Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

I posted a few weeks ago that the only reason the LIB are so determined to win the House is b/c they are DESPERATE! to make sure Trump doesn't get to put another SCJ on the bench.
They never gave a shit about 'the kids'.
The LIB mSM literal;ly lost heir minds yesterday screaming at the camera about how the world had ended.
"If only the Bernie voters would have voted for HRC".
The most wonderful thing is even if Trump loses the House there's zero chance he will loose the Senate.......who BTW is the body that votes in any SCJ.
The SC just handed the LIBs a number of crushing defeats and now Trump gets to put the icing on the cake.
The LIBs in Washington can stand around and circle jerk until Nov. By then Trump and the Senate will have put the next SCJ on the bench.
I predict within Trump's first term he will put a total of four SCJ on the bench.
Wallymart has just put XL jars of haemorrhoid cream and 'Depends' on sale.
What happens should the senate flip? Would a new majority leader hold hearings for a Trump nominee?
If the Senate flips, we block every nominee until Trump is gone. That precedent has been set.
That's why Trump will select and nominate one before the elections. But don't worry democrats will lose in the midterms. You loons keep acting up, please keep it up.
One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.
Sadly, you’re dumb ass is far to the left of Hitlery. Even Hitlery isn’t so fucking immature that she joins message boards believing she can dupe conservatives into fascism by simply telling everyone “I’m a conservative and the Dumbocrats are correct across the board”.

God you are such an immature tool. Will you just grow up already? Get a job (it will teach you about taxes), move out of your parents trailer, and become an adult. Good grief.
One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.
Sadly, you’re dumb ass is far to the left of Hitlery. Even Hitlery isn’t so fucking immature that she joins message boards believing she can dupe conservatives into fascism by simply telling everyone “I’m a conservative and the Dumbocrats are correct across the board”.

God you are such an immature tool. Will you just grow up already? Get a job (it will teach you about taxes), move out of your parents trailer, and become an adult. Good grief.

This is the new zealot talking point...that people are here to try and change your minds because you are so fucking important.

Let me tell you, a Wendy's fry cook that suggested I send more money to the government each paycheck so they can give me a "refund" at the end of the year is not important enough to piss on if you were on fire let alone try and "change".
I can invest in metal coat hangers again...
The plastic ones just snap when twisted into the necessary shape to extract the "tissue."
Back alleys are dark.
I have a discount on maglights and 2 for 1 klieg lights.

No need for coat hangers actually - Preggo sluts can just have their boyfriends punch em in the gut, or they can fall down a flight of stairs.
And you'll giggle like a schoolgirl when you read about women dying.
You apparently have no idea what Sarcasm is.

Abortion will not be illegal again.

No dark alley.

No hangers.

Boyfriends will unfortunately punch those they profess to love. Pregnant or not.

Gays won't be thrown off of rooftops.

I just laugh at the hyperbole and dire predictions.
Perfectly stated. It is bizarre how all these leftists think it's somehow persuasive for a leftist to run around saying, hey guys, it's OK, it's OK. I'm a conservative, like you are. And the Democrats are right on every issue.

So many of them do it and it never works at all. It seems to be just overt stupidity on their part. I don't see any obvious conservatives or libertarians running over to the Democrats and saying the reverse to them
Actually...that was perfectly stated. That’s how I was trying to say it but didn’t do as good of a job as you just did.

I think the bottom line is truly that the left just isn’t that bright. That nonsense would (and does) work on them so they assume it will work on conservatives as well. They just don’t understand that we are conservatives because we are informed and we study both policy and history closely. So when they pitch us failed left-wing policy under the guise of “its ok - I’m a conservative too and this is good” they don’t understand that we see the failed policy and not their hot air about their so-called “conservatism”.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
What happens should the senate flip? Would a new majority leader hold hearings for a Trump nominee?
If the Senate flips, we block every nominee until Trump is gone. That precedent has been set.
That's why Trump will select and nominate one before the elections. But don't worry democrats will lose in the midterms. You loons keep acting up, please keep it up.
How can Mitch McConnell break his own rule? Wouldn't that be hypocritical? How can a Republican act that way? Isn't it below the dignity Republicans,guard,so,jealously? Isn't truth and integrity what the Republican Party is all about? My word! What you're suggesting smacks of base politics. The very reason we elected Donald Trump. He isn't a politician and you're suggesting he play a political game!
What happens should the senate flip? Would a new majority leader hold hearings for a Trump nominee?
If the Senate flips, we block every nominee until Trump is gone. That precedent has been set.
That's why Trump will select and nominate one before the elections. But don't worry democrats will lose in the midterms. You loons keep acting up, please keep it up.
How can Mitch McConnell break his own rule? Wouldn't that be hypocritical? How can a Republican act that way? Isn't it below the dignity Republicans,guard,so,jealously? Isn't truth and integrity what the Republican Party is all about? My word! What you're suggesting smacks of base politics. The very reason we elected Donald Trump. He isn't a politician and you're suggesting he play a political game!
mock rage.

it's all the rage.
Any other conservatives besides me concerned about the timing of this?

I’ve often been disgusted with Kennedy’s decisions. Isn’t he the one who gave us the Obamacare shitty decision?

So, he decides to retire, now, when it could very well motivate the left to turn out in the polls. Even those undecideds who might be happy with Trump’s job so far might be leery of allowing Trump a 2nd pick.

Am I wrong here? Is it a very good thing like it seems so many here believe? Is nobody else worried that this could bring back the blue wave?
This is what I said much earlier on in the thread. Exactly the same thing.

He's forcing Trump's hand and hoping he will blunder and pick a super-conservative or some other idiot that the left can then parade around by the election. So If I were Trump/Congress I'd nominate a limp-wristed leftie type judge...maybe Barack Obama or Hillary... right now, and then waffle around with his confirmation in Congress until after the election. Then maybe look at a couple of other candidates...

Thanks. I was wondering if anyone else felt that way. I have not cared ch fur Kennedy.
What happens should the senate flip? Would a new majority leader hold hearings for a Trump nominee?
If the Senate flips, we block every nominee until Trump is gone. That precedent has been set.
That's why Trump will select and nominate one before the elections. But don't worry democrats will lose in the midterms. You loons keep acting up, please keep it up.
How can Mitch McConnell break his own rule? Wouldn't that be hypocritical? How can a Republican act that way? Isn't it below the dignity Republicans,guard,so,jealously? Isn't truth and integrity what the Republican Party is all about? My word! What you're suggesting smacks of base politics. The very reason we elected Donald Trump. He isn't a politician and you're suggesting he play a political game!
Hey, Reid gave us the nuclear option, so we will use it. Thank your party for lowering their integrity so we can do this rightfully.
What happens should the senate flip? Would a new majority leader hold hearings for a Trump nominee?
If the Senate flips, we block every nominee until Trump is gone. That precedent has been set.
That's why Trump will select and nominate one before the elections. But don't worry democrats will lose in the midterms. You loons keep acting up, please keep it up.
How can Mitch McConnell break his own rule? Wouldn't that be hypocritical? How can a Republican act that way? Isn't it below the dignity Republicans,guard,so,jealously? Isn't truth and integrity what the Republican Party is all about? My word! What you're suggesting smacks of base politics. The very reason we elected Donald Trump. He isn't a politician and you're suggesting he play a political game!
Hey, Reid gave us the nuclear option, so we will use it. Thank your party for lowering their integrity so we can do this rightfully.
The people have the right to be heard. There will be no hearing until after the election.

And Mitch McConnell and the GOP ignore their 'new rule' and hope no one remembers what hypocrisy means.
I can invest in metal coat hangers again...
The plastic ones just snap when twisted into the necessary shape to extract the "tissue."
Back alleys are dark.
I have a discount on maglights and 2 for 1 klieg lights.

No need for coat hangers actually - Preggo sluts can just have their boyfriends punch em in the gut, or they can fall down a flight of stairs.
And you'll giggle like a schoolgirl when you read about women dying.
You apparently have no idea what Sarcasm is.

Abortion will not be illegal again.

No dark alley.

No hangers.

Boyfriends will unfortunately punch those they profess to love. Pregnant or not.

Gays won't be thrown off of rooftops.

I just laugh at the hyperbole and dire predictions.

Ok thanks, I'm with ya :wink:
This is the new zealot talking point...that people are here to try and change your minds because you are so fucking important.
Well we are winning. And you left-wing radicals can’t accept that. So you’re resorting to hilarious desperation like the nonsense you’re doing here.
The people have the right to be heard. There will be no hearing until after the election.
The people have been heard, drama queen. Everyone sitting in office right now was elected by the people - including President Trump.
And Mitch McConnell and the GOP ignore their 'new rule' and hope no one remembers what hypocrisy means.
Meanwhile, you sitting here not only lying, but ignoring your ‘new rule’: elections have consequences. That’s all we heard from you smug lefties during the MaObama era. Well - elections have consequences NK.
Any other conservatives besides me concerned about the timing of this?

I’ve often been disgusted with Kennedy’s decisions. Isn’t he the one who gave us the Obamacare shitty decision?

So, he decides to retire, now, when it could very well motivate the left to turn out in the polls. Even those undecideds who might be happy with Trump’s job so far might be leery of allowing Trump a 2nd pick.

Am I wrong here? Is it a very good thing like it seems so many here believe? Is nobody else worried that this could bring back the blue wave?
This is what I said much earlier on in the thread. Exactly the same thing.

He's forcing Trump's hand and hoping he will blunder and pick a super-conservative or some other idiot that the left can then parade around by the election. So If I were Trump/Congress I'd nominate a limp-wristed leftie type judge...maybe Barack Obama or Hillary... right now, and then waffle around with his confirmation in Congress until after the election. Then maybe look at a couple of other candidates...

Thanks. I was wondering if anyone else felt that way. I have not cared ch fur Kennedy.

Its hard to predict how people will react. A good pick could motivate right and demotivate the left. Human nature is winners turn up at the polls, not losers

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