Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Some are now bashing poor Kennedy for daring DARING to retire at 81 and not wait longer until ....whenever. :eek-52:
The left are taking this rather well.
View attachment 201524 View attachment 201525

Think the left is unhinged now? Just wait until they don't take the House or Senate in November, and Trump gets a second term in 2020.

They will go batshit crazy and full-retard.
Be prepared to protect yourselves.

Yes do and everyone stay safe and look out for each other, this unhinged crowd are four leg dogs with rabies.

I fondly refer to them as "feral humans." :biggrin:
Never seen a Trump so pumped up....his speech tonight in Fargo. He revels in poking liberals in the eye, he really does......cracking the audience up!! Even I'm surprised how much hes sticking this upcoming court pick in the libs faces! He loves to fuck with these people.....and its brilliant politics :113::113::113:
No doubt. Although he wasn't exactly a true RWer. Consider:

Early in his Supreme Court tenure, Kennedy voted with Rehnquist and the conservative bloc 90 percent of the time, including striking down an affirmative action program requiring set-asides for black-owned construction firms and upholding a law requiring minors seeking abortions to first get permission from a parent.

But Kennedy also showed early on that his decisions weren't based on political ideology, siding with his liberal colleagues in 1989 to uphold a ruling that protesters had a Constitutional right to burn the American flag.

In 1992, he voted with the liberal wing again, ruling that legal restrictions on access to abortion must not constitute an "undue burden" on a woman's right to abortion established in the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision.

He also voted to extend constitutional protections to gays and lesbians, writing the 1996 opinion striking down a Colorado constitutional amendment denying homosexuals the right to file local discrimination claims. He also sided with the court's liberal wing in 2003 in declaring unconstitutional a Texas law criminalizing sodomy between consenting adults of the same sex.

But many conservatives believed that Kennedy redeemed himself when he cast the deciding vote in the landmark case of Gore vs. Bush that ended a recount in Florida of the presidential election and sent Republican George W. Bush to the White House.

In 2015, Kennedy was again slammed as a conservative traitor when he cast the deciding vote in two landmark cases.

Not only did he cast the deciding vote guaranteeing the right to same-sex marriage, he wrote the majority opinion: "It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right."

That same year, Kennedy voted to uphold a key component of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, allowing the federal government to provide nationwide tax subsidies to help Americans buy health insurance.

Anthony Kennedy, crucial Supreme Court swing vote, retiring after 3 decades
Wasn't kennedy, Borks replacement pick? Reagan couldn't get Bork through and the left made it clear they would only confirm a nomination they agreed with...Bork once joked that his name has become an adjective because of the nomination process i.e. "they borked the pick"

I think you're right. But this time Trump and the GOP don't need the Dems IF they don't lose any Repub votes. So whoever Trump nominates better be acceptable at least to all the Repubs cuz the Dems sure as hell aren't going to vote for him/her.
Actually there are a few Democrats that will break ranks. Not like the lock step GOP neo-Nazi party LOL. GOP politicians depend on corrupt big money to get elected. Carry on do your worst and we will get a huge Blue Wave... And fix this ridiculous regressive giveaway to the rich hateful corrupt GOP mess our country is now...
I'd funny this but it will improve your ratings...

Corrupt big money...

Democrat Representatives are poor and never found the path to K Street.

OK Dupe.

Educate us.


I thought this was Reagan's fault, Dupe.

You told us so Dupe!

Be careful...

We're going to break your doors down and put you in a cage...Dupe.
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His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.

Then stop lying. The senate has the duty to advice and consent. They said no. Deal with it
No, they didn't, liar. They refused to do their Constitutional duty to advise and consent. They did not do their job. A No vote and I wouldn't have an issue.

Wanting gun control and upholding Roe v. Wade is entirely mainstream. Holding out for some far right turkey should have waited until you had a Republican President. Not a year before.
Democrats, Teddy Kennedy, and Joe Biden started the Supreme Court battles back in 1980’s and 1990’s with Bork and Thomas hearings. They blocked Bork.
Pork went to my high school... What a jackass.. Thomas is a stupid bought off pervert...
Cool Story, braaah...

What School?
Opinions do vary.
It's not a popularity contest. You know I'm right about what the Republicans did to the Garland nomination.

We won the senate.

You really think Obama and Ried would have waited if they still owned the show ?

If you say yes, you are lying, stupid or both.
I don't know what you mean, "would have waited." I think (I hope) they would have done their jobs. Obama did his. The senate did not do its job.

Would have held off......

They would have nominated and confirmed in a week.

The senate didn't exist for Obama. That is why the G is for Gorsuch and not Garland.
LOL The senate exists to create and pass laws. It also exists to advise and consent on Supreme Court nominations made by the sitting President of the United States. Read your Constitution if you don't believe me. Saying they don't need to follow a reasonable time frame isn't in there because no one expected senators to be quite so irresponsible with their decisions in order to keep power. Republicans are a more and more power hungry group of madmen. It even led them to nominate and elect and now support a disgusting piece of work like Donald Trump, who is humiliating the U.S. in front of the entire world.

You're just making excuse after excuse for what was a miserable manipulation of power and someday, somehow, I hope those guys get bitten in the ass for it. But not that the Dems do it "back." The Senate needs to buckle down and do its job, including compromising on legislation that can move this country forward. Who cares if you get reelected--do what is right.
I'd like to stand along side of you but you need to realize, they "ALL" are there for their own self aggrandizement.

I'm in this sewer.

It's not about you, I or this country.
Never seen a Trump so pumped up....his
Of course you have, especially when he was calling for violence at his rallies.

Go....go on that s0n. The divide needs to be far wider!! Most Trump supporters are begging for snowflakes to pull their faggy violence limpwrister shit.....go. Can't wait to see the pushback vid.....people think this thread is celebratory...:2up:. Choosing up sides not far off!!!

Ammo up :5_1_12024:
Just heard on ABC News radio.
/----/ Rush predicts that the Leftards will demand that Trump not name a nominee until Muller concludes his investigation on Collusion otherwise if Trump is removed from office the USSC appointee will be seen as illegitimate. AND I AGREE WITH RUSH.

The filthy Democrats can march around in their pink pussy hats and howl at the sky all they want.

The Republicans control the Senate. They control the committee and they have established the rule for a simple majority vote.

The new judge will be confirmed before the election and there ain't a damn thing the Democrat filth can do about it.

MAGA Baby!
The greedy idiot GOP billionaire scumbags thank you!

The billionaires are the ones that supported Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Crooked Hillary in 2016 so if I was a stupid Moon Bat like you I wouldn't be too critical of them.
Greedy a****** GOP billionaires want tax cuts for themselves and to screw you, democratic billionaires want higher taxes on themselves and to help you and the country, ignoramus GOP zombie...

Yet not one of those commiecrat billionaires are getting out their check books to donate what they consider to be their fair share, go figure. LMAO

Yessssssssss !!!
OMG, this week can't get any better !
The left is going to be in utter meltdown mode !!!
If only the old bag ruth would kick it

Advice is to mega stock on the big popcorn, the coming Leftists Head Exploding Festival is going to be delicious to observe.

Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Oh, but wait....That's what all you fuckers are...hypocrites.

You're a damn liar, the Biden Rule only deals with presidential election years. Shove your damn propaganda and fear mongering.

  • Thanks
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Dude, his brain has been tapioca for a very long time, that much is pretty clear.
Why? Because I exposed your lies over and over. I notice you’ve been dead-silent on your claim that you “never” said you were right-wing. I’ve seen you say that at least a dozen times. And I already posted links to two of them proving you were lying.

I can’t stand you immature fascists. Rightwinger tried the same shit. You guys are so stupid you actually believe you can convince conservatives to become fascists if you tell them you’re a “fellow conservative” who “sees” the light with fascism. :eusa_doh:
The only bias would be against idiots like you that want to destroy the Constitution.
Well, considering everyone knows it is polically biased, and will now be more kind of sound like a fucking moron. Nobody thinks you actually believe what you are saying. And that makes you a liar, too.

Well dumb ass, a judges obligation is to apply the law and the Constitution AS WRITTEN, they aren't legislators. If a law doesn't comport with the Constitution it is their job to strike it down and send it back to the legislator to fix, not try to fix it themselves. If you disagree with that you have no clue what the constitutional roll of a judge is.


I don't think Ginsberg, Sotomajor, and Kagan are applying the law and the Constitution as written.

Ya think? They and apparently Roberts think they can rewrite legislation, a power reserved to congress in Article 1, and the written law of the Constitution is somehow mailable to be bent to their whim. That's not what the founders intended, the courts were to be a coequal branch of government, not a superior branch.

Greedy a****** GOP billionaires want tax cuts for themselves and to screw you, democratic billionaires want higher taxes on themselves and to help you and the country, ignoramus GOP zombie...
Please explain to the class why these so-called “Dumbocrat billionaires” need tax laws to force them to pay more if they want to pay more? They can pay more without being forced! By the way, 100% of the “Dumbocrat billionaires” take ALL tax deductions. They don’t have to do that - but they do.

My God are you the quintessential mindless minion of the left. They have you so duped. No wonder you’re a low IQ Dumbocrat voter.
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That's absurd. He was the President, he had 11 months to go, and he did his Constitutional duty. McConnell then failed to do his. He should have been impeached.

It was Obama's job to nominate a conservative to replace a conservative. Maintain BALANCE on the court, is just so essential.

McConnell didn't do anything, there were not the votes available to do anything as far as Garland- had the Dems won the Senate and Presidency in November 2016, Garland would have probably been confirmed.
No, Obama had a job to nominate an SC justice, period. There is no President that has ever followed your fairy tale "rule." Obama nominated someone moderate; he was as fair as McConnell wasn't.
Na, obama nominated a far left shit stain... that is what he was supposed to do.
It got blocked... live with it
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

What is that Fury, they will go nuke what is it? Is it just a vote on party lines or is it something else?
It means that you only need a majority vote in the Senate to pass things instead of 60 with the filibuster still in place. To tell you the truth, let's do it. Then we can get stuff done for a change and would be able to see what Democrats can do for a change.

All I've seen is Democrats and Republicans spend us into record debt for my entire lifetime.

Yeah, let's get it done, DUPE!

Spend some more...

And let's blame REAGAN!

Yeah, he did it... Dupe.

What do you plan to ""Get done?"

What's 2 gets done? We are the only country without good vacations and infrastructure, Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training. Why? Because we are the only country who's rich Pay less percentage wise in taxes than Many in the middle class, lobbyists rule. Thanks GOP scumbags and silly dupes...
Dude, his brain has been tapioca for a very long time, that much is pretty clear.
Why? Because I exposed your lies over and over. I notice you’ve been dead-silent on your claim that you “never” said you were right-wing. I’ve seen you say that at least a dozen times. And I already posted links to two of them proving you were lying.

I can’t stand you immature fascists. Rightwinger tried the same shit. You guys are so stupid you actually believe you can convince conservatives to become fascists if you tell them you’re a “fellow conservative” who “sees” the light with fascism. :eusa_doh:

Dude, you are not a fucking conservative, You are a fraud, just like your name is a fraud as there is no patriotism in your body. All you care about is the party, just like all good communist.

You probably have "party before country" tattooed on your ass so you boyfriend can see it every night.

And yes, I never said I was right wing, I said I was "right". You have not provided a single example of me saying I am right-wing.

Right-wing is a group of brain-dead morons that do not know what conservatism is. I am not right-wing. But I am far to the right of you frauds.

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