Anthony Quinn Warner suspect in nashville bombing

Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.
Like 52 witnesses who actually SAW something else. Of course ,many of them had "Accidents".
None of them did they HEARD something which is not reliable evidence and none of them had accidents.

There has never been an unusual number of deaths related to the event. The claim of unusual deaths has been flat out proven wrong.
Three names!!! This is bad!
It’s a southern thing. They need two first names because they all have to share three last names.
Like Barack Hussein Obama? Barry Sotoro means he had 5 names.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

A hobby of mine for the last 40 years. Have read over 100 books ,thousands of articles , and I have BEEN to Dallas many times. Conclusion? Oswald did NOT do the deed.
The evidence proves he did and no evidence proves otherwise.

I have been there two and read over a hundred books on it.

The conspiracy theory authors lie and distort and contradict each other.
Bullshit. The Warren Coverup ignored MANY facts. Including the GSR test was negative and the FACT that there were no fingerprints on that rifle. Then LOCAL Cops "Find" a Palmprint after custody is broken. Also ,when Oswald was in the morgue. Never bothered ya?
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

A hobby of mine for the last 40 years. Have read over 100 books ,thousands of articles , and I have BEEN to Dallas many times. Conclusion? Oswald did NOT do the deed.
The evidence proves he did and no evidence proves otherwise.

I have been there two and read over a hundred books on it.

The conspiracy theory authors lie and distort and contradict each other.
Bullshit. The Warren Coverup ignored MANY facts. Including the GSR test was negative and the FACT that there were no fingerprints on that rifle. Then LOCAL Cops "Find" a Palmprint after custody is broken. Also ,when Oswald was in the morgue. Never bothered ya?
No they did not.

The GSR residue test was not negative it was inconclusive and it was not a reliable test anyways. A year before the assassination it was determined to produce as many false positives as false negatives and was a massively unreliable test.

There were printsw on the rifle exactly where they would be found by someone assembling it, and the chain of custody was NOT broken.

Your claims are from the movie JFK which was a fictional film.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.
Like 52 witnesses who actually SAW something else. Of course ,many of them had "Accidents".
None of them did they HEARD something which is not reliable evidence and none of them had accidents.

There has never been an unusual number of deaths related to the event. The claim of unusual deaths has been flat out proven wrong.
Proven by who? The FBI? Those Gestapo were IN on it. But go on trusting your fuckin' GOV'T. JFK was actually pissing off the "Swamp". Get this. He fired Allan Dulles. He was getting rid of J. Edgar. He was about to fire Curtis LeMay ,better known as "Bombs Away". He was pulling out of Vietnam. And was about to remove a TAX break on Big Texas Oil. These folks had more MOTIVE than any "Lone Nut".
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

A hobby of mine for the last 40 years. Have read over 100 books ,thousands of articles , and I have BEEN to Dallas many times. Conclusion? Oswald did NOT do the deed.
The evidence proves he did and no evidence proves otherwise.

I have been there two and read over a hundred books on it.

The conspiracy theory authors lie and distort and contradict each other.
Bullshit. The Warren Coverup ignored MANY facts. Including the GSR test was negative and the FACT that there were no fingerprints on that rifle. Then LOCAL Cops "Find" a Palmprint after custody is broken. Also ,when Oswald was in the morgue. Never bothered ya?
No they did not.

The GSR residue test was not negative it was inconclusive and it was not a reliable test anyways. A year before the assassination it was determined to produce as many false positives as false negatives and was a massively unreliable test.

There were printsw on the rifle exactly where they would be found by someone assembling it, and the chain of custody was NOT broken.

Your claims are from the movie JFK which was a fictional film.
That Movie was based on just 2 books. While it was part right ,it missed a lot. And led Garrison down some false leads. I know one thing for a FACT. Being an excellent Rifle shot ,there is no way I could have made those shots. Three shots from a decrepit bolt action? One shot missed. So the other two? But go on. Believe what the fuckin' GOV'T tells ya. WARREN was fantasy.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.
Like 52 witnesses who actually SAW something else. Of course ,many of them had "Accidents".
None of them did they HEARD something which is not reliable evidence and none of them had accidents.

There has never been an unusual number of deaths related to the event. The claim of unusual deaths has been flat out proven wrong.
Proven by who? The FBI? Those Gestapo were IN on it. But go on trusting your fuckin' GOV'T. JFK was actually pissing off the "Swamp". Get this. He fired Allan Dulles. He was getting rid of J. Edgar. He was about to fire Curtis LeMay ,better known as "Bombs Away". He was pulling out of Vietnam. And was about to remove a TAX break on Big Texas Oil. These folks had more MOTIVE than any "Lone Nut".

No it was disproven bv the very conspiracy theorists who made up the claim. Their math is flawed and easily proven so. Their definition of " closely related to the assassination " is vague, ambiguous and flexible. Such as including Earl Warren among the mystery deatsh closely related to the assassination. He was an old man who died over a decade after the assassination. Or Dorothy Kilgallen who was not a mystery death. Or Jack Ruby who also was no mystery death.

No the FBi was NOT in on it as there was nothing to be in on. Mistrusting the government is fine and dandy but not an argument. They do sometimes get stuff right.

JFK was not pulling out of VIetnam he did say he would but like most presidents he was increasing troop strength and breaking his promise.

Curtis Lemay is irrelevant as generals get fired all the time.

Motive means nothing EVIDENCE means everything. MAssive evidence proves Oswald did it. No evidence proves he did not and no evidence supports any conspiracy theory.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

A hobby of mine for the last 40 years. Have read over 100 books ,thousands of articles , and I have BEEN to Dallas many times. Conclusion? Oswald did NOT do the deed.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

A hobby of mine for the last 40 years. Have read over 100 books ,thousands of articles , and I have BEEN to Dallas many times. Conclusion? Oswald did NOT do the deed.
The evidence proves he did and no evidence proves otherwise.

I have been there two and read over a hundred books on it.

The conspiracy theory authors lie and distort and contradict each other.
Bullshit. The Warren Coverup ignored MANY facts. Including the GSR test was negative and the FACT that there were no fingerprints on that rifle. Then LOCAL Cops "Find" a Palmprint after custody is broken. Also ,when Oswald was in the morgue. Never bothered ya?
No they did not.

The GSR residue test was not negative it was inconclusive and it was not a reliable test anyways. A year before the assassination it was determined to produce as many false positives as false negatives and was a massively unreliable test.

There were printsw on the rifle exactly where they would be found by someone assembling it, and the chain of custody was NOT broken.

Your claims are from the movie JFK which was a fictional film.
That Movie was based on just 2 books. While it was part right ,it missed a lot. And led Garrison down some false leads. I know one thing for a FACT. Being an excellent Rifle shot ,there is no way I could have made those shots. Three shots from a decrepit bolt action? One shot missed. So the other two? But go on. Believe what the fuckin' GOV'T tells ya. WARREN was fantasy.
YEs it was based on " on the trail of the assassins" by Jim Garrison who was a life long conspiracy nut and corrupt liar. And on " Cross fire "by Jim Marrs who is also a life long conspiracy nut and a known liar.

Ity was not part right it was all wrong except for the background story.

You knjow nothing abotu shooting rifles and are not an excellet shot.

THE ABSOLUTE fact is the shots were easy shots that the average deer hunter or soldier or marine could easily make.

It was LESS than 100 yards for all three shots at a very SLOW moving target. Anyone looking at it from the six floor window would see that the target was moving almost directly AWAY from the window making it extremely easy.

You are dead wrong and the facts and evidence prove it.

YUou have yet to offer a single challenge to the Warren Commission report as have all of the theorists.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.

Anybody who buys the Warren Commission Report really ought to get a free bridge thrown in with it.
If only to connect some of the far-flung dots therein.

Not the topic here though. Soupy Sales is trying to derail.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.

Anybody who buys the Warren Commission Report really ought to get a free bridge thrown in with it.
If only to connect some of the far-flung dots therein.

Not the topic here though. Soupy Sales is trying to derail.
Those buying the free bridge are those like YOU who never read it but think it has been never been proven wrong. You cannot challenge it. And I did not start this line of discussion. So you are a a liar
Last edited:
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.
Like 52 witnesses who actually SAW something else. Of course ,many of them had "Accidents".
None of them did they HEARD something which is not reliable evidence and none of them had accidents.

There has never been an unusual number of deaths related to the event. The claim of unusual deaths has been flat out proven wrong.
Proven by who? The FBI? Those Gestapo were IN on it. But go on trusting your fuckin' GOV'T. JFK was actually pissing off the "Swamp". Get this. He fired Allan Dulles. He was getting rid of J. Edgar. He was about to fire Curtis LeMay ,better known as "Bombs Away". He was pulling out of Vietnam. And was about to remove a TAX break on Big Texas Oil. These folks had more MOTIVE than any "Lone Nut".

No it was disproven bv the very conspiracy theorists who made up the claim. Their math is flawed and easily proven so. Their definition of " closely related to the assassination " is vague, ambiguous and flexible. Such as including Earl Warren among the mystery deatsh closely related to the assassination. He was an old man who died over a decade after the assassination. Or Dorothy Kilgallen who was not a mystery death. Or Jack Ruby who also was no mystery death.

No the FBi was NOT in on it as there was nothing to be in on. Mistrusting the government is fine and dandy but not an argument. They do sometimes get stuff right.

JFK was not pulling out of VIetnam he did say he would but like most presidents he was increasing troop strength and breaking his promise.

Curtis Lemay is irrelevant as generals get fired all the time.

Motive means nothing EVIDENCE means everything. MAssive evidence proves Oswald did it. No evidence proves he did not and no evidence supports any conspiracy theory.

Nonsense....motive is always the key to any murder investigation.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.
Like 52 witnesses who actually SAW something else. Of course ,many of them had "Accidents".
None of them did they HEARD something which is not reliable evidence and none of them had accidents.

There has never been an unusual number of deaths related to the event. The claim of unusual deaths has been flat out proven wrong.
Proven by who? The FBI? Those Gestapo were IN on it. But go on trusting your fuckin' GOV'T. JFK was actually pissing off the "Swamp". Get this. He fired Allan Dulles. He was getting rid of J. Edgar. He was about to fire Curtis LeMay ,better known as "Bombs Away". He was pulling out of Vietnam. And was about to remove a TAX break on Big Texas Oil. These folks had more MOTIVE than any "Lone Nut".

No it was disproven bv the very conspiracy theorists who made up the claim. Their math is flawed and easily proven so. Their definition of " closely related to the assassination " is vague, ambiguous and flexible. Such as including Earl Warren among the mystery deatsh closely related to the assassination. He was an old man who died over a decade after the assassination. Or Dorothy Kilgallen who was not a mystery death. Or Jack Ruby who also was no mystery death.

No the FBi was NOT in on it as there was nothing to be in on. Mistrusting the government is fine and dandy but not an argument. They do sometimes get stuff right.

JFK was not pulling out of VIetnam he did say he would but like most presidents he was increasing troop strength and breaking his promise.

Curtis Lemay is irrelevant as generals get fired all the time.

Motive means nothing EVIDENCE means everything. MAssive evidence proves Oswald did it. No evidence proves he did not and no evidence supports any conspiracy theory.


When conducting an investigation, figuring out the motive is a critical element in solving the case. The rationale is, after all, the cause of what makes people do specific actions. Figuring out what that motive is can, therefore, significantly assist in moving an investigation forward.

Anylhow, what was the motive of Oswald to kill your must have some idea of why Oswald would do it?
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.

Anybody who buys the Warren Commission Report really ought to get a free bridge thrown in with it.
If only to connect some of the far-flung dots therein.

Not the topic here though. Soupy Sales is trying to derail.
Those buying the free bridge are those like YOU who never read it but think it hsas been proven wrong. You cannot challenge it. And I did not start this line of discussion. So you are a a liar

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. We've been down this set of tracks before, and you just proved me right.
I can see y'all have been flogging this dead horse all afternoon while I was out, because I get Every. Fucking. Post. as an alert because y'all keep piling on a quote nest where my name was back when the thread was actually ON the topic. I've skipped right past all of them EXACTLY BECAUSE it ain't the topic here, no matter how much you try to derail it there with your puerile ad hom storm.

However I do agree that the report "hsas been proven wrong" so that diversion seems to be settled anyway. We can all agree, and even so can the Warren Report, that the JFK Assassination did not take place in Nashville two days ago.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.
Like 52 witnesses who actually SAW something else. Of course ,many of them had "Accidents".
None of them did they HEARD something which is not reliable evidence and none of them had accidents.

There has never been an unusual number of deaths related to the event. The claim of unusual deaths has been flat out proven wrong.
Proven by who? The FBI? Those Gestapo were IN on it. But go on trusting your fuckin' GOV'T. JFK was actually pissing off the "Swamp". Get this. He fired Allan Dulles. He was getting rid of J. Edgar. He was about to fire Curtis LeMay ,better known as "Bombs Away". He was pulling out of Vietnam. And was about to remove a TAX break on Big Texas Oil. These folks had more MOTIVE than any "Lone Nut".

No it was disproven bv the very conspiracy theorists who made up the claim. Their math is flawed and easily proven so. Their definition of " closely related to the assassination " is vague, ambiguous and flexible. Such as including Earl Warren among the mystery deatsh closely related to the assassination. He was an old man who died over a decade after the assassination. Or Dorothy Kilgallen who was not a mystery death. Or Jack Ruby who also was no mystery death.

No the FBi was NOT in on it as there was nothing to be in on. Mistrusting the government is fine and dandy but not an argument. They do sometimes get stuff right.

JFK was not pulling out of VIetnam he did say he would but like most presidents he was increasing troop strength and breaking his promise.

Curtis Lemay is irrelevant as generals get fired all the time.

Motive means nothing EVIDENCE means everything. MAssive evidence proves Oswald did it. No evidence proves he did not and no evidence supports any conspiracy theory.

Nonsense....motive is always the key to any murder investigation.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.
Like 52 witnesses who actually SAW something else. Of course ,many of them had "Accidents".
None of them did they HEARD something which is not reliable evidence and none of them had accidents.

There has never been an unusual number of deaths related to the event. The claim of unusual deaths has been flat out proven wrong.
Proven by who? The FBI? Those Gestapo were IN on it. But go on trusting your fuckin' GOV'T. JFK was actually pissing off the "Swamp". Get this. He fired Allan Dulles. He was getting rid of J. Edgar. He was about to fire Curtis LeMay ,better known as "Bombs Away". He was pulling out of Vietnam. And was about to remove a TAX break on Big Texas Oil. These folks had more MOTIVE than any "Lone Nut".

No it was disproven bv the very conspiracy theorists who made up the claim. Their math is flawed and easily proven so. Their definition of " closely related to the assassination " is vague, ambiguous and flexible. Such as including Earl Warren among the mystery deatsh closely related to the assassination. He was an old man who died over a decade after the assassination. Or Dorothy Kilgallen who was not a mystery death. Or Jack Ruby who also was no mystery death.

No the FBi was NOT in on it as there was nothing to be in on. Mistrusting the government is fine and dandy but not an argument. They do sometimes get stuff right.

JFK was not pulling out of VIetnam he did say he would but like most presidents he was increasing troop strength and breaking his promise.

Curtis Lemay is irrelevant as generals get fired all the time.

Motive means nothing EVIDENCE means everything. MAssive evidence proves Oswald did it. No evidence proves he did not and no evidence supports any conspiracy theory.


When conducting an investigation, figuring out the motive is a critical element in solving the case. The rationale is, after all, the cause of what makes people do specific actions. Figuring out what that motive is can, therefore, significantly assist in moving an investigation forward.

Motive is incidental and proves nothing. In the vast majority of murder investigations there is more than one person with motive and more than half the time the evidence shows it is someone with the least motive or motive which no one knew or understood until led to that person by the evidence.

Motive is certainly part of it but only a minor part and that is consistently true for all such investigations. No one can be accused based on MOTIVE. An accusation requires evidence and no EVIDENCE OF ANY KIND supports any killer but Oswald
Last edited:
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.

Anybody who buys the Warren Commission Report really ought to get a free bridge thrown in with it.
If only to connect some of the far-flung dots therein.

Not the topic here though. Soupy Sales is trying to derail.
Those buying the free bridge are those like YOU who never read it but think it hsas been proven wrong. You cannot challenge it. And I did not start this line of discussion. So you are a a liar

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. We've been down this set of tracks before, and you just proved me right.
I can see y'all have been flogging this dead horse all afternoon while I was out, because I get Every. Fucking. Post. as an alert because y'all keep piling on a quote nest where my name was back when the thread was actually ON the topic. I've skipped right past all of them EXACTLY BECAUSE it ain't the topic here, no matter how much you try to derail it there with your puerile ad hom storm.

However I do agree that the report "hsas been proven wrong" so that diversion seems to be settled anyway. We can all agree, and even so can the Warren Report, that the JFK Assassination did not take place in Nashville two days ago.

As we all know when these arguments thing leads to another
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.
The MEDIA is the Democrat Party. Led by Bezos and Company. (Soros ,Dorsey ,Zuckerberg).

Nape. Number one there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party" and number two MEDIA is the plural of MEDIUM, i.e. everything that conveys, in the case of this topic, News. Radio, television, newspapers, internet. It includes the New York Times and it includes the Gazette of Port Fart Idaho. It includes ABC News and Fox and the Mutual radio network. NOT ONE of which have jack shit to do with a political party, not even one that actually exists.

Go ahead and prove me wrong, Jackalope.
Yes there is. It is full of traitors ,leakers ,looters ,and perverts.

Forget it. Ever heard of Malcolm Wallace? A trouble shooter for LBJ. What were HIS prints doing in the Depository? He did not work there? And he was NOT in the "Movie".
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

Literally no one agrees with you on this.

Only the very gullible still have faith in the Warren Report.

Wrong it is unchallenged and that is not faith it is fact based on evidence,

You cannot demonstrate any falsehoods lies or major errors in the report

The are more problems with the warren report than errors or lies in the arena of what was not said and what was not investigated etc.

Anybody who buys the Warren Commission Report really ought to get a free bridge thrown in with it.
If only to connect some of the far-flung dots therein.

Not the topic here though. Soupy Sales is trying to derail.
Those buying the free bridge are those like YOU who never read it but think it hsas been proven wrong. You cannot challenge it. And I did not start this line of discussion. So you are a a liar

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. We've been down this set of tracks before, and you just proved me right.
I can see y'all have been flogging this dead horse all afternoon while I was out, because I get Every. Fucking. Post. as an alert because y'all keep piling on a quote nest where my name was back when the thread was actually ON the topic. I've skipped right past all of them EXACTLY BECAUSE it ain't the topic here, no matter how much you try to derail it there with your puerile ad hom storm.

However I do agree that the report "hsas been proven wrong" so that diversion seems to be settled anyway. We can all agree, and even so can the Warren Report, that the JFK Assassination did not take place in Nashville two days ago.

It has never been proven wrong.

The fact is the lying bullshit is what you are spewing get this straight boy the quote nest PROVES i did not start this discussion now take your lyiing little cowardly and functionally illiterate ass elsewhere

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