Anthony Weiner Will Receive A Lifelong Pension Paid By Your Taxes

"Under The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, the Federal Employee Retirement System Act was amended to exclude Members convicted of certain crimes, including bribery, espionage, fraud, racketeering, and perjury.

However, the law only applies to felonies committed after the law’s enactment in September 2007."
So what's the argument here, that pension plans for members of congress should be reformed?

And no, not that kind of 'member'. :razz:
How's does that make you feel about the DEMOCRAT Anthony Weiner?

Remember this when you are asked to vote Democrat in 2012.....

It makes me feel like he's like every other Congressmen. Is he getting special treatment, or are you just trying to sensationalize that the fact that he'll get one by ignoring that so does everyone else? Congress has hosted far worse than someone who sexted some pictures.
IMO, the American people should do a lock-out of The Senate and Congress and form picket lines around the building. I bet ten to one they would send in the National Guard after anyone who did so. While they let the illegal aliens cross the border unchallenged.

I’d say the politicians are pretty worried about the Americans owning guns and talking to each other on the internet. Because they know they have screwed us and they'll be afraid of retaliation by the American people.
You can be sure if America and the media didn't throw a big fit over this, Anthony Weiner would be in Congress today voting and deciding whether or not to inspect horse meat for France and/or to give billions in food aid to foreign countries and cut WIC and aid to Native Americans in the U.S.
"Under The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, the Federal Employee Retirement System Act was amended to exclude Members convicted of certain crimes, including bribery, espionage, fraud, racketeering, and perjury.

However, the law only applies to felonies committed after the law’s enactment in September 2007."

There is considerable investigation going on right now about him asking a former girlfriend to lie about her relationship to him by not saying anything to authorities. It is not clear whether omissions apply to obstruction.

If it is obstruction of justice, Weiner could be toast, top and bottom for his little galpal coaching job.
"Under The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, the Federal Employee Retirement System Act was amended to exclude Members convicted of certain crimes, including bribery, espionage, fraud, racketeering, and perjury.

However, the law only applies to felonies committed after the law’s enactment in September 2007."

I know what Weiner is accused of is despicable, but he did serve/work in Congress since 1999. He also served on the NY City Council for 6 years. He is entitled to a pension, not a full one but he is entitled to one.

Weiner won't get much anyway. In order to get anything substantial he must serve in Congress for at least 20 years, he has not.
I would like to see a link (a valid one, please) verifying that.

I say that because I recall reading a few years ago that House members had to serve for 18 years before they qaulified for a full pension. - News : Does everyone in Congress get a pension?

Looks like it's a reduced benefit plan..

Reduced pensions are available to Members at the minimum retirement age of 55 to 57 (depending on the year they were born) who have completed at least 10 years of service.

In any case..what's the problem here?
Weiner has only been in for 8 years, I believe.
well then where's your link and make it a valid one

I read it a few years ago. Besides, I'm not going to do the work for the OP. If his claim is true, he should back it up. Until then, as far as I'm concerned, he hasn't backed up his assertion.

Edit to ad: I believe that one of the reasons the qualifying time was 18 years was because it represented 3 full terms in the Senate and 9 full terms as a House member.

you haven't proved your assertion.
Neither has the OP, crank.

Why is your bullshit so fucking selective?
Dems need to take economic lessons from the right. At least Vitter injected money into the economy with his diaper and hooker fetish. Reps actually create jobs with their sexual escapades, unlike freeloading Dems.

However, Weiner is just another freeloading lib, committing a sexual offense without being economically aware.

And without the actual sex!

Looks like it's a reduced benefit plan..

Reduced pensions are available to Members at the minimum retirement age of 55 to 57 (depending on the year they were born) who have completed at least 10 years of service.

In any case..what's the problem here?
Weiner has only been in for 8 years, I believe.

Anthony David Weiner (pronounced /ˈwiːnər/; born September 4, 1964) is a former U.S. Representative for New York's 9th congressional district, who served from 1999 to 2011.

My math says 12 years....
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I guess if authorities caught a 13-year into his career Catholic Priest SEXting 17 year olds and prostitutes, and he simply resigned and went into "treatment," - Libs would accept it and just move on. And his pension would be legit, he'd go unpunished, etc.

If that's the way I am reading these Liberal posts here.... it's his "private life," so whatever he chooses to do is AOK!

Somehow I can't grasp the logic in that line of thinking.

And please spare us the REPUBLICAN Larry Craig comparo. Perversion is perversion. And these latest picks of Weener in panties - now that's just sick.

He's a freaking pervert. I'd keep him away from my Grandkids - especially the young female ones.
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I guess if authorities caught a 13-year into his career Catholic Priest SEXting 17 year olds and prostitutes, and he simply resigned and went into "treatment," - Libs would accept it and just move on. And his pension would be legit, he'd go unpunished, etc.

If that's the way I am reading these Liberal posts here.... it's his "private life," so whatever he chooses to do is AOK!

Somehow I can't grasp the logic in that line of thinking.

And please spare us the REPUBLICAN Larry Craig comparo. Perversion is perversion. And these latest picks of Weener in panties - now that's just sick.

He's a freaking pervert. I'd keep him away from my Grandkids - especially the young female ones.

You don't like the comparisons? I like that, you all are only too happy to bring the subject up but don't anyone mention anything our guys did.

Democrats would really rather Weiner step down if for nothing more than the freaking weiner jokes day after day. We want to save him from himself.

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