Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Time to reverse Roe Vs Wade!

Then get ready to pay out the ass for all the unwanted babies that will be born. If you think the internment camps for these immigrants is expensive, just wait until you get the bill for millions of unwanted children. Want to just ignore them and let them fall between the cracks? Fine, then look for a boom in crime when they become teenagers.
It's the end of the world as we know....

It's the end....

But you'll be fine....

Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!
Your abortions will be safe, but watch for Roe v Wade being overturned and the decision for abortions will be given to the States. You'll have to move to a state Like New York to clean up the result of your over-heated Saturday night passion in the backseat of your Nash Rambler.

There is not a single justice on the court right now that supports removing RvW, even if the new one does that is still 1 against 8.
Prepare to get proven wrong for the 16,537th time.

It's a state issue, not a Constitutional issue.

Well then my little brain-dead sheep, find me some quotes from the current members of the SCOTUS talking about overturning RvW.

Should be easy...
Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!
Your abortions will be safe, but watch for Roe v Wade being overturned and the decision for abortions will be given to the States. You'll have to move to a state Like New York to clean up the result of your over-heated Saturday night passion in the backseat of your Nash Rambler.

There is not a single justice on the court right now that supports removing RvW, even if the new one does that is still 1 against 8.
Prepare to get proven wrong for the 16,537th time.

It's a state issue, not a Constitutional issue.

Well then my little brain-dead sheep, find me some quotes from the current members of the SCOTUS talking about overturning RvW.

Should be easy...
It is unethical for a Justice to talk about overturning rulings. That's why only Ginsberg has ever done it.

Read and weep though.

John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Roe v. Wade
Read the thread and you will see I have said multiple times that I like Gorsuch and I hope the new one is like him.
And yet at the same time you're reveling in the idea that President Trump wouldn't get his next Neil Gorsuch approved. You're a liar and a fuck'n lunatic. And I've so enjoyed exposing you for the immature liar and left-wing extremist that you are.
Time to reverse Roe Vs Wade!

Then get ready to pay out the ass for all the unwanted babies that will be born. If you think the internment camps for these immigrants is expensive, just wait until you get the bill for millions of unwanted children. Want to just ignore them and let them fall between the cracks? Fine, then look for a boom in crime when they become teenagers.
Already have that now. WTF are you talking about? Get rid of welfare and public housing and maybe these girls will think twice before spreading their legs knowing that there is no reward for it.

No you fucking don't have that now. You're deluded if you don't think the right to an abortion and free birth control pills hasn't changed the welfare landscape over the last 40 years.
Stop blaming females for the problem.
Maybe BOYS should keep their zippers up.
God knows I wish your father had.
These "BOYS" wouldn't be pulling their zippers down, if you weren't pulling you pants down!!!

Are you accusing these "BOYS" of rape?
Right now the Senate is 51-49. At least 3 of those 51 are not allies of Trump. It is not hard to imagine Trump's pick not getting the 50 votes unless the pick is more moderate than the zealots on the right will want.
Here is the "ultra right-winger" once again reveling in the idea of blocking actual Justices in favor of left-wing activists on the court. :eusa_doh:

Why does someone have to be "allies of Trump" to approve a good candidate, you partisan tool? :dunno:

Fuck off and die, I have never claimed to be a ultra right-winger or any kind of right-winger. The right-wingers in this country are brain dead sheep that could not think for themselves if someone held a gun to their head.

I want someone on the court that will rule via the law and not their ideology. But that is a concept you will never be able to understand, as your because in your fucked up ultra right-winger party is far more important than country.
Trump's Last pick was a good one.....Do you have a problem with the last pick.............hmmm.


Would you rater have another one like this.......................She is like the CNN of the Supreme Court.

^^^^ This is the other woman, the one who is not the one who was born like 100 years ago and has already been dead for 20 years but is an Embalmed Animatronic activated by SATAN HIMSELF on Blood Sacrifice offerings of aborted babies or the other one who is fat Butch Lesbo with four chins and looks like a man.

The ugly fat Butch Lesbo with four chins:


This below is the one who has been dead for 20 years, the below is what happens when they forget the 8PM Blood Sacrifice offering of aborted babies to Satan, Satan Deactivates the Animatronic, the fat Butch Lesbo with the four chins who looks like man is the only one who has noticed, the others are just ignoring the happening:

Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

What is that Fury, they will go nuke what is it? Is it just a vote on party lines or is it something else?
It means that you only need a majority vote in the Senate to pass things instead of 60 with the filibuster still in place. To tell you the truth, let's do it. Then we can get stuff done for a change and would be able to see what Democrats can do for a change.

All I've seen is Democrats and Republicans spend us into record debt for my entire lifetime.

Yeah, let's get it done, DUPE!

Spend some more...

And let's blame REAGAN!

Yeah, he did it... Dupe.

What do you plan to ""Get done?"

Lmao.....turn on Trump right now. Speaking from Fargo ND........hystrical. Total facial.....whooping it up on the Kennedy retirement. Classic this guy!:coffee::bye1::bye1:
"We were winning left and right...they didn't know what the hell was happening". :lmao:

Man I love this guy. I was SO against him being nominated for the Republican Party. Man was I wrong.
The filthy Democrats can march around in their pink pussy hats and howl at the sky all they want.

The Republicans control the Senate. They control the committee and they have established the rule for a simple majority vote.

The new judge will be confirmed before the election and there ain't a damn thing the Democrat filth can do about it.

MAGA Baby!
The greedy idiot GOP billionaire scumbags thank you!

The billionaires are the ones that supported Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Crooked Hillary in 2016 so if I was a stupid Moon Bat like you I wouldn't be too critical of them.
Sure, because if you give a speech to someone it means you are controlled by them LOL! Ever consider the policies she wanted that they didn't, whereas the GOP is totally bought by Wall Street Big Oil big health... Poor America, poor GOP Dupes...

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. Wall Street, Hollywood Limousine Liberals and Silicon Valley billionaires supported that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch. That doesn't even include Soros or that asshole Bloomberg.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of welfare queens, globalist billionaires and anybody sucking of the teat of big government.

If you think that's what the Democratic party is now, hold on to you little jock strap, honey. It's going to get 100 X worse after the new SCOTUS.

We'll be returning the the days of the pre Lockner court. The days when minimum wage laws and maximum work hours laws were struck down as, "interfering with the employees' right to contract...".

America, welcome to the corpoarate-capaitalist plantation.

It's amazing how slavery, debt peonage, debtors' prisons and other nefarious, anti-humane, anti-democratic institutions are always sought to be brought back by the greedy, the venal and the accumulators of capital.

The Court will increasingly be used as another tool in the capital accumulators' war against the working class.
I'd funny this but I can't bring myself to improve your ratings.

Debtors Prison...

You want to spend everyone elses money and you still can't pay your own bills?
No doubt. Although he wasn't exactly a true RWer. Consider:

Early in his Supreme Court tenure, Kennedy voted with Rehnquist and the conservative bloc 90 percent of the time, including striking down an affirmative action program requiring set-asides for black-owned construction firms and upholding a law requiring minors seeking abortions to first get permission from a parent.

But Kennedy also showed early on that his decisions weren't based on political ideology, siding with his liberal colleagues in 1989 to uphold a ruling that protesters had a Constitutional right to burn the American flag.

In 1992, he voted with the liberal wing again, ruling that legal restrictions on access to abortion must not constitute an "undue burden" on a woman's right to abortion established in the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision.

He also voted to extend constitutional protections to gays and lesbians, writing the 1996 opinion striking down a Colorado constitutional amendment denying homosexuals the right to file local discrimination claims. He also sided with the court's liberal wing in 2003 in declaring unconstitutional a Texas law criminalizing sodomy between consenting adults of the same sex.

But many conservatives believed that Kennedy redeemed himself when he cast the deciding vote in the landmark case of Gore vs. Bush that ended a recount in Florida of the presidential election and sent Republican George W. Bush to the White House.

In 2015, Kennedy was again slammed as a conservative traitor when he cast the deciding vote in two landmark cases.

Not only did he cast the deciding vote guaranteeing the right to same-sex marriage, he wrote the majority opinion: "It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right."

That same year, Kennedy voted to uphold a key component of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, allowing the federal government to provide nationwide tax subsidies to help Americans buy health insurance.

Anthony Kennedy, crucial Supreme Court swing vote, retiring after 3 decades
Wasn't kennedy, Borks replacement pick? Reagan couldn't get Bork through and the left made it clear they would only confirm a nomination they agreed with...Bork once joked that his name has become a/an verb/adjective because of the nomination process i.e. "they borked the pick"
That was pathetic...

But what was done to Clarence Thomas was despicable.
From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!
Your abortions will be safe, but watch for Roe v Wade being overturned and the decision for abortions will be given to the States. You'll have to move to a state Like New York to clean up the result of your over-heated Saturday night passion in the backseat of your Nash Rambler.

There is not a single justice on the court right now that supports removing RvW, even if the new one does that is still 1 against 8.
Prepare to get proven wrong for the 16,537th time.

It's a state issue, not a Constitutional issue.

Well then my little brain-dead sheep, find me some quotes from the current members of the SCOTUS talking about overturning RvW.

Should be easy...
From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!
Your abortions will be safe, but watch for Roe v Wade being overturned and the decision for abortions will be given to the States. You'll have to move to a state Like New York to clean up the result of your over-heated Saturday night passion in the backseat of your Nash Rambler.

There is not a single justice on the court right now that supports removing RvW, even if the new one does that is still 1 against 8.
Prepare to get proven wrong for the 16,537th time.

It's a state issue, not a Constitutional issue.

Well then my little brain-dead sheep, find me some quotes from the current members of the SCOTUS talking about overturning RvW.

Should be easy...
It is unethical for a Justice to talk about overturning rulings. That's why only Ginsberg has ever done it.

Read and weep though.

John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Roe v. Wade

I am staunchly anti-abortion. There are a 1000 post on this forum confirming that.

I am just saying it is not going anywhere. It is the secret fantasy of the right-wingers and it is the rallying cry of the left-wingers...but it will not change.
Roberts will be the only hope left for impartiality. And I only say that because the office of Chief Justice seems like it’s weighed on him to vote neutrally in the past.

I just assumed someone had pictures of him with naked animals.

I was thinking something else along similar lines.
Gosh politics is exciting in pervert hate BS conspiracy nut job dupe world...
Yes, it is exciting to watch you nut jobs go off the deep end.

As you scream...

HE's a Right-tard Republican Dupe...!!!

You are embarrassing the Democrat party...

Read the thread and you will see I have said multiple times that I like Gorsuch and I hope the new one is like him.
And yet at the same time you're reveling in the idea that President Trump wouldn't get his next Neil Gorsuch approved. You're a liar and a fuck'n lunatic. And I've so enjoyed exposing you for the immature liar and left-wing extremist that you are.

I was not reveling in anything I was pointing out the facts of the situation. Fuck you are stupid. I once thought it was an act, but now I know it is real. Probably from too many fumes from the Wendy's deep-frying oil that you spend your days dropping fires into.
Yessssssssss !!!
OMG, this week can't get any better !
The left is going to be in utter meltdown mode !!!
If only the old bag ruth would kick it

Advice is to mega stock on the big popcorn, the coming Leftists Head Exploding Festival is going to be delicious to observe.

Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Oh, but wait....That's what all you fuckers are...hypocrites.
Its not a presidential election

It's a tradition, not a law, so does not pertain to either presidential or midterm elections.
You like traditions?

What traditions don't you like?

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