need to DO THEIR JOBS, dammit. Enough. A POX ON BOTH THEIR HOUSES
They’ll need to in order to offset the damage republicans have done. One’s it’s even, then maybe bipartisanship will return.

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