Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Is there a reason you use young black girls as your avatar?

Just curious

Kennedy is a conservative and not a single current member of SCOTUS supports over turning RvW

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Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!
Your abortions will be safe, but watch for Roe v Wade being overturned and the decision for abortions will be given to the States. You'll have to move to a state Like New York to clean up the result of your over-heated Saturday night passion in the backseat of your Nash Rambler.

There is not a single justice on the court right now that supports removing RvW, even if the new one does that is still 1 against 8.

Hmmm - Dunno about that GG. Remember, nobody ever answers the question in a confirmation. They won't comment on a litmus test. I'd bet a buck to make 75 cents Clarence Thomas would love nothing more.

A look at their history on the bench and how they ruled gives a good clue. Thomas you might have a point about, he would love nothing more than to get his name in the history books for something.
Look at this thread.....130 pages in about 16 hours. As a conservative, when you heard this news, the first thing that hit your brain was. "OMG....the k00ks on the USMB are going to be hyper-suicidal!!!!". And then you were trying not to split your sides laughing envisioning the train wreck in here!

Most days are a hoot in here but last night was particularly hysterical!
the more they stay extreme the longer the pain will last it would seem. people are tired of it and the "we have no plan but hate" democratic strategy. sooner or later people do in fact get tired of hate.

i'd prefer to see a balance of thought on our SCOTUS and not have it play heavy to either side. we're supposed to be in this "together" but we so seldom act like it. but yea, this has caused a liberal meltdown and they don't see it's their own hate leading the way.
We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.

Balance is what we need, but it is not what most people want, everyone wants the court loaded with people that think just like them, they do not want judges ruling on the basis of the law, they want them to be ideologues from whichever side they fall on
Look at this thread.....130 pages in about 16 hours. As a conservative, when you heard this news, the first thing that hit your brain was. "OMG....the k00ks on the USMB are going to be hyper-suicidal!!!!". And then you were trying not to split your sides laughing envisioning the train wreck in here!

Most days are a hoot in here but last night was particularly hysterical!
the more they stay extreme the longer the pain will last it would seem. people are tired of it and the "we have no plan but hate" democratic strategy. sooner or later people do in fact get tired of hate.

i'd prefer to see a balance of thought on our SCOTUS and not have it play heavy to either side. we're supposed to be in this "together" but we so seldom act like it. but yea, this has caused a liberal meltdown and they don't see it's their own hate leading the way.
We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.
We have a divide because the left DOESN'T think the constitution as it was written is good.

Fuck them. The document is cut and dry. Read it, dont "interpret" it.
Dude, his brain has been tapioca for a very long time, that much is pretty clear.
Why? Because I exposed your lies over and over. I notice you’ve been dead-silent on your claim that you “never” said you were right-wing. I’ve seen you say that at least a dozen times. And I already posted links to two of them proving you were lying.

I can’t stand you immature fascists. Rightwinger tried the same shit. You guys are so stupid you actually believe you can convince conservatives to become fascists if you tell them you’re a “fellow conservative” who “sees” the light with fascism. :eusa_doh:

Perfectly stated. It is bizarre how all these leftists think it's somehow persuasive for a leftist to run around saying, hey guys, it's OK, it's OK. I'm a conservative, like you are. And the Democrats are right on every issue.

So many of them do it and it never works at all. It seems to be just overt stupidity on their part. I don't see any obvious conservatives or libertarians running over to the Democrats and saying the reverse to them

One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.

All of you Trump sheep are the same, big government and less freedom
Each side hurls that same accusation at the other. Back and forth. Endlessly.
To which a Republican would point out Obama care. And attacks on the second amendment. Amongst countless other examples...

I agree, but they aren't the same level. For example, most Republicans can define libertarian and recognize that I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. Most Democrats say not Democrat = Republican and make references to things like I don't care about babies after their born even though I'm pro-choice and I'm a neocon even though I'm against our even being in the middle east. Republicans aren't defending M-13. When Obama and Clinton did offer the Republicans things they support, they took it. Democrats flipped sides on the issue. And the biggest is the you're a racist cacophony that is dividing and destroying the country

You have become one blind Trump zealot. The Repubs on this board equate a dislike of Trump with Dem/Lib/Prog. The Repubs for the most part on this forum do not even admit there are any choices besides Repub or Dem.
Look at this thread.....130 pages in about 16 hours. As a conservative, when you heard this news, the first thing that hit your brain was. "OMG....the k00ks on the USMB are going to be hyper-suicidal!!!!". And then you were trying not to split your sides laughing envisioning the train wreck in here!

Most days are a hoot in here but last night was particularly hysterical!
the more they stay extreme the longer the pain will last it would seem. people are tired of it and the "we have no plan but hate" democratic strategy. sooner or later people do in fact get tired of hate.

i'd prefer to see a balance of thought on our SCOTUS and not have it play heavy to either side. we're supposed to be in this "together" but we so seldom act like it. but yea, this has caused a liberal meltdown and they don't see it's their own hate leading the way.
We don't need a balance of thoughts on the court. We need people who follow the constitution. Nothing more
we need a balance of thought in how that is interpreted. that is kinda what the SC is all about - interpreting the constitution and how it applies to a given situation.

if it was all cut and dry we'd not have nearly the arguments we currently do have.
We have a divide because the left DOESN'T think the constitution as it was written is good.

Fuck them. The document is cut and dry. Read it, dont "interpret" it.
when we can't get people to agree on the color of the sky at times, saying the constitution is 100% clear in every instance is just kinda self-serving to your own point. if it were clear and it were cut n dry then why do we need 9 highly educated people to interpret this and even they, with their knowledge far and away above my own to be sure on the topic, don't always agree.

maybe we have that divide here cause of hte 'fuck 'em if they don't see it my way" mentality. i'm used to that from the left but they right, i see, can play that game too.
Why? Because I exposed your lies over and over. I notice you’ve been dead-silent on your claim that you “never” said you were right-wing. I’ve seen you say that at least a dozen times. And I already posted links to two of them proving you were lying.

I can’t stand you immature fascists. Rightwinger tried the same shit. You guys are so stupid you actually believe you can convince conservatives to become fascists if you tell them you’re a “fellow conservative” who “sees” the light with fascism. :eusa_doh:

Perfectly stated. It is bizarre how all these leftists think it's somehow persuasive for a leftist to run around saying, hey guys, it's OK, it's OK. I'm a conservative, like you are. And the Democrats are right on every issue.

So many of them do it and it never works at all. It seems to be just overt stupidity on their part. I don't see any obvious conservatives or libertarians running over to the Democrats and saying the reverse to them

One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.

All of you Trump sheep are the same, big government and less freedom
Each side hurls that same accusation at the other. Back and forth. Endlessly.
To which a Republican would point out Obama care. And attacks on the second amendment. Amongst countless other examples...

I agree, but they aren't the same level. For example, most Republicans can define libertarian and recognize that I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. Most Democrats say not Democrat = Republican and make references to things like I don't care about babies after their born even though I'm pro-choice and I'm a neocon even though I'm against our even being in the middle east. Republicans aren't defending M-13. When Obama and Clinton did offer the Republicans things they support, they took it. Democrats flipped sides on the issue. And the biggest is the you're a racist cacophony that is dividing and destroying the country

You have become one blind Trump zealot. The Repubs on this board equate a dislike of Trump with Dem/Lib/Prog. The Repubs for the most part on this forum do not even admit there are any choices besides Repub or Dem.
Then there are others who see Trump as the de facto 3rd party choice. It important to remember how many old guard GOP lined up to oppose Trump.
Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere. Just hyperbole and fear mongering

From you SASSY as in SERIOUS?

Watch - Donald's pick will long for coat hanger abortions in very dark alleys

And you will rejoice!!
Your abortions will be safe, but watch for Roe v Wade being overturned and the decision for abortions will be given to the States. You'll have to move to a state Like New York to clean up the result of your over-heated Saturday night passion in the backseat of your Nash Rambler.

There is not a single justice on the court right now that supports removing RvW, even if the new one does that is still 1 against 8.

Hmmm - Dunno about that GG. Remember, nobody ever answers the question in a confirmation. They won't comment on a litmus test. I'd bet a buck to make 75 cents Clarence Thomas would love nothing more.

A look at their history on the bench and how they ruled gives a good clue. Thomas you might have a point about, he would love nothing more than to get his name in the history books for something.

You mean, something other than a pubic hair on his coke can or bragging about the size of his dick :D

One of the oddest episodes I remember was an occasion in which Thomas was drinking a Coke in his office. He got up from the table at which we were working, went over to his desk to get the Coke, looked at the can and asked, "Who has pubic hair on my Coke?" On other occasions, he referred to the size of his own penis as being larger than normal, and he also spoke on some occasions of the pleasures he had given to women with oral sex.
Perfectly stated. It is bizarre how all these leftists think it's somehow persuasive for a leftist to run around saying, hey guys, it's OK, it's OK. I'm a conservative, like you are. And the Democrats are right on every issue.

So many of them do it and it never works at all. It seems to be just overt stupidity on their part. I don't see any obvious conservatives or libertarians running over to the Democrats and saying the reverse to them

One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.

All of you Trump sheep are the same, big government and less freedom
Each side hurls that same accusation at the other. Back and forth. Endlessly.
To which a Republican would point out Obama care. And attacks on the second amendment. Amongst countless other examples...

I agree, but they aren't the same level. For example, most Republicans can define libertarian and recognize that I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. Most Democrats say not Democrat = Republican and make references to things like I don't care about babies after their born even though I'm pro-choice and I'm a neocon even though I'm against our even being in the middle east. Republicans aren't defending M-13. When Obama and Clinton did offer the Republicans things they support, they took it. Democrats flipped sides on the issue. And the biggest is the you're a racist cacophony that is dividing and destroying the country

You have become one blind Trump zealot. The Repubs on this board equate a dislike of Trump with Dem/Lib/Prog. The Repubs for the most part on this forum do not even admit there are any choices besides Repub or Dem.
Then there are others who see Trump as the de facto 3rd party choice. It important to remember how many old guard GOP lined up to oppose Trump.

And there are those that have anointed him the best president ever, does not make either one of them right.
One more right-winger that is not right of anything other than maybe Hillary.

All of you Trump sheep are the same, big government and less freedom
Each side hurls that same accusation at the other. Back and forth. Endlessly.
To which a Republican would point out Obama care. And attacks on the second amendment. Amongst countless other examples...

I agree, but they aren't the same level. For example, most Republicans can define libertarian and recognize that I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. Most Democrats say not Democrat = Republican and make references to things like I don't care about babies after their born even though I'm pro-choice and I'm a neocon even though I'm against our even being in the middle east. Republicans aren't defending M-13. When Obama and Clinton did offer the Republicans things they support, they took it. Democrats flipped sides on the issue. And the biggest is the you're a racist cacophony that is dividing and destroying the country

You have become one blind Trump zealot. The Repubs on this board equate a dislike of Trump with Dem/Lib/Prog. The Repubs for the most part on this forum do not even admit there are any choices besides Repub or Dem.
Then there are others who see Trump as the de facto 3rd party choice. It important to remember how many old guard GOP lined up to oppose Trump.

And there are those that have anointed him the best president ever, does not make either one of them right.
Opinions will vary. Thus... Politics.
We have a divide because the left DOESN'T think the constitution as it was written is good.

Fuck them. The document is cut and dry. Read it, dont "interpret" it.

Yes and if you want to amend it, don't try to do that through the judicial branch. Do it through Congress as the Constitution requires. I agree with you.
Meh. The pendulum will swing back eventually. Hopefully before it’s too late.
LOL, bye bye Libs for DECADES!

And the US goes around talking about Democracy. Telling other countries about Democracy. And the US seems to be a game where voting doesn't matter.
/----/ Democracy is mob rule. The only ones talking about we being a democracy is you uneducated libtards who can't grasp the concept of a Representative Republic.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic (not democracy) for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
We are both a republic and a democracy.

We are a republic because we use elected representatives to make our laws, and to act as Head of State (in our case, the President) as opposed to having a monarch. More specifically, we are a federal republic because we have a division of powers across several branches and levels of government.

We are also a democracy, because we the people ;) exercise our power by voting, as opposed to an oligarchy or dictatorship. There are different kinds of democracies; we are a representative democracy because we use representatives, and a constitutional democracy because we have a constitution that limits powers, but we are not a direct (or Athenian) democracy, in which everyone votes on every issue.

It is correct to say we are a republic, but it is also correct to say we are a democracy.

Is democracy when people vote? Or is it democracy when people vote and it actually matters?

If it's the former, then yes, the US is a democracy.
Meh. The pendulum will swing back eventually. Hopefully before it’s too late.
LOL, bye bye Libs for DECADES!

And the US goes around talking about Democracy. Telling other countries about Democracy. And the US seems to be a game where voting doesn't matter.
/----/ Democracy is mob rule. The only ones talking about we being a democracy is you uneducated libtards who can't grasp the concept of a Representative Republic.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic (not democracy) for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
We are both a republic and a democracy.

We are a republic because we use elected representatives to make our laws, and to act as Head of State (in our case, the President) as opposed to having a monarch. More specifically, we are a federal republic because we have a division of powers across several branches and levels of government.

We are also a democracy, because we the people ;) exercise our power by voting, as opposed to an oligarchy or dictatorship. There are different kinds of democracies; we are a representative democracy because we use representatives, and a constitutional democracy because we have a constitution that limits powers, but we are not a direct (or Athenian) democracy, in which everyone votes on every issue.

It is correct to say we are a republic, but it is also correct to say we are a democracy.
/----/ I'll take the word of the guy who was instrumental in the formation of our country:
AUTHOR: Benjamin Franklin (1706–90)
QUOTATION: “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

“A Republic, if you can keep it.”
ATTRIBUTION: The response is attributed to BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation—in the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention.
Meh. The pendulum will swing back eventually. Hopefully before it’s too late.
LOL, bye bye Libs for DECADES!

And the US goes around talking about Democracy. Telling other countries about Democracy. And the US seems to be a game where voting doesn't matter.
/----/ Democracy is mob rule. The only ones talking about we being a democracy is you uneducated libtards who can't grasp the concept of a Representative Republic.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic (not democracy) for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
We are both a republic and a democracy.

We are a republic because we use elected representatives to make our laws, and to act as Head of State (in our case, the President) as opposed to having a monarch. More specifically, we are a federal republic because we have a division of powers across several branches and levels of government.

We are also a democracy, because we the people ;) exercise our power by voting, as opposed to an oligarchy or dictatorship. There are different kinds of democracies; we are a representative democracy because we use representatives, and a constitutional democracy because we have a constitution that limits powers, but we are not a direct (or Athenian) democracy, in which everyone votes on every issue.

It is correct to say we are a republic, but it is also correct to say we are a democracy.

Is democracy when people vote? Or is it democracy when people vote and it actually matters?

If it's the former, then yes, the US is a democracy.
/----/ Ask the Prog who kicked the career politician to the curb on Tuesday if people's votes matter.
Dude, his brain has been tapioca for a very long time, that much is pretty clear.
Why? Because I exposed your lies over and over. I notice you’ve been dead-silent on your claim that you “never” said you were right-wing. I’ve seen you say that at least a dozen times. And I already posted links to two of them proving you were lying.

I can’t stand you immature fascists. Rightwinger tried the same shit. You guys are so stupid you actually believe you can convince conservatives to become fascists if you tell them you’re a “fellow conservative” who “sees” the light with fascism. :eusa_doh:

Perfectly stated. It is bizarre how all these leftists think it's somehow persuasive for a leftist to run around saying, hey guys, it's OK, it's OK. I'm a conservative, like you are. And the Democrats are right on every issue.

So many of them do it and it never works at all. It seems to be just overt stupidity on their part. I don't see any obvious conservatives or libertarians running over to the Democrats and saying the reverse to them

It's the leftist shill way: "I'm a conservative, but-(insert leftist talking point here)".

AKA: Deception.

It doesn't work very well, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Well F me. But hell, better he than The Notorious RBG - And F him too for voting for Trump's stupid Muslim ban.

Except, there never was a muslim ban.

Wrong Bison Breath -

Sadly, Dotard's razor thin win on SCOTUS failed to take THIS into account

It's not a muslim ban. Youre delusional .

Your lyin' eyes missed the video huh?

Your biased video a joke. I know it's on some leftist site right now promoting it, but it's fail, cupcake. :itsok:
Well F me. But hell, better he than The Notorious RBG - And F him too for voting for Trump's stupid Muslim ban.

Except, there never was a muslim ban.

Wrong Bison Breath -

Sadly, Dotard's razor thin win on SCOTUS failed to take THIS into account

It's not a muslim ban. Youre delusional .

Your lyin' eyes missed the video huh?

There was no Muslim ban. You're just regurgitating crap.

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