Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Yeah, following the Constitution, soooooooooooooooo political. IDIOT.
Yep,a severely biased court...just as the founding fathers intended. Yessir professor, you are smart.
Would you be saying that if Hillary had won the presidency and had 2 justices to pick? I really doubt that.
It just comes down to sour grapes.
Nope! The simple majority 51 vote rule stands for judicial appointments! Don’t you just love it? Isn’t what’s good for Zoe goose good for zen gander? Dew ewes object?
Republicans passed it for the Supreme court. You love it now, you’ll hate it one day.
Not for many years! Trump will pick youngsters! I will be dead! But payback is a bitch for Harry Reid and Chuckie Schumer!
Yeah getting payback against your fellow citizens
And just think, it only takes 51 votes to confirm. Thanks Democrats!
GOP changed that rule.

They followed Harry Reid's precedent, thus putting them on the same level as the democrats.
Same level? An SC seat is far beyond the appointments Dems passed their rule for.

Same motivation at work. Only a matter of degree, because both rule changes were made to benefit the party in power. You can complain that the Republicans are like all evil and stuff because they did it, but the same motivation drove both actions and now the democrats are going to have to play the hand they're dealt. You'd think that maybe they would get the hint and stop doing things that can be used against them, but not likely.

Kennedy called it the "highest of honors to serve on this Court," and he expressed his "profound gratitude for having had the privilege to seek in each case how best to know, interpret, and defend the Constitution and the laws that must always conform to its mandates and promises."
Just heard on ABC News radio.
/----/ Rush predicts that the Leftards will demand that Trump not name a nominee until Muller concludes his investigation on Collusion otherwise if Trump is removed from office the USSC appointee will be seen as illegitimate. AND I AGREE WITH RUSH.
Yep. We now have a government that does not represent a majority of the people. When such a government exists that the majority of the people do not respect, the people will act accordingly.

Do not act shocked or surprised in the coming future when those actions occur.

Oh No... :ack-1: A keyboard commando...
The administration better wrap this up before the mid-terms. If the Democrats take the Senate; which I believe to be unlikely, they can stymie the President's nomination until the cows home.
Or, the POTUS can nomination someone on August 1st and that person can be sitting on the bench by mid-August.

That would be one of the fastest conformations in history.
The only bias would be against idiots like you that want to destroy the Constitution.
Well, considering everyone knows it is polically biased, and will now be more kind of sound like a fucking moron. Nobody thinks you actually believe what you are saying. And that makes you a liar, too.

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