Anti-Czar Bill Proposed.


Aut libertas aut mors
Aug 2, 2009
"On July 15, with little fanfare, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) introduced the Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009,* written to prohibit taxpayer funds from paying the salaries at “any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of the President and headed by an individual who has been inappropriately appointed to such position (on other than an interim basis), without the advice and consent of the Senate.”

The Washington Independent » House Anti-’Czar’ Bill Gets 35 GOP Sponsors, May Get 35 More Today

Text of the proposed bill

GovTrack: H.R. 3226: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House

Are you Yay or Nay?
Where were Republicans giving a fuck about this when Dubya and Reagan had Czars? :eusa_eh:

Also, this would be hilarious if it passed, because The War on Drugs that Republicans and Reagan really helped spar head would be without a Czar. :lol:
"on july 15, with little fanfare, rep. Jack kingston (r-ga.) introduced the czar accountability and reform (czar) act of 2009,* written to prohibit taxpayer funds from paying the salaries at “any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of the president and headed by an individual who has been inappropriately appointed to such position (on other than an interim basis), without the advice and consent of the senate.”

the washington independent » house anti-’czar’ bill gets 35 gop sponsors, may get 35 more today

text of the proposed bill

govtrack: H.r. 3226: Text of legislation, introduced in house

are you yay or nay?

Where were Republicans giving a fuck about this when Dubya and Reagan had Czars? :eusa_eh:

Also, this would be hilarious if it passed, because The War on Drugs that Republicans and Reagan really helped spar head would be without a Czar. :lol:

I cannot and will not speak for other people on this matter. I have always been against czars and the creation of new offices and such, without the approval of the Senate. I am a stickler for things like that.

Did you bother to read the proposed bill?
Without having read the actual text of the bill, I'd say I'm for it. However, it shouldn't be necessary in the first place.
"on july 15, with little fanfare, rep. Jack kingston (r-ga.) introduced the czar accountability and reform (czar) act of 2009,* written to prohibit taxpayer funds from paying the salaries at “any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of the president and headed by an individual who has been inappropriately appointed to such position (on other than an interim basis), without the advice and consent of the senate.”

the washington independent » house anti-’czar’ bill gets 35 gop sponsors, may get 35 more today

text of the proposed bill

govtrack: H.r. 3226: Text of legislation, introduced in house

are you yay or nay?


Why nay?
Without having read the actual text of the bill, I'd say I'm for it. However, it shouldn't be necessary in the first place.

Read the bill Kevin. It will take you less than 3 minutes. I agree though. It shouldn't be necessary.
"on july 15, with little fanfare, rep. Jack kingston (r-ga.) introduced the czar accountability and reform (czar) act of 2009,* written to prohibit taxpayer funds from paying the salaries at “any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of the president and headed by an individual who has been inappropriately appointed to such position (on other than an interim basis), without the advice and consent of the senate.”

the washington independent » house anti-’czar’ bill gets 35 gop sponsors, may get 35 more today

text of the proposed bill

govtrack: H.r. 3226: Text of legislation, introduced in house

are you yay or nay?


Why nay?

just being difficult:razz:
"On July 15, with little fanfare, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) introduced the Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009,* written to prohibit taxpayer funds from paying the salaries at “any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of the President and headed by an individual who has been inappropriately appointed to such position (on other than an interim basis), without the advice and consent of the Senate.”

The Washington Independent » House Anti-’Czar’ Bill Gets 35 GOP Sponsors, May Get 35 More Today

Text of the proposed bill

GovTrack: H.R. 3226: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House

Are you Yay or Nay?

I am for investigating who the czars are and making the czars accountable to the people through the congress (not that congress is accountable to us but they will be after a few more elections).
The Czar of nonsense

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama's spiritual mentor -- is back in the news. Responding to a question about the health care debate, Wright opined that "racist right-wingers are upset because poor people are about to the helped."

But the vast majority of poor American citizens have health insurance, and the various reform proposals being pushed by the Democrats are not confined to expanding coverage for the poor and near-poor.

In any event, "racist right-wingers" are not the reason why Democratic reform programs haven't passed. Both chambers of Congress are controlled by Democrats, so it's Obama's failure to persuade them to sign on that is blocking passage.

But for Wright, America itself -- nothwithstanding the election of his spiritual disciple to its highest office and the provision of free health care to most poor people -- is a racist, right-wing country.

UPDATE: According to Keith Hennessey, there are about 6.5 million poor and near-poor Ameircans who have insurance but are deemed uninsured because, although enrolled in Medicaid or S-CHIP, they didn't tell the census taker. There are an additional 4.5 million poor and near-poor who are eligible for Medicaid or S-CHIP but have not enrolled. If they need care, the hospital or clinic generally enrolls them.

Clearly, those racist right-wingers will stop at nothing to hurt poor people.
The Czar of nonsense

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, President Obama's spiritual mentor -- is back in the news. Responding to a question about the health care debate, Wright opined that "racist right-wingers are upset because poor people are about to the helped."

But the vast majority of poor American citizens have health insurance, and the various reform proposals being pushed by the Democrats are not confined to expanding coverage for the poor and near-poor.

In any event, "racist right-wingers" are not the reason why Democratic reform programs haven't passed. Both chambers of Congress are controlled by Democrats, so it's Obama's failure to persuade them to sign on that is blocking passage.

But for Wright, America itself -- nothwithstanding the election of his spiritual disciple to its highest office and the provision of free health care to most poor people -- is a racist, right-wing country.

UPDATE: According to Keith Hennessey, there are about 6.5 million poor and near-poor Ameircans who have insurance but are deemed uninsured because, although enrolled in Medicaid or S-CHIP, they didn't tell the census taker. There are an additional 4.5 million poor and near-poor who are eligible for Medicaid or S-CHIP but have not enrolled. If they need care, the hospital or clinic generally enrolls them.

Clearly, those racist right-wingers will stop at nothing to hurt poor people.

What does your post have to do with the actual subject of the thread?
"On July 15, with little fanfare, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) introduced the Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009,* written to prohibit taxpayer funds from paying the salaries at “any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of the President and headed by an individual who has been inappropriately appointed to such position (on other than an interim basis), without the advice and consent of the Senate.”

The Washington Independent » House Anti-’Czar’ Bill Gets 35 GOP Sponsors, May Get 35 More Today

Text of the proposed bill

GovTrack: H.R. 3226: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House

Are you Yay or Nay?

I'm for you go fuck yourself sparky. Obama is still weeding out the criminals and baffoons from Bush's crime wave. "Nice Job Brownie".
"On July 15, with little fanfare, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) introduced the Czar Accountability and Reform (CZAR) Act of 2009,* written to prohibit taxpayer funds from paying the salaries at “any task force, council, or similar office which is established by or at the direction of the President and headed by an individual who has been inappropriately appointed to such position (on other than an interim basis), without the advice and consent of the Senate.”

The Washington Independent » House Anti-’Czar’ Bill Gets 35 GOP Sponsors, May Get 35 More Today

Text of the proposed bill

GovTrack: H.R. 3226: Text of Legislation, Introduced in House

Are you Yay or Nay?

I'm for you go fuck yourself sparky. Obama is still weeding out the criminals and baffoons from Bush's crime wave. "Nice Job Brownie".

Will you be constructing a post that actually addresses the subject of the thread anytime this week, or continuing on with childish insults and rambling thoughts?

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