Anti gun myths about armed good guys are again proven wrong in Walmart shooting...

Are more guns helpful? In Wal-Mart shooting, armed shoppers hinder police investigation

Are more guns helpful? In Wal-Mart shooting, armed shoppers hinder police investigation

But police in Thornton, Colo., said that in this case the well-intentioned gun carriers set the stage for chaos, stalling efforts to capture the suspect in the Wednesday night shooting that killed three people.

None of the armed civilians fired their weapons, and the suspect managed to flee the store"

Wrong.....that is a lile....the only thing they hindered was looking at the video....the guy murdered two people and left long before the police were able to get there...which means if he had gone deeper into the store, those gun owners would have been the only thing to stop him...since the police, with their guns, wouldn't be there...
There was a shooting at a Walmart, two people were killed one injured.......Walmart allows concealed carry in their stores. The day this happened, when the shooting started, armed citizens drew their weapons...and held their positions and waited for the police to arrive.....they did not shoot the police, the did not shoot each other, they were not shot by the police who arrived......minutes later......

So, the anti gun myth about armed citizens and mass public shootings is shown to be a myth...again...just like the Dallas police shooting,and the Giffords shooting....

Armed citizens do not create problems for the police.....they do allow other people to survive...since the police are 3-5 minutes out during any shooting event.....

Colorado Walmart's Armed Innocents Hampered Police. Or Not. - The Truth About Guns

First, the police weren’t on scene when the killer fired his gun; they arrived after the perp had escaped. Second, the armed good guys didn’t shoot other armed good guys (no shots were fired by anyone other than the bad guy). And third, other reports indicate that the killer scarpered after he caught sight of armed opposition.

Given these facts one could easily argue that armed defenders prevented greater loss of life. And that all the anti-gun rights hysteria about the presence of armed innocents making\ cops’ jobs harder is a bunch of horsesh*t. I mean, how exactly did these armed Americans threaten public safety?


Nine-point-nine times out of ten, the police are not the first responders to an act of violence. The innocent people being attacked are the first responders. The idea that they should be disarmed to make it easier for armed police to respond — most often after the fact — is to say that it’s OK to sacrifice innocent life on the altar of imagined efficiency. It isn’t.

Besides, as National Association for Gun Rights Prez Dudley Brown told the Times, “In that situation, what are people supposed to do? Lay down on the floor and draw chalk marks around themselves?”
Three were killed because they were Hispanic. That's it, and that asshole had GUN. Sad!
Looks like he got a dishonorable discharge......some are saying this should have kept him from getting that rifle.....another gun control fail?
There was a shooting at a Walmart, two people were killed one injured.......Walmart allows concealed carry in their stores. The day this happened, when the shooting started, armed citizens drew their weapons...and held their positions and waited for the police to arrive.....they did not shoot the police, the did not shoot each other, they were not shot by the police who arrived......minutes later......

So, the anti gun myth about armed citizens and mass public shootings is shown to be a myth...again...just like the Dallas police shooting,and the Giffords shooting....

Armed citizens do not create problems for the police.....they do allow other people to survive...since the police are 3-5 minutes out during any shooting event.....

Colorado Walmart's Armed Innocents Hampered Police. Or Not. - The Truth About Guns

First, the police weren’t on scene when the killer fired his gun; they arrived after the perp had escaped. Second, the armed good guys didn’t shoot other armed good guys (no shots were fired by anyone other than the bad guy). And third, other reports indicate that the killer scarpered after he caught sight of armed opposition.

Given these facts one could easily argue that armed defenders prevented greater loss of life. And that all the anti-gun rights hysteria about the presence of armed innocents making\ cops’ jobs harder is a bunch of horsesh*t. I mean, how exactly did these armed Americans threaten public safety?


Nine-point-nine times out of ten, the police are not the first responders to an act of violence. The innocent people being attacked are the first responders. The idea that they should be disarmed to make it easier for armed police to respond — most often after the fact — is to say that it’s OK to sacrifice innocent life on the altar of imagined efficiency. It isn’t.

Besides, as National Association for Gun Rights Prez Dudley Brown told the Times, “In that situation, what are people supposed to do? Lay down on the floor and draw chalk marks around themselves?”
Three were killed because they were Hispanic. That's it, and that asshole had GUN. Sad!

And 8 were run over in New York because they were Americans.....and that asshole had a rental truck.......89 were murdered because they weren't muslim, in France, and that asshole had a rental truck....see a pattern....?

That is you talking to the mirror, buddy. I am armed iaw the law. The difference is I am sane and principled. You . . . meh.

First off I ain't your 'buddy' 2nd, if you are armed you should give up your gun like you want everyone else to do.

That is you talking to the mirror, buddy. I am armed iaw the law. The difference is I am sane and principled. You . . . meh.

First off I ain't your 'buddy' 2nd, if you are armed you should give up your gun like you want everyone else to do.
:) Touchy, eh. You should be. Only you say everyone else should give up their guns; I never did. I want sensible, sane gun regulation so crazies and people who can't get on airplane travel lists can't get guns.
And....those Swiss with rifles kept the Germans from invading their country.....
That's just full retard.
It’s 100% true. Germany invaded all their neighbors and took their gold for the war effort but 1. (Not counting Austria who just kind of joined in with them). Switzerland. And France was very well prepared for German invasion with the magonet who didn’t they invade Switzerland? They were planning too eventually, but knew it would be by far the hardest nut to crack with everyone armed and trained.
sak, give up your discourse, and consult Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive
So either you compare every 1st world country to America, and the Swiss prove guns aren’t the problem. Or you don’t compare, and look at actual statistics on gun crime with America vs other countries before and after gun control and realize guns still aren’t the problem. Pick your poison. Either way you cut it guns aren’t the problem.
Leo, your confirmation bias and fallacy of false equivalency trip you up, gun bunny.

Jake, your empty accusations and lack of any kind of pertinent response have caused you to fall flat on your face in this discussion. Your little made up names are cute but foolish. Are you an armed or unarmed bunny? :Boom2::crybaby::dig:
That is you talking to the mirror, buddy. I am armed iaw the law. The difference is I am sane and principled. You . . . meh.
I w

That is you talking to the mirror, buddy. I am armed iaw the law. The difference is I am sane and principled. You . . . meh.

First off I ain't your 'buddy' 2nd, if you are armed you should give up your gun like you want everyone else to do.
:) Touchy, eh. You should be. Only you say everyone else should give up their guns; I never did. I want sensible, sane gun regulation so crazies and people who can't get on airplane travel lists can't get guns.
Read regulating guns will not do anything. We obviously have a problem with our society that is what we’re teaching our children we teach our children that were ruining the environment we teach our children that humans are bad we teach our children the killing unborn children is OK we teach children that segments of society are to be hated (even our President) now we’re all surprised that this kind of crap is happening. What a bunch of shit. Maybe all liberals should be disarmed?
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Skull Pilot continues to falsify deliberately. I have not criticized CCWs at all. I am saying they did not interfere, which was the right move. So, by not interfering, one cannot argue that CCW overwhelmingly prevents crime.

It prevents crime when used in SELF DEFENSE.
But that doesn't matter to you does it?
Now YOU are narrowing, appropriately so.
For one I never said CCW permits prevent crime.

And quite frankly I don't give a shit if they do.

CCW permit holders do not increase crime either and that's really all that matters.
With all the gun bunny agitprop, they can't get around the US gun violence and death rate far exceed that of the UK.

All gun bunnies do is keep posting material that is not applicable.

SO what?

Guns are not the single variable that determines the difference in the murder rates

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