Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..
Only on Fox, super duper. Harassment is not violence, Waters is not they.

So if we get rid of fox you will be super duper calm?
Bring back the fairness Doctrine and get rid of all the GOP High School grad pundits spreading garbage and Hate...
Let the cleansing begin.

Firing squad or gas?
If they had debates on Rush Limbaugh Ben Savage and Levin and Jones, they would not last 20 minutes.
"Justice Kennedy" - Twitter Search

Oh yes. Full blown meltdown.

If anyone has anything, a Video, audio recording, or other evidence pointing to Trump crimes or misconduct, NOW is the time to release them publicly Do NOT Wait The GOP will Force through a Justice Kennedy Replacement, unless there is sheer public outcry #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS

670 replies1,321 retweets2,634 likes

Gracie the below website has collected the most unhinged of the unhinged Tweets, these peoples are TOTALLY insane, they have got to be off their meds or just not even diagnosed, these are NOT the comments that sane or even partially sane peoples make this is Leftist Americans, read this stuff:

Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it's time to report to the death camps

And also read this stuff, this is Leftist Americans, WTF happened how did the Party of John F. Kennedy degenerate into THIS?

'HEIL TRUMP!' Anthony Kennedy's impending SCOTUS retirement sends libs into a TAILSPIN
Yeah..I saw that too. :cuckoo:

So Cher the one who has had about 2,000 Plastic Surgery operations or whatever resulting in her now looking like something from "The Night of The Living Dead", you know Cher who was married to Sonny and together they produced a female child called Chastity who grew up Fucked Up In The Membrane and had her boobies cut off and her vagina sewn up and changed her name to Chas and got some type of Surgically Attached Penis Made From Play Doh or whatever and who weighs 600lbs and looks like a bizarro Sumo Wrestler....anyhow so Cher she's had one of the best of the unhinged Hollyweirdo Meltdowns on Twitter:

View attachment 201573
Cher looks fine and you are messed up...
Also the little matter of it being what the country needs desperately, along with help for the middle class and infrastructure...
Well the tax cuts increased revenues to the federal government. So there goes your ignorant theory. Would you like to try again?

Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
That is stupid and temporary. Breaking for silly dupes: tax cuts cut Revenue.
Up until this happened, I figured violence could (could) be avoided.

Not so sure now.

That's what I am worried about, they can't get their way and now calling for violence..
Only on Fox, super duper. Harassment is not violence, Waters is not they.

So if we get rid of fox you will be super duper calm?
Bring back the fairness Doctrine and get rid of all the GOP High School grad pundits spreading garbage and Hate...
Let the cleansing begin.

Firing squad or gas?
So you're really obsessed with violence now eh? Take a break get some fresh air.
So Cher the one who has had about 2,000 Plastic Surgery operations or whatever resulting in her now looking like something from "The Night of The Living Dead", you know Cher who was married to Sonny and together they produced a female child called Chastity who grew up Fucked Up In The Membrane and had her boobies cut off and her vagina sewn up and changed her name to Chas and got some type of Surgically Attached Penis Made From Play Doh or whatever and who weighs 600lbs and looks like a bizarro Sumo Wrestler....anyhow so Cher she's had one of the best of the unhinged Hollyweirdo Meltdowns on Twitter:

View attachment 201573
Cher looks fine and you are messed up...
Wait...Cher is screaming (on Twitter) about “internment camps” and you want to claim Lucy is the one who is messed up? :laugh:
Also the little matter of it being what the country needs desperately, along with help for the middle class and infrastructure...
Well the tax cuts increased revenues to the federal government. So there goes your ignorant theory. Would you like to try again?

Go Figure: Tax Revenues Climbed $18 Billion In First Month Of GOP Tax Cuts | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
That is stupid and temporary.
So Franco here is such a radical ideologue that he considers it “stupid” to have a rare (and monumental) win-win of the people keeping more of their own money while at the same time, the federal government receives increased revenues from taxes.
"Justice Kennedy" - Twitter Search

Oh yes. Full blown meltdown.

If anyone has anything, a Video, audio recording, or other evidence pointing to Trump crimes or misconduct, NOW is the time to release them publicly Do NOT Wait The GOP will Force through a Justice Kennedy Replacement, unless there is sheer public outcry #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS

670 replies1,321 retweets2,634 likes

Gracie the below website has collected the most unhinged of the unhinged Tweets, these peoples are TOTALLY insane, they have got to be off their meds or just not even diagnosed, these are NOT the comments that sane or even partially sane peoples make this is Leftist Americans, read this stuff:

Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it's time to report to the death camps

And also read this stuff, this is Leftist Americans, WTF happened how did the Party of John F. Kennedy degenerate into THIS?

'HEIL TRUMP!' Anthony Kennedy's impending SCOTUS retirement sends libs into a TAILSPIN
Yeah..I saw that too. :cuckoo:

So Cher the one who has had about 2,000 Plastic Surgery operations or whatever resulting in her now looking like something from "The Night of The Living Dead", you know Cher who was married to Sonny and together they produced a female child called Chastity who grew up Fucked Up In The Membrane and had her boobies cut off and her vagina sewn up and changed her name to Chas and got some type of Surgically Attached Penis Made From Play Doh or whatever and who weighs 600lbs and looks like a bizarro Sumo Wrestler....anyhow so Cher she's had one of the best of the unhinged Hollyweirdo Meltdowns on Twitter:

View attachment 201573
Cher looks fine and you are messed up...

Just heard on ABC News radio.
This is most excellent news. Now Mr Trump can get us another conservative and then we can overturn Rove vs Wade


Kennedy is a conservative and not a single current member of SCOTUS supports over turning RvW

Sent from my iPhone using

Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!

I can invest in metal coat hangers again...

The plastic ones just snap when twisted into the necessary shape to extract the "tissue."

Back alleys are dark.

I have a discount on maglights and 2 for 1 klieg lights.


I have already posted in this thread once about this, but I will post one more time about it because it is serious, whenever you all go out make sure your family are protected and do not leave your home unarmed because these unhinged maniacs are ALL across Twitter openly calling for violence against The Donald's supporters, so EVERYONE at ALL times stay safe. WTF how terrible that EVEN The Donald has ordered ALL his Staff to get gun permits to carry a gun because of these unhinged maniacs also targeting his Staff.
Hilariously idiotic question, super duper. They want a****** Republicans to pay the same duh.
A. Why? Why do they care what someone else pays? That’s pure fascist bullshit. First, stick your nose where it doesn’t belong and then force someone else to do what you want them to do.

B. Leadership is by example. Once these “Dumbocrat billionaires” stopped taking all tax deductions and started paying the rate they think I should “fair”, others would see the wondrous magic unicor of it and follow suit.
Quite the fantasy world you live on... Breaking for brainwashed dupes: taxes are progressive for a reason. Read something.
If y'all start "fighting like your lives depend on it" You have no clue as to what you're up against.

Keep poking the bear, dipshits.
This is most excellent news. Now Mr Trump can get us another conservative and then we can overturn Rove vs Wade


Kennedy is a conservative and not a single current member of SCOTUS supports over turning RvW

Sent from my iPhone using

Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!

I can invest in metal coat hangers again...

The plastic ones just snap when twisted into the necessary shape to extract the "tissue."

Back alleys are dark.

I have a discount on maglights and 2 for 1 klieg lights.


I have already posted in this thread once about this, but I will post one more time about it because it is serious, whenever you all go out make sure your family are protected and do not leave your home unarmed because these unhinged maniacs are ALL across Twitter openly calling for violence against The Donald's supporters, so EVERYONE at ALL times stay safe.
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.
Only on Fox, super duper. Harassment is not violence
Harassment is illegal, dumb ass. Your leaders are advocating for criminal behavior and you ignorant minions are actually carrying out the criminal behavior.

But...that’s what we’ve come to expect from the left.
"Justice Kennedy" - Twitter Search

Oh yes. Full blown meltdown.

If anyone has anything, a Video, audio recording, or other evidence pointing to Trump crimes or misconduct, NOW is the time to release them publicly Do NOT Wait The GOP will Force through a Justice Kennedy Replacement, unless there is sheer public outcry #MidtermsBeforeSCOTUS

670 replies1,321 retweets2,634 likes

Gracie the below website has collected the most unhinged of the unhinged Tweets, these peoples are TOTALLY insane, they have got to be off their meds or just not even diagnosed, these are NOT the comments that sane or even partially sane peoples make this is Leftist Americans, read this stuff:

Hot take: With Justice Kennedy retiring, it's time to report to the death camps

And also read this stuff, this is Leftist Americans, WTF happened how did the Party of John F. Kennedy degenerate into THIS?

'HEIL TRUMP!' Anthony Kennedy's impending SCOTUS retirement sends libs into a TAILSPIN
Yeah..I saw that too. :cuckoo:

So Cher the one who has had about 2,000 Plastic Surgery operations or whatever resulting in her now looking like something from "The Night of The Living Dead", you know Cher who was married to Sonny and together they produced a female child called Chastity who grew up Fucked Up In The Membrane and had her boobies cut off and her vagina sewn up and changed her name to Chas and got some type of Surgically Attached Penis Made From Play Doh or whatever and who weighs 600lbs and looks like a bizarro Sumo Wrestler....anyhow so Cher she's had one of the best of the unhinged Hollyweirdo Meltdowns on Twitter:

View attachment 201573
Cher looks fine and you are messed up...

STFU you ridiculous faggot nobody cares what you think.
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.
I tip my hat to franco. It’s about damn time someone on the left publicly states that what the left is doing is wrong and that they don’t approve of it.

If you truly have the character not to approve of that crap - why do you stand with those animals? The left is violent, unlawful, and disgusting.
Only on Fox, super duper. Harassment is not violence
Harassment is illegal, dumb ass. Your leaders are advocating for criminal behavior and you ignorant minions are actually carrying out the criminal behavior.

But...that’s what we’ve come to expect from the left.
Harassment without touching is not illegal. LOL! You dupes are getting carried away again by Fox propaganda... The legal definition is different from its normal definition and what we're talking about but there you go again...
Kennedy is a conservative and not a single current member of SCOTUS supports over turning RvW

Sent from my iPhone using

Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!

I can invest in metal coat hangers again...

The plastic ones just snap when twisted into the necessary shape to extract the "tissue."

Back alleys are dark.

I have a discount on maglights and 2 for 1 klieg lights.


I have already posted in this thread once about this, but I will post one more time about it because it is serious, whenever you all go out make sure your family are protected and do not leave your home unarmed because these unhinged maniacs are ALL across Twitter openly calling for violence against The Donald's supporters, so EVERYONE at ALL times stay safe.
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.

Leftist Activist Unhinged Maniacs are calling for violence against Trump supporters and Trump Staffers and they have a RIGHT if they have to to defend themselves and their loved ones against these psychos.
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.
I tip my hat to franco. It’s about damn time someone on the left publicly states that what the left is doing is wrong and that they don’t approve of it.

If you truly have the character not to approve of that crap - why do you stand with those animals? The left is violent, unlawful, and disgusting.
Plenty of Democrats are saying they do not approve of throwing people out of restaurants Etc at all.
Waters is the only one of standing who does.
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.
I tip my hat to franco. It’s about damn time someone on the left publicly states that what the left is doing is wrong and that they don’t approve of it.

If you truly have the character not to approve of that crap - why do you stand with those animals? The left is violent, unlawful, and disgusting.
Plenty of Democrats are saying they do not approve of throwing people out of restaurants Etc at all.
Waters is the only one of standing who does.

And Cher, and umm, Peter Fonda.
Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!

I can invest in metal coat hangers again...

The plastic ones just snap when twisted into the necessary shape to extract the "tissue."

Back alleys are dark.

I have a discount on maglights and 2 for 1 klieg lights.


I have already posted in this thread once about this, but I will post one more time about it because it is serious, whenever you all go out make sure your family are protected and do not leave your home unarmed because these unhinged maniacs are ALL across Twitter openly calling for violence against The Donald's supporters, so EVERYONE at ALL times stay safe.
No Democrat of standing has called for violence. Even Waters. She called for harassment yelling. And I do not approve of that either. Few do, super super.

Leftist Activist Unhinged Maniacs are calling for violence against Trump supporters and Trump Staffers and they have a RIGHT if they have to to defend themselves and their loved ones against these psychos.
Only on Fox and Rush Etc, hater doop. Change the Channel. You people are losing it. it's like going to war with Iraq under Bush, for lies only. You're totally out of your minds. Because of what one Democrat of standing said. And you people never go where her constituency is anyway.... Change the channel you're foaming at the mouth...

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