Anti-Choice fanatics just firebombed a school

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
All because of that stupid heavily edited propaganda hit piece. Now do you see how "pro-life" these fuckers really are? They don't care about anyone's life unless that person is a fetus or agrees with them. They really don't. Literally the only side even being honest in this fight are the pro-liberty real Americans. That's it. The anti-women crowd just want to control your mind with bombastic propaganda and hate.
No link or anything...

We better do something about these white christian terrorists , everything should be on the table in how to deal with them
Of course planned parenthood doesn't sell baby parts. They give the parts away and just charge shipping and handling. The same way it works on tv.
All because of that stupid heavily edited propaganda hit piece. Now do you see how "pro-life" these fuckers really are? They don't care about anyone's life unless that person is a fetus or agrees with them. They really don't. Literally the only side even being honest in this fight are the pro-liberty real Americans. That's it. The anti-women crowd just want to control your mind with bombastic propaganda and hate.

Dear Pedro de San Patricio
The Patriarchal Politicians on the Left/Prochoice/Democrat side are JUST as SEXIST if not more.
Look at Clinton, look at Obama's statements about his own daughter, as if HE is going to decide for HER.

The whole ACA is anti-choice.
So the Politicians on the Left HIJACK the
women's pink vote the same way they abuse the
* Green vote
* Black vote
* Latino vote
* Health care vote
The Politicians only use these issues for Talking Points and election votes.

The real left has been fighting an uphill battle to stop this hijacking and "pimping the vote" business,
that BOTH sides know has been going on.

It looks like the Gay vote actually got legislation to pass and not just "talk the talk"
but all the other groups just get used and abused for their votes and not get anywhere.

The Sexist issues within the political ranks are especially corrupted and abusive.
Because nobody in the party is allowed to speak out against their own,
so it becomes INCESTUOUS where the corruption is hidden and brushed under the rug.

Not allowed to badmouth Clinton or anyone.
So of course any issues of sexism are going to get totally denied censored and silenced.

The party leaders only speak out on prochoice issues to get elected,
same with how the Republican party politicians abuse the prolife vote.
A bunch of rhetoric, but when it comes to real help to prevent abortion
and to help women stop rape, abuse bullying, the "patriarchal politics" is more
important and nobody will take responsibility or leadership on the real solutions.

What gets people points in the media is BLAMING the other party for something
then claiming to be for the solution, even without solving anything. Just label
the other side something negative, campaign for the opposite LABEL and that's what elections focus on.

Just political image, not content of any real longterm sustainable collaborative solutions
that will take working together, not tearing each other and the nation apart!
Hint to the radical rightwingers: You're not gonna win anyone to your radical cause by lying while grossing them out.

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All because of that stupid heavily edited propaganda hit piece. Now do you see how "pro-life" these fuckers really are? They don't care about anyone's life unless that person is a fetus or agrees with them. They really don't. Literally the only side even being honest in this fight are the pro-liberty real Americans. That's it. The anti-women crowd just want to control your mind with bombastic propaganda and hate.

What are you talking
Hint to the radical rightwingers: You're not gonna win anyone to your radical cause by lying while grossing them out.

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You mean by showing the babies and how they were murdered.....?
Hey pro-'choicers' ... tell me, exactly what do you think abortion does? Be specific. It ends a pregnancy, yeah yeah. How? Be really specific.

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