Anti ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into micro pocket civil war Sunday

BAKED ALASKA just confirmed this EVENT is not about RACE, it is not WHITE S.

It is about MONUMENTS and ANTIFA is going to deface these Historical Monuments

bother listening to his video maybe we wouldn't have so many clueless fkn dumb asses...


You can quote whatever Twitter posters you like, it won't change the fact that this is a white power rally.
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NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.

Where will you be? My guess is you will be as far away from NOLA as a bus will take you. BTW, how'd David Koresh's civil war work out? How about Donald DeFreeze (Cinque's) civil war work out.

The idiot fringe is no serious threat to civil authority, especially when SWAT - well trained and equipped with military grade weapons and command and control sets up office.

Hopefully they can keep the idiot left from causing trouble.

Oh, those scary leftists might disturb your KKK rally?

Better get the cops to protect you!
‘Battle Of New Orleans’ Promises Armed Battle In City On Sunday
New Orleans, Louisiana – The “Battle Of New Orleans” on Sunday promises to be an armed confrontation between fringe groups on the right and the left, with some calling this the start of a new civil war. Busloads of armed extremists on both sides are reportedly heading to New Orleans, ready for an armed confrontation.

'Battle Of New Orleans' Promises Armed Battle In City On Sunday
We can only hope.
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NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.

Where will you be? My guess is you will be as far away from NOLA as a bus will take you. BTW, how'd David Koresh's civil war work out? How about Donald DeFreeze (Cinque's) civil war work out.

The idiot fringe is no serious threat to civil authority, especially when SWAT - well trained and equipped with military grade weapons and command and control sets up office.


They know what you don't

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Baked Alaska @bakedalaska
View attachment 125183

NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.

Where will you be? My guess is you will be as far away from NOLA as a bus will take you. BTW, how'd David Koresh's civil war work out? How about Donald DeFreeze (Cinque's) civil war work out.

The idiot fringe is no serious threat to civil authority, especially when SWAT - well trained and equipped with military grade weapons and command and control sets up office.

Hopefully they can keep the idiot left from causing trouble.

These mods must be IN ANTIFA look at them LMFAO!!!

Thanks for stopping and look at these MODS all ganging up on me too , SHOWS what SIDE OF THE FENCE they're on....
Now you know why more than half my shit ends up on CONSPIRACY

DEMOCRATIC LEFTIST CLINTON and OBAMA lovers all act alike , think alike, liars, cheaters, scammers, and love being able to control people.

ANTFIA always makes death threats, ANTIFA always get violent and there are dozen of videos to prove it.
FREEDOM FIGHTERS, UNLIKE those who are jumping all over me tonight. Awww look at the ANTIFA FKS GO.

View attachment 125183

NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.

Where will you be? My guess is you will be as far away from NOLA as a bus will take you. BTW, how'd David Koresh's civil war work out? How about Donald DeFreeze (Cinque's) civil war work out.

The idiot fringe is no serious threat to civil authority, especially when SWAT - well trained and equipped with military grade weapons and command and control sets up office.

Hopefully they can keep the idiot left from causing trouble.

Oh, those scary leftists might disturb your KKK rally?

Better get the cops to protect you!

Yeah baked Alaska, said they are multiple
groups going down there to protect these monuments from ANTIFA. and MSM has it all twisted up into a bunch of bs lies. Typical of leftist gawd dam morons.[/QUOTE]
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?

Well that's how it goes when you have TWO MODS jump you , they're good at pulling the pissed button lol. Then my rant goes off. LOL

Well it's probably time for a new war now a few hundred years we're over due.
View attachment 125183

NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.

Where will you be? My guess is you will be as far away from NOLA as a bus will take you. BTW, how'd David Koresh's civil war work out? How about Donald DeFreeze (Cinque's) civil war work out.

The idiot fringe is no serious threat to civil authority, especially when SWAT - well trained and equipped with military grade weapons and command and control sets up office.

Hopefully they can keep the idiot left from causing trouble.

Oh, those scary leftists might disturb your KKK rally?

Better get the cops to protect you!

Yeah baked Alaska, said they are multipleView attachment 125219 groups going down there to protect these monuments from ANTIFA. and MSM has it all twisted up into a bunch of bs lies. Typical of leftist gawd dam morons.
Leave confederate monuments alone.
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?

Well that's how it goes when you have TWO MODS jump you , they're good at pulling the pissed button lol. Then my rant goes off. LOL

Well it's probably time for a new war now a few hundred years we're over due.
Antifa stands for " liberal crybaby."
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?

Well that's how it goes when you have TWO MODS jump you , they're good at pulling the pissed button lol. Then my rant goes off. LOL

Well it's probably time for a new war now a few hundred years we're over due.

Antifa stands for " liberal crybaby."

The odd and very vocal set (set, a group of like things/people) sure like to use a word to obfuscate what they truly are. We've seen them accuse liberals, progressives, RINO's, Democrats, in fact anyone who does not echo their ideology built on hate, fear and greed as being what they are; what they are, are mendacious and disaffected callous curmudgeons.

Those who use the word "war" in a manner which suggest glee have never seen the elephant. Those who have, or have seen the results understand understand William Tecumseh Sherman's comment, "War is Hell". The Internet is the playground for bullies, mostly cowardly adults whose maturity is retarded.
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?

Well that's how it goes when you have TWO MODS jump you , they're good at pulling the pissed button lol. Then my rant goes off. LOL

Well it's probably time for a new war now a few hundred years we're over due.

Antifa stands for " liberal crybaby."

The odd and very vocal set (set, a group of like things/people) sure like to use a word to obfuscate what they truly are. We've seen them accuse liberals, progressives, RINO's, Democrats, in fact anyone who does not echo their ideology built on hate, fear and greed as being what they are; what they are, are mendacious and disaffected callous curmudgeons.

Those who use the word "war" in a manner which suggest glee have never seen the elephant. Those who have, or have seen the results understand understand William Tecumseh Sherman's comment, "War is Hell". The Internet is the playground for bullies, mostly cowardly adults whose maturity is retarded.
"Hate, fear, and greed." That's how liberals attempt to shut down free speech. War is hell. Been there, done that. But it has been a part of mankind since our creation and it is often a necessary thing.
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?

Well that's how it goes when you have TWO MODS jump you , they're good at pulling the pissed button lol. Then my rant goes off. LOL

Well it's probably time for a new war now a few hundred years we're over due.

Antifa stands for " liberal crybaby."

The odd and very vocal set (set, a group of like things/people) sure like to use a word to obfuscate what they truly are. We've seen them accuse liberals, progressives, RINO's, Democrats, in fact anyone who does not echo their ideology built on hate, fear and greed as being what they are; what they are, are mendacious and disaffected callous curmudgeons.

Those who use the word "war" in a manner which suggest glee have never seen the elephant. Those who have, or have seen the results understand understand William Tecumseh Sherman's comment, "War is Hell". The Internet is the playground for bullies, mostly cowardly adults whose maturity is retarded.

"Hate, fear, and greed." That's how liberals attempt to shut down free speech. War is hell. Been there, done that. But it has been a part of mankind since our creation and it is often a necessary thing.

There you go, offering evidence that the set noted in my post's claim has merit. (l)iberals, known as, "bleeding hearts" have empathy, you and other callous conservatives - as well as many criminals - do not.
Breaking News:

Black Confederacy Supporters Protect Jefferson Davis Monument in New Orleans from Antifa Terrorists

Look Who’s Protecting the Jefferson Davis Monument in New Orleans


And here are a couple of videos calling for anti-protestors to keep the antifa idiots from tearing down Confederate monuments:


It’ll be interesting to see what happens. More of the story @ Black Confederacy Supporters Protect Jefferson Davis Monument in New Orleans from Antifa Terrorists
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?

Do you have the faintest idea what Fascist is and where it came from? Probably not.
If I understand English grammar, wouldn't 'anti ANTIFA' actually mean pro-Fascist? Furthermore, if I understand history, didn't we fight a war to rid the earth of Fascism back in the middle of the 20th century?

Do you have the faintest idea what Fascist is and where it came from? Probably not.

There is no Fascist, there have been fascists and there our commonalities, but no Fascist Party exists which claims to be one. I hope that's not too abstract for you, considering your image above claims "communists are attacking innocent patriots..".

Trump's behavior is that of a fascist, notwithstanding the hysteria when last posted, but the bullet points in the "14 points of fascism"*** are clearly a road map for following the Trump Presidency from day one:


There may be a few communists out and about but I've yet to see or hear any group advocating communism in any of its iterations. The left has its idiot fringe, but so does the right, and in this new century the New Right (Trump supporters) are proudly supporting neo fascism.

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