Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?

freedom of speech can be limited in schools. and anti-bullying laws are totally appropriate. the school shouldn't create an environment where it is ok to bully gay teens. this is both because again, kids shouldn't be bullied in school; and b) the rate of attempted suicide for gay kids is about 50%; for transgendered kids it's far higher.

the schools should do anti-bullying programs...not allow people to be victimized by school mates.
Sounds like bullying.

But forcing someone to approve of a lifestyle they don't isn't?
I'm not seeing how not allowing those stickers is forcing someone to accept a lifestyle. It would be no different than putting up stickers that said no straights, or no blacks, no Christians, or no whatevers. It's divisive and bullyish.

What if some kids had a #BlackLivesMatter sticker on their ID card and we're forced to remove it?? Would that be ok?

It's a school ID card so I say no stickers at all.

But....if students are allowed to put #BlackLivesMatter or pro gay symbols on display....than so should the students who want an anti gay marriage or confederate flag symbol.

I support an all or nothing approach on PUBLIC school property by the way. I'm 100% fine with banning the anti gay long as #BlackLivesMatter, Hillary or Trump, Dallas Cowboys or any other individual opinion sticker is banned also.

shut up, bigot. try posting something...anything that isn't an anti-black racist screed.

Freedom of expression....tolerate it.
To a point. Tolerance stops at Intolerance. And kids in school have limited Free Speech.

Tolerance stops at intolerance you say? cliche.

But you're an idiot. See....true intolerance involves physical removal and/or elimination.

Nazis showed intolerance towards Jews. They removed and killed them.
Radical Muslims like ISIS show intolerance by slaughter of any non Muslim near them.
Case in point.
I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?

freedom of speech can be limited in schools. and anti-bullying laws are totally appropriate. the school shouldn't create an environment where it is ok to bully gay teens. this is both because again, kids shouldn't be bullied in school; and b) the rate of attempted suicide for gay kids is about 50%; for transgendered kids it's far higher.

the schools should do anti-bullying programs...not allow people to be victimized by school mates.

I've been through actual bullying, and seeing a sticker that disagrees with your lifestyle or viewpoint, or any other part of your identity is not bullying.

Now, if you want to consider this a form of bullying, then yf they ban the one, they have to ban the other to be content neutral. after all, the sight of a pro-gay symbol can be harmful to the more religious students. They may feel pressure to wear or display the pro-gay symbols due to peer pressure, which of course some people do consider a form of bullying.
those poor poor poor pitiful homosexuals. they should be white people in this day and age. it's anti white this , anti white that, the freaking Oscars are being attacked for being TOO WHITE and the anti BS goes round and round
Many of them are white.
Freedom of expression....tolerate it.
To a point. Tolerance stops at Intolerance. And kids in school have limited Free Speech.

Tolerance stops at intolerance you say? cliche.

But you're an idiot. See....true intolerance involves physical removal and/or elimination.

Nazis showed intolerance towards Jews. They removed and killed them.
Radical Muslims like ISIS show intolerance by slaughter of any non Muslim near them.
Case in point.

I see you cut the rest off my post.

Disagreeing peacefully isn't "intolerance".
This purely a free speech and free expression issue for me. Besides, the day I get upset about a sticker is the day I find a rafter to hang myself from. lol
So no pro gay or anti gay stickers. Problem solved.

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You think schools havn't become indoctrination centers? Take this for an example where a damn sticker can almost close down the whole school.
Freedom of expression....tolerate it.
To a point. Tolerance stops at Intolerance. And kids in school have limited Free Speech.

Tolerance stops at intolerance you say? cliche.

But you're an idiot. See....true intolerance involves physical removal and/or elimination.

Nazis showed intolerance towards Jews. They removed and killed them.
Radical Muslims like ISIS show intolerance by slaughter of any non Muslim near them.
Case in point.

I see you cut the rest off my post.

Disagreeing peacefully isn't "intolerance".
Nope, depending upon where and when...
I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?

freedom of speech can be limited in schools. and anti-bullying laws are totally appropriate. the school shouldn't create an environment where it is ok to bully gay teens. this is both because again, kids shouldn't be bullied in school; and b) the rate of attempted suicide for gay kids is about 50%; for transgendered kids it's far higher.

the schools should do anti-bullying programs...not allow people to be victimized by school mates.

Expressing your opinion of disagreeing with homosexuality is no less bullying than expressing your opinion for it, as long as nobody is getting physically harmed or directly harassed.
This purely a free speech and free expression issue for me. Besides, the day I get upset about a sticker is the day I find a rafter to hang myself from. lol

Today's kids seem to be incredibly fragile compared to previous generations. These are the kids who get participation trophies.
This purely a free speech and free expression issue for me. Besides, the day I get upset about a sticker is the day I find a rafter to hang myself from. lol

Today's kids seem to be incredibly fragile compared to previous generations. These are the kids who get participation trophies.

It isn't just the kids. Outrage de jour is all the fashion with the overly-sensitive crybabies on this forum as well.
This purely a free speech and free expression issue for me. Besides, the day I get upset about a sticker is the day I find a rafter to hang myself from. lol

Today's kids seem to be incredibly fragile compared to previous generations. These are the kids who get participation trophies.

They're also killing themselves over the bullying they are receiving.
Sounds like bullying.

But forcing someone to approve of a lifestyle they don't isn't?
I'm not seeing how not allowing those stickers is forcing someone to accept a lifestyle. It would be no different than putting up stickers that said no straights, or no blacks, no Christians, or no whatevers. It's divisive and bullyish.

What if some kids had a #BlackLivesMatter sticker on their ID card and we're forced to remove it?? Would that be ok?

It's a school ID card so I say no stickers at all.

But....if students are allowed to put #BlackLivesMatter or pro gay symbols on display....than so should the students who want an anti gay marriage or confederate flag symbol.

I support an all or nothing approach on PUBLIC school property by the way. I'm 100% fine with banning the anti gay long as #BlackLivesMatter, Hillary or Trump, Dallas Cowboys or any other individual opinion sticker is banned also.
Thats the schools right but if youre trying to say its the same thing then you are guilty of a logical fallacy. That means you think its the same thing when its not. An anti gay sticker is attacking. A BLM sticker is protecting. Poor white guy. You arent the brightest but you do try. :itsok:
I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?
Yeah, this isn't "hate speech" I have to agree with you. They can express themselves as long as they aren't hurting anybody. I'd even say so called "hate speech" is protected. Given that I wouldn't even consider this hateful.
I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?

freedom of speech can be limited in schools. and anti-bullying laws are totally appropriate. the school shouldn't create an environment where it is ok to bully gay teens. this is both because again, kids shouldn't be bullied in school; and b) the rate of attempted suicide for gay kids is about 50%; for transgendered kids it's far higher.

the schools should do anti-bullying programs...not allow people to be victimized by school mates.

Expressing your opinion of disagreeing with homosexuality is no less bullying than expressing your opinion for it, as long as nobody is getting physically harmed or directly harassed.
Thats only if you think validating and bullying mean the same thing.

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