Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Time to buy more shares of "Pink Pussy Hat" stocks on the Exchange tomorrow.

Because it's the favorite headgear of looney liberals and radical feminists who will be back out in force protesting again. ... :cool:
No need.

I'm selling cotton patterns for $9.99 a yard.

Going price is $13.50.

I make my wife and children take orders and handle logistics, and the grandchildren sew the designs.

I advertise made in China.

Selling like hotcakes.

Can I count on you for your support?


Don't spaz.
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Kennedy takes a dump on his own legacy, letting the dotard replace him with a sycophant

I do wish he would have held on till after Nov so the new congress could have had a part in it.
Yeah well sucks for you but enjoying the hell out of it.

It might suck for you, how confident are you in Collins or Flake or McCain doing the "right" thing?

And most of you Trump sheep have told me that the GOP will pick up seats in Nov.
McCain will be dead before the election. Gov Ducey of Arizona has already stated he will NOT choose McCain's wife to replace him. Most likely you will get former sherrif Joe Arpiao. Then watch all hell break loose!

Will he be dead before the vote for the new justice? since that is the topic of discussion.

He's in the hospital and can't travel. I don't think he will be available to vote. He should resign so the governor can appoint a replacement.

Never seen a Trump so pumped up....his
Of course you have, especially when he was calling for violence at his rallies.

Go....go on that s0n. The divide needs to be far wider!! Most Trump supporters are begging for snowflakes to pull their faggy violence limpwrister shit.....go. Can't wait to see the pushback vid.....people think this thread is celebratory...:2up:. Choosing up sides not far off!!!

Ammo up :5_1_12024:
Truth is, you Trumpkins are all fat and ignorant, and dying like flies...
I do wish he would have held on till after Nov so the new congress could have had a part in it.
Yeah well sucks for you but enjoying the hell out of it.

It might suck for you, how confident are you in Collins or Flake or McCain doing the "right" thing?

And most of you Trump sheep have told me that the GOP will pick up seats in Nov.
McCain will be dead before the election. Gov Ducey of Arizona has already stated he will NOT choose McCain's wife to replace him. Most likely you will get former sherrif Joe Arpiao. Then watch all hell break loose!

Will he be dead before the vote for the new justice? since that is the topic of discussion.

He's in the hospital and can't travel. I don't think he will be available to vote. He should resign so the governor can appoint a replacement.


Not being there to vote is the same as a no vote. They need 51 yes votes to have a majority, even with the Nuc option.
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

What is that Fury, they will go nuke what is it? Is it just a vote on party lines or is it something else?
It means that you only need a majority vote in the Senate to pass things instead of 60 with the filibuster still in place. To tell you the truth, let's do it. Then we can get stuff done for a change and would be able to see what Democrats can do for a change.

All I've seen is Democrats and Republicans spend us into record debt for my entire lifetime.

Yeah, let's get it done, DUPE!

Spend some more...

And let's blame REAGAN!

Yeah, he did it... Dupe.

What do you plan to ""Get done?"

What's 2 gets done? We are the only country without good vacations and infrastructure, Healthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage cheap College and training. Why? Because we are the only country who's rich Pay less percentage wise in taxes than Many in the middle class, lobbyists rule. Thanks GOP scumbags and silly dupes...
OK, Dupe...

I get vacations.

My taxes pay for Infrastucture.. By the State in which I reside.

Make a donation.

Why do you want to make me work longer just to increase my taxes.

I can't support my family and yours.

Get a job, Dupe.
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But I am far to the right of you frauds.
And now he contradicts his previous statement of “never” claiming to be far right. :lmao:

No, I never claimed to be a right-winger...but you are too fucking stupid to know the difference.

The right-wing in this country is right in name only, sort of like the moral majority used to be
/——/ I haven’t seen democRATs freak out like this since slavery was outlawed.

Very good, but that's actually what we have to worry about. How the Dems freaked out when slavery was.......well, when Lincoln won the election in 1860.

The whole 1850s was just like we're seeing now, gross hostility from the left (yeah, the GOP was the left then, what can I say, time passes things change) --- and between Election Day 1860 and Lincoln's inauguration, seven states left the Union. I saw what was happening so I read three books on that during the summer 2016.

This isn't it, though. Not the Red Hen, atrocious as that is and of a piece with all the leftist behavior, or Kennedy retiring and a second pick by Trump. I think we'll know it when it happens because it will be FAST. Country break-ups are always fast: South Carolina seceded the day after the election in 1860. When it happens it will be within one to 4 days. Like the breakup of the Soviet Union.
Yeah well sucks for you but enjoying the hell out of it.

It might suck for you, how confident are you in Collins or Flake or McCain doing the "right" thing?

And most of you Trump sheep have told me that the GOP will pick up seats in Nov.
McCain will be dead before the election. Gov Ducey of Arizona has already stated he will NOT choose McCain's wife to replace him. Most likely you will get former sherrif Joe Arpiao. Then watch all hell break loose!

Will he be dead before the vote for the new justice? since that is the topic of discussion.

He's in the hospital and can't travel. I don't think he will be available to vote. He should resign so the governor can appoint a replacement.


Not being there to vote is the same as a no vote. They need 51 yes votes to have a majority, even with the Nuc option.
Who's the tie breaker?

That's right. :)
This is the left's Armageddon. people are losing it... No, this court will not be making abortion illegal. Sorry, religious nutballs.

Read the thread, jackass I already said that

Stupid motherfucker
Damn you are a whiny little slut. Bullshit,you think they are going to make abortion illegal. We all know it.

One more time with that and we'll let a mod decide

Stop your BS you think you know what peiple think and believe. It's stupid
You'll have to forgive her, Sas. She has been "triggered" by the realization that President Trump is about to appoint his SECOND Supreme Court Justice, is likely to appoint three, and could possibly appoint four.

At least. Clarence Thomas next, then Ginsburg, who says she will NOT retire while Trump is prez, finds that waiting till 2025 is something Nature is not going to let her do. I forget who the next oldest is, but they are all really up there.
/——/ Idiot GOP billionaires as opposed to real smart dirt poor democRATs
Yeah well sucks for you but enjoying the hell out of it.

It might suck for you, how confident are you in Collins or Flake or McCain doing the "right" thing?

And most of you Trump sheep have told me that the GOP will pick up seats in Nov.
McCain will be dead before the election. Gov Ducey of Arizona has already stated he will NOT choose McCain's wife to replace him. Most likely you will get former sherrif Joe Arpiao. Then watch all hell break loose!

Will he be dead before the vote for the new justice? since that is the topic of discussion.

He's in the hospital and can't travel. I don't think he will be available to vote. He should resign so the governor can appoint a replacement.


Not being there to vote is the same as a no vote. They need 51 yes votes to have a majority, even with the Nuc option.

Wrong answer, a 50-49 vote will do nicely.

The SC is starting to look more like the country... thank god
EDIT..... before commercial they managed to squeeze in that gay people might have to worry about getting refused at hotels.
This is too much.

I'm for a libertarian justice: I wish Trump would appoint someone who would stuff all this have-to-bake-pervert-cakes if you are a Republican, but can throw prominent members of the Administration out of restaurants freely if you are a leftist -- I want to see a return to everyone getting to say who they do or don't do business with. Freely.

That would put the onus back on the public to act reasonably normal instead of being constantly outrageous as so many are now. If they want to do business, stay in a hotel, rent an apartment, etc. In my lifetime business people could freely decide whom they would do business with, and lose the profits but gain freedom to choose. I want that back.
Think the left is unhinged now? Just wait until they don't take the House or Senate in November, and Trump gets a second term in 2020.

They will go batshit crazy and full-retard.

Disagree; they've already gone crazy. We see that constantly. There is no crazier that they could go.

So I'm thinking, they'll either get resigned, or start the civil war we've all been expecting.

If you are saying the Dems will try to get Trump impeached before he gets his USSC pick in, they just don't have the votes in the House to impeach, and unless they overturn the majority in the House at Midterms, they just can't impeach. Doesn't matter about the Senate: the House impeaches, IF they have the votes. But because elections are uncertain, I think Trump will move fast, this summer. August, the swearing-in.

The House can vote to impeach the President if they want to, assuming the Dems regain control. But he won't go anywhere unless the Senate holds a trial and votes to remove him from office. Which last I heard requires 67 votes (2/3 majority), which just ain't going to happen unless he does something really bad that no one knows about yet.

But here's the kicker-----guess who gets to be the next President? Mike Pence. We're you expecting a big change in direction?

But.... But....

It's Hillary's turn!

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