Anthony Weiner Will Receive A Lifelong Pension Paid By Your Taxes

As will all of them - most of whom are multi-millionaires. What you thought there was actually justice in the U.S. Congress? Now that's a laugh. Just because Weiner resigned doesn't mean he gave up his key to the Good Old Boy's Executive Locker Room or any of the other percs. He and his family will also be fully covered by that terrible socialized medicine so many were against for themselves.
I guess if authorities caught a 13-year into his career Catholic Priest SEXting 17 year olds and prostitutes, and he simply resigned and went into "treatment," - Libs would accept it and just move on. And his pension would be legit, he'd go unpunished, etc.

If that's the way I am reading these Liberal posts here.... it's his "private life," so whatever he chooses to do is AOK!

Somehow I can't grasp the logic in that line of thinking.

And please spare us the REPUBLICAN Larry Craig comparo. Perversion is perversion. And these latest picks of Weener in panties - now that's just sick.

He's a freaking pervert. I'd keep him away from my Grandkids - especially the young female ones.

Democrats would really rather Weiner step down if for nothing more than the freaking weiner jokes day after day. We want to save him from himself.

I did indeed offer up Larry Craig as a R example of perversion.

He's was one of "our guys," until he was busted for perversion. That made him a pervert. Not a model citizen, elected to represent his constituency.
Woops - sorry Sarah if I messed up your quote - I was cutting and pasting, and apparently, cut out some of your response.
Anthony Weiner Will Receive A Lifelong Pension Paid By Your Taxes

Not a lifelong pension.....a pension he will be eligible for when he turns 62

Also a pension he paid into. Approximately 12% of his salary
How's does that make you feel about the DEMOCRAT Anthony Weiner?

Remember this when you are asked to vote Democrat in 2012.....

REPUBLICAN Newt Gingrich had his wife served with divorce papers so he could run off with his girlfriend. His wife was dying of cancer at the time.

Remember this when you are asked to vote Republican in 2012 . . . .

I know, I know . . . Newt isn't asking for a pension (yet). My post here is not about pensions. Rather, it is about generalizing about an entire political party based on the actions of one person.
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US Congress Salaries and Benefits – Salaries and Benefits of US Congress Members
Members of Congress are not eligible for a pension until they reach the age of 50, but only if they've completed 20 years of service. Members are eligible at any age after completing 25 years of service or after they reach the age of 62. Please also note that Member's of Congress have to serve at least 5 years to even receive a pension.

The amount of a Congressperson's pension depends on the years of service and the average of the highest 3 years of his or her salary. By law, the starting amount of a Member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80% of his or her final salary.

According to the Congressional Research Service, 413 retired Members of Congress were receiving federal pensions based fully or in part on their congressional service as of Oct. 1, 2006. Of this number, 290 had retired under CSRS and were receiving an average annual pension of $60,972. A total of 123 Members had retired with service under both CSRS and FERS or with service under FERS only. Their average annual pension was $35,952 in 2006.
How's does that make you feel about the DEMOCRAT Anthony Weiner?

Remember this when you are asked to vote Democrat in 2012.....

REPUBLICAN Newt Gingrich had his wife served with divorce papers so he could run off with his girlfriend. His wife was dying of cancer at the time.

Remember this when you are asked to vote Republican in 2012 . . . .

I know, I know . . . Newt isn't asking for a pension (yet). My post here is not about pensions. Rather, it is about generalizing about an entire political party based on the actions of one person.
I'm sure Newtie is receiving a Congressional pension.

And he left Wife #2, Marianne, when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
Weiner deserves the pension....just like any other politicians that put in their time serving our nation.

Fine. He can use it to pay for his lifelong prison term.

He's had a wild ride corrupting the dignity of the Senate at taxpayer expense.
He will get a small pension when he reaches retirement age. He gets ZERO until then. He has no healthcare either.
At 46, Weiner will not be eligible for his pension for another decade, at which point he could begin drawing a reduced rate of $32,357 a year, according to the NTU. If he waits until age 62 to begin drawing his pension, he will receive his full benefits, or $46,224, according to the NTU’s calculations

That is not a lot of money. Especially for someone living in New York.
I guess if authorities caught a 13-year into his career Catholic Priest SEXting 17 year olds and prostitutes, and he simply resigned and went into "treatment," - Libs would accept it and just move on. And his pension would be legit, he'd go unpunished, etc.

If that's the way I am reading these Liberal posts here.... it's his "private life," so whatever he chooses to do is AOK!

Somehow I can't grasp the logic in that line of thinking.

And please spare us the REPUBLICAN Larry Craig comparo. Perversion is perversion. And these latest picks of Weener in panties - now that's just sick.

He's a freaking pervert. I'd keep him away from my Grandkids - especially the young female ones.

If Weiner had been "sexting" a 17-year old, you'd have a point.
Weiner deserves the pension....just like any other politicians that put in their time serving our nation.
Agreed. But what are the rules (IF ANY), that would preclude a member from garnering them?
Conviction, I believe. I don't think that Randy 'Duke' Cunningham (R) is receiving a pension while in prison.

Tom DeLay (R) may have lost his, also.

Same with James Traficant (D).

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