Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

I'm wondering if Trey Gowdy had some inside information here, or is just a really good prognosticator.
Highlighting how infrequently Infowars is right about anythidng oes not support the credibity if Infowars. In fact, it does the opposite.

Sucks to be you


Over a year ago, in May 2017, Infowars correspondent Roger Stone exclusively revealed that Kennedy’s resignation was coming.


Shit is going to hit the fan boys and girls...

Yep. We now have a government that does not represent a majority of the people. When such a government exists that the majority of the people do not respect, the people will act accordingly.

Do not act shocked or surprised in the coming future when those actions occur.

And if Hillary would have won, she would have nominated a far left judge.
This is how it works.
The administration better wrap this up before the mid-terms. If the Democrats take the Senate; which I believe to be unlikely, they can stymie the President's nomination until the cows home.
Or, the POTUS can nomination someone on August 1st and that person can be sitting on the bench by mid-August.

That would be one of the fastest conformations in history.
It goes hand in hand with the biggest political upset.
The only bias would be against idiots like you that want to destroy the Constitution.
Well, considering everyone knows it is polically biased, and will now be more kind of sound like a fucking moron. Nobody thinks you actually believe what you are saying. And that makes you a liar, too.

We have the votes and the nuclear option to confirm.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.

Then stop lying. The senate has the duty to advice and consent. They said no. Deal with it

To clarify, they have the duty, but not the obligation.
Now if looney Ruth would just release the mortal coil we would have much better adult supervision of the judicial branch.

Justice Anthony Kennedy to Retire From Supreme Court

YES!!!!!!!!! President Trump gets his 2nd SC nominee! WOO HOO! Liberal heads EXPLODE!

So, one Conservatieve will be replaced by another. Why is that head exploder?
we are trading a center right swing vote type with another Gorsuch type

will not fundamentally change the court, but it does shift SCOTUS to the right a little

RBG leaves and we are looking at a real game changer
Same level? An SC seat is far beyond the appointments Dems passed their rule for.

The Constitution says a majority is all that's needed. Garland didn't have a majority. Gorsuch did.

Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.

I read your article and it's well worth reading. It claims that it's an antique courtesy that a justice retire in the administration of the party that chose him (or her) and within the first two years of a president's term. Wow. Payback by Kennedy, generously. He's 81 and was rumored even last year to be on the edge of retirement.

Ginsberg says she won't while Trump is prez, but she IS 85, and pretty clearly failing right now: my guess is that the matter won't be left to her, but to nature. Soon, soon.
Same level? An SC seat is far beyond the appointments Dems passed their rule for.

The Constitution says a majority is all that's needed. Garland didn't have a majority. Gorsuch did.

Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.

Harry Reid started it we will end it.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

Go fuck yourself.

Leave her alone she is a nice person

I'm spitting bullets at the moment, so no, I'm not always nice.
Nope! The simple majority 51 vote rule stands for judicial appointments! Don’t you just love it? Isn’t what’s good for Zoe goose good for zen gander? Dew ewes object?
Republicans passed it for the Supreme court. You love it now, you’ll hate it one day.
If the Democrats do the same thing, I'm gonna get my torch and head to D.C. They all need to DO THEIR JOBS, dammit. Enough. A POX ON BOTH THEIR HOUSES

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