Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Link to anyone calling for violence, super dupe?

Peter Henry Fonda on Twitter
Brainwashing for you, that is not news. Old California hippies mean nothing, stupid.

Like the feeling from the unhinged left isn't felt, dude.

If I have to get up, out this chair in the AC, and deal with fucktardedness, like is being exhibited today?

You will wish you didn't push so hard, and then some. There will be most of America with me, as well.

We will stop the bullshit, right fast. Not everybody in America is retarded leftists, far, far from that being the case. You howling stupid leftists won't last 4 days. Keep that in mind, because it's the truth.
Remain calm you are brainwashed LOL. No one is advocating violence or doing violence except your mental violence propaganda machine. Seriously you people are scary brainwashed...

We'll see.. I think they're promoting craziness and violence.
Your propaganda machine tells you that but they don't have Clips or anything else backing it up. That's why you are brainwashed. Get it?
Link to anyone calling for violence, super dupe?

Peter Henry Fonda on Twitter
Brainwashing for you, that is not news. Old California hippies mean nothing, stupid.

Like the feeling from the unhinged left isn't felt, dude.

If I have to get up, out this chair in the AC, and deal with fucktardedness, like is being exhibited today?

You will wish you didn't push so hard, and then some. There will be most of America with me, as well.

We will stop the bullshit, right fast. Not everybody in America is retarded leftists, far, far from that being the case. You howling stupid leftists won't last 4 days. Keep that in mind, because it's the truth.
Remain calm you are brainwashed LOL. No one is advocating violence or doing violence except your mental violence propaganda machine. Seriously you people are scary brainwashed...

We'll see.. I think they're promoting craziness and violence.
Who is? Link with an actual clip of them doing it, not just GOP BS?
They're parroting bad ideas, calling for violence, and have a large following. Of course CNN does.

Btw, the look on Wolf Blitzer's face today was priceless. He looked he was going to start bawling like a baby at any second.
Link to anyone calling for violence, super dupe?

Peter Henry Fonda on Twitter
Brainwashing for you, that is not news. Old California hippies mean nothing, stupid.

Like the feeling from the unhinged left isn't felt, dude.

If I have to get up, out this chair in the AC, and deal with fucktardedness, like is being exhibited today?

You will wish you didn't push so hard, and then some. There will be most of America with me, as well.

We will stop the bullshit, right fast. Not everybody in America is retarded leftists, far, far from that being the case. You howling stupid leftists won't last 4 days. Keep that in mind, because it's the truth.
The only people advocating violence are ginned-up super dupes like you..

Oh? Check this out:

Will the left turn violent now?

Look @ the poll results. Apparently your sentiment is in the minority, bub. Oops, I mean Dupe.

If I could sign onto Twitter, I could come up with a crapton.

I'm not messing with that right now, though
Do not be fearful liberals
No one is going to harm you
Discipline is back and it will benefit All in the long run
Just now got here. Was watching tv. So..Cher is having a hissy fit again, is she? Cher..the one that screams LET THEM IN while hiding behind her gated mansion with armed security guards? That Cher?:blahblah:
Dang head hurts from seeing how bad your head hurts. Hey I get it.....head explosions are tough to plow through.....those Soetero years weren't that long ago!!!
More like Obama weeks LOL. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.But You dupes think he had had control for 2 years and caused the 2008 World depression... The world thinks you are evil. They don't get Fox Rush Savage Heritage examiner Etc and don't know you are just brainwashed fools.

But winning....
Especially today.:2up::auiqs.jpg:

I'll take the brainwashed fool tag every day.... as long as I'm winning:backpedal:
You are not winning. Bigoted greedy idiot GOP billionaires are winning, Super Duper.
/——/ Idiot GOP billionaires as opposed to real smart dirt poor democRATs

More from the Tweets, so I know they were already unhinged but not THIS unhinged:

View attachment 201517

^^^^ WTF totally insane they are :uhoh3:
We can only hope that his 'spark' goes out quickly. It would be much more merciful that way. :auiqs.jpg:

The left has completely lost their shit.
Yessssssssss !!!
OMG, this week can't get any better !
The left is going to be in utter meltdown mode !!!
If only the old bag ruth would kick it

Advice is to mega stock on the big popcorn, the coming Leftists Head Exploding Festival is going to be delicious to observe.

Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Oh, but wait....That's what all you fuckers are...hypocrites.

You're a damn liar, the Biden Rule only deals with presidential election years. Shove your damn propaganda and fear mongering.


It's incredible the stupid crap leftists come up with. Duh, dar, the Biden rule applies to every year!!!!! That Republicans are in power ...
Justice Anthony Kennedy to Retire From Supreme Court

YES!!!!!!!!! President Trump gets his 2nd SC nominee! WOO HOO! Liberal heads EXPLODE!
This will firm up the 5-4 majority on SCOTUS

Roberts has been a little bit of a disappointment, so still not as solid as I would like

need to see RBG retire as well...
At 85, she is the oldest. She will likely retire before Trump is out of office.

Ginsburg retire while Trump is President? You're on drugs
Meh. The pendulum will swing back eventually. Hopefully before it’s too late.
LOL, bye bye Libs for DECADES!

And the US goes around talking about Democracy. Telling other countries about Democracy. And the US seems to be a game where voting doesn't matter.
/----/ Democracy is mob rule. The only ones talking about we being a democracy is you uneducated libtards who can't grasp the concept of a Representative Republic.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic (not democracy) for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Dude, his brain has been tapioca for a very long time, that much is pretty clear.
Why? Because I exposed your lies over and over. I notice you’ve been dead-silent on your claim that you “never” said you were right-wing. I’ve seen you say that at least a dozen times. And I already posted links to two of them proving you were lying.

I can’t stand you immature fascists. Rightwinger tried the same shit. You guys are so stupid you actually believe you can convince conservatives to become fascists if you tell them you’re a “fellow conservative” who “sees” the light with fascism. :eusa_doh:

Perfectly stated. It is bizarre how all these leftists think it's somehow persuasive for a leftist to run around saying, hey guys, it's OK, it's OK. I'm a conservative, like you are. And the Democrats are right on every issue.

So many of them do it and it never works at all. It seems to be just overt stupidity on their part. I don't see any obvious conservatives or libertarians running over to the Democrats and saying the reverse to them
Yessssssssss !!!
OMG, this week can't get any better !
The left is going to be in utter meltdown mode !!!
If only the old bag ruth would kick it

Advice is to mega stock on the big popcorn, the coming Leftists Head Exploding Festival is going to be delicious to observe.

Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Oh, but wait....That's what all you fuckers are...hypocrites.

You're a damn liar, the Biden Rule only deals with presidential election years. Shove your damn propaganda and fear mongering.


It's incredible the stupid crap leftists come up with. Duh, dar, the Biden rule applies to every year!!!!! That Republicans are in power ...

Don't be too hard on the poor smuck, he's just following orders. smucky schumer told him to say that.


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