Anthony Weiner Caught Again In Sexting Scandal.

Weiner cheats by exchanging soft core porn pics.

Trump's history of cheating consists of actual penis in actual vagina.

But according to the Trumptards, Weiner is the bigger villain. Unreal.

Trumps wife actually does those soft core porn pics

Yet the wife of a Presidential candidate gets a free pass, while the husband of a Presidential aid enrages the right
I am guessing that a word that I can't say is what this man wants to be known for...but with a name like his last one, what are we supposed to expect?

God bless you always!!!

The DOUBLE STANDARD applied by the "US media."

If Weiner had been Republican, he'd be part of a "war on women" and the media would cover it as if every Republican was guilty of the same thing...
It's not the media, it's the Democrats. The media reports controversial topics because controversy sells.
Weiner cheats by exchanging soft core porn pics.

Trump's history of cheating consists of actual penis in actual vagina.

But according to the Trumptards, Weiner is the bigger villain. Unreal.

Trumps wife actually does those soft core porn pics

Yet the wife of a Presidential candidate gets a free pass, while the husband of a Presidential aid enrages the right

And the same guy who splashed "best sex I've ever had -- Marla Maples" (while still married to Ivanka), made up an imaginary spokesperson (two of them) to buff up his sexual mythology --- and then admitted to making up "John Miller" and "John Barron" ------ and then denied it again after already having admitted it.

It's like reality is a black hole to this retard.
While his wife, (aka, Hillary's Girlfriend) Huma Abedin, travels the country campaigning for Madom Hillary Clinton, the disgraced ex-congressman, and well known Pervert has been busy sexting with a busty brunette out West and even sent her a lurid crotch shot of himself in an "excited, and arroused" position, with his toddler son in the picture, As The New York Post has published.

Uhh.... how is this "Politics"?
Because these are a portion of the people that have been in DC doing whatever they want. The "we the people" who's tax payer funds need to know what they are or are not supporting and who they may need to get out of the political policy making scene completely.

That doesn't answer the question at all.

Again the question is ---- "HOW is this 'Politics'?
Its all relevant as that is what politics does these days. Nothing is private. Private property and private information isn't even private anymore as it can be taken at any time by whomever is in control of the candy store at whichever point in time it is co-opted or twisted into public property, business or whatever. That is the way the Democrats wanted it and some of the Republicans wanted it that away that too. Its the same as wth does Trump's wife's old pictures have to do with his running for president? The circus continues and dumb ass media outlets keep this going so it is all sideshow now and if the truth is reported it is just "hate", "bigotry", "discrimination" or whatever label is in vogue at the moment. You know what the real kicker is? Wall Street has the governments blessing on keeping the masses ignorant that it is their taxes, retirement and investment funds supporting a lot of these propaganda twats. The tabloids may as well get in on it and make a few bucks too.

ALL irrelevant. It still has nothing to do with Politics. Period.
All the trash tabloids in the world can splash it --- that doesn't mean it's a real story. It's only a real story if people BUY that it's a real story.

I'm asking for anyone to demonstrate HOW it's a real story.
Not "how many media sources cover it", not how much splash it gets --- but WHY it matters.

No one can answer that. Because it doesn't. Even less in this case -- Weiner doesn't hold an office and isn't running for one, nor is what he's accused of even illegal anyway. So there's literally no way to answer that question without a dumptruck full of fallacies.
What office does Weinerman hold then?

No? What office is he running for?

When or if he does, i'm sure you'll be supporting him. It's how you roll.

So you have no answer.


I gave you an answer, you just didn't like the answer. You'll be supporting him when or if he does run for office. Just stating fact.

No, you did not. You gave a speculation fallacy based on nothing. A speculation which is impossible anyway since I have never lived in New York and never would.

Your question is -- WHAT OFFICE does Weinerman hold? OR -- What office is he RUNNING for?

You have no answer. Move along now, people are waiting in line.

There's speculation out there that he'll be running for something. And like i said, you'll be supporting him. Being a degenerate perv doesn't hurt him with y'all Democrat Voters. It is how y'all roll.

Speculation plus $2.75 will buy you a disinterested look from a Starbucks barista. It's the same as saying "I got nothing".

And again, I don't live anywhere near New York, nor am I a "Democrat". Again, you have nothing. Actually since you make up shit that can't possibly exist, you got less than nothing --- you're in the negative.

Can you dig it?

ALL irrelevant.

While his wife, (aka, Hillary's Girlfriend) Huma Abedin, travels the country campaigning for Madom Hillary Clinton, the disgraced ex-congressman, and well known Pervert has been busy sexting with a busty brunette out West and even sent her a lurid crotch shot of himself in an "excited, and arroused" position, with his toddler son in the picture, As The New York Post has published.

Uhh.... how is this "Politics"?
Because these are a portion of the people that have been in DC doing whatever they want. The "we the people" who's tax payer funds need to know what they are or are not supporting and who they may need to get out of the political policy making scene completely.

That doesn't answer the question at all.

Again the question is ---- "HOW is this 'Politics'?
Its all relevant as that is what politics does these days. Nothing is private. Private property and private information isn't even private anymore as it can be taken at any time by whomever is in control of the candy store at whichever point in time it is co-opted or twisted into public property, business or whatever. That is the way the Democrats wanted it and some of the Republicans wanted it that away that too. Its the same as wth does Trump's wife's old pictures have to do with his running for president? The circus continues and dumb ass media outlets keep this going so it is all sideshow now and if the truth is reported it is just "hate", "bigotry", "discrimination" or whatever label is in vogue at the moment. You know what the real kicker is? Wall Street has the governments blessing on keeping the masses ignorant that it is their taxes, retirement and investment funds supporting a lot of these propaganda twats. The tabloids may as well get in on it and make a few bucks too.

ALL irrelevant. It still has nothing to do with Politics. Period.
All the trash tabloids in the world can splash it --- that doesn't mean it's a real story. It's only a real story if people BUY that it's a real story.

I'm asking for anyone to demonstrate HOW it's a real story.
Not "how many media sources cover it", not how much splash it gets --- but WHY it matters.

No one can answer that. Because it doesn't. Even less in this case -- Weiner doesn't hold an office and isn't running for one, nor is what he's accused of even illegal anyway. So there's literally no way to answer that question without a dumptruck full of fallacies.
You are blinded and cannot see how everything has been turned into something political. Its almost virtual all trash at this point as the players play the people to buy into their virtual and fake garbage. Very few decent people get involved in politics or business anymore because of all of the political trash.
Ex-Congressman Weiner embroiled in new sexting scandal | Fox News

Former Congressman and New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner sent explicit photos to a woman multiple times over the past 19 months, according to a New York Post report published late Sunday.

Weiner, who is married to Hillary Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin, also admitted to sexually fantasizing and masturbating about the unidentified woman, calling her "literally a fantasy chick," according to the report.

At least one of the photos Weiner sent the woman showed his underwear-clad crotch as his son Jordan slept next to him in bed.

Gosh. Taking pictures of your shortcomings while your soon sleeps next to you. This boy needs an intervention!

fake news must be getting nervous that anthony's going to run against dumb donald's idiot son.
May I inquire why you would stand behind this man?

He has repeatedly exposed himself and it cost him his career.

Huma Abiden should have parted ways with this POS a long time ago.

You cheer him on, belittling her in the process.

We're I to do this to my wife I would have been out on my ass.

Have you no respect for this woman?

For the sanctity of their marriage?

The war on women. With your approval.
Ex-Congressman Weiner embroiled in new sexting scandal | Fox News

Former Congressman and New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner sent explicit photos to a woman multiple times over the past 19 months, according to a New York Post report published late Sunday.

Weiner, who is married to Hillary Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin, also admitted to sexually fantasizing and masturbating about the unidentified woman, calling her "literally a fantasy chick," according to the report.

At least one of the photos Weiner sent the woman showed his underwear-clad crotch as his son Jordan slept next to him in bed.

Gosh. Taking pictures of your shortcomings while your soon sleeps next to you. This boy needs an intervention!

fake news must be getting nervous that anthony's going to run against dumb donald's idiot son.
You get crazier everyday.
She is a retarded lib.

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